Malaysians are losing patience on Ibrahim Ali & UMNO who are trying to create a civil war in Malaysia, there is a limit to patience

Gerak Aman? I understand Perkasa has its right to expression but perhaps it could have chosen a bit telling of a theme. Counter rally? This in itself renders the theme misleading. This is more like Gerak Anti-Bersih which is nothing more than an antagonistic retaliation to Bersih's peaceful rally.

It's a bit wishful to expect the public to be misled because it's all quite contradictory. You could have held your convention on another more appropriate day. Why take a confrontational stance against a good segment of the public to seek better voting conditions.

So it's easy for the people to accept the notion that Perkasa and UMNO are indeed one. Since that's the case, there should be an available provider of cash to Perkasa. Judging from their skyscraper of an illuminated tower for HQ, they should be flushed with cash. It's also expected that a lot of cash is required to mobilize members. There's no need to play the pauper.

The impression he's giving of course is that he is in cahoots with the Police, Najib and Hiss; to ensure that the peaceful Bersih rally does not take place - that they will go to any length, create all obstacles to prevent the rally. It only confirms the lack of respectability, truthfulness and patriotism amongst them; which all of us have suspected for a long time.

This monkey is real asshole and out to create trouble.Bersih is having rally in stadium.It does not has any concern with him.This provocative monkey should be held under ISA. Come on BN,you loss my vote because of the monkey. BINATANG ibrahim !! i command you to be rotten in the hell!!

Baguslah. Ibrahim Ali has been waiting for this moment to bring his followers out to show BERSIH he got bigger support. Well, he got it now to show how much he is worth. Cakap saja tiada guna. Let see who can command bigger crowd. Go ahead Brahim, choose a stadium of your choice, after all you said you are the suara rakyat, come on, let's see what you really got. Don't whine, nobody is on your way now.

I dont know about u readers but i am VERY sure where my vote will go to, i have had enough of this threats and madness by UMNO.

I want to make a difference, I must stand up and be counted, for all who read this pls ask yourselves if u are ready for the ouster of UMNO!!!

We must band together..Malays/Chinese?Indians/Sarawakians?Sabahans and get UMNO out or we will live to regret to see our children suffer the fate we have suffered thus far,,,i want to u??

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