Is BN/Umno Using The King To Stop BERSIH 2.0???

The Malaysian Monarch, Sultan Mizan has asked the the BN/Umno Regime and the organizers of BERSIH 2.0 to talk with each other. This is rather strange coming from His Majesty when you consider the following developments:

1. The Sultan of Pahang, Sultan Ahmad Shah has decreed that BERSIH 2.0 is illegal and has warned Malaysians not to be involved with it.

2. Deputy Inspector General of Police, Khalid Abu Bakar has said that the Police is not going to negotiate with BERSIH 2.0

3. Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein has declared BERSIH 2.0 as ILLEGAL!

Against such a backdrop, it does not make sense for BERRSIH to talk to anybody as the BN/ UMno Government has declared BERSIH 2.0 as ILLEGAL and the Sultan of Pahang has also decreed it as illegal.

The Scribe has a funny feeling that the King will ask BERSIH 2.0 to call off the Rally. The fact that Umno Youth is calling off its demonstration and now Ibrahim Ali saying that Perkasa will go ahead with its counter-march against the Bersih 2.0 rally on Saturday if the coalition does not back down, gives the impression that PM Najib Razak is using the King to stop BERSIH 2.0 because if the Rally goes on, BN/Umno will certainly be doomed. If BERSIH 2.0 goes ahead, then Najib can pin the blame on BERSIH and Pakatan Rakyat for any trouble started by Perkasa, the Silat Group and the Police. Najib can also accuse BERSIH 2.0 and Pakatan Rakyat of waging War against the King.

The first thing the King should do is to order the immediate and unconditional release of all those arrested pertaining to BERSIH 2.0. The King should also rebuke the BN/Umno regime of Najib Razak for allowing the likes of Perkasa and other Malay NGO's together with Utusan Malaysia and all the other BN/Umno linked MSM for intimidating the non Malay Malaysians.

His Majesty must remember that 40 percent of his LOYAL SUBJECTS are non Malays and non Muslims. He must be SEEN to be protecting their rights and interests as well and not just give mere lip service. DAULAT TUANKU!


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