Malaysia is going to be bankrupt by 2019, if UMNO is still the ruling government

If I were to be able to get all the money back Mahathir and his gang wasted..I can build the following:

1.5 public hospitals per state..cutting edge technology hosptAL specialized for one treatment. ( right now if I send this fellow to Klang GH ..he will die within 24 hours)

2. 3 public universities(world class) per state..some states 5 depending on the teen population..all go free shit about moolayu.cina or india..and parents just pay the tuition fees.

3. Focus more on English downstream. ie..kindergartens and primary that by time they reach the secondary they are fluent and ready to compete. with the world.Increase school subsidies and build better school and infrastructures. Put more effort into sports and competing on the field like before.

4. Stop all the crap of asramas and Islamisation..because this is brainwashing Malay children to look at others as kafirs/dhimmits and second class citizens..this must stop as a result they do not have self esteem and feeL psychologically inferior to others to compete and keep asking for more help.

5. Stop this crap that Malays are superior.(kETUANAN MELAYU).for it is total we are all from AN AFRICAN ROOT.

6. Allow intermarriage without forced integrate the races...for no religion is superior and there is no superior heaven for nobody.Stop this bullshit..if anybody says there is one..ask him to go there first and come back with proof.

7. Stop stupid Ulamas from giving stupid fatwas that confuse the Musllims ie encourage them to anybody's house to celebrate without fear of Allah killing them.

8. Stop racially lined and religious parties to run this beautiful country of ours..MY MOTHER MALAYSIA.

9.STOP Talaks ..because they are eating into our taxes to pay single mothers and abandoned children. Encourage one husband one wife familes..( you will see a major reduction in mat rempits/drug addicts and effeminate malays.

10 . Put the onus on the policeman or politician to prove that he is wrong the moment he is a suspect for power abuse or bribe.

11. Shoot drug distributors/ rapists/pedophiles on the spot and 10 percent commission takers for government projects( must shoot this fellow first)..they eat free rakyat money.


13. Stop privatising and putting some Minister /his wife-wives/his concubine/his brother/his uncle on the board who no nothing shit about running a business.(for eg;MAS) and we keep paying toll and increased fees for every damn shit.( for ex: astro..

14. STOP GIVING directorships based on titles and government connections..again who know no shit about being on the board..and end up screwing and melting the company down ( for ex: Perwaja/ proton)

15. Get everyone to join the civil shit about Malay quota..because if the young Malays are educated well to compete they would not stand and wait to work and die in the civil service.
You will see a balance and better work attitudes.

16. If you are the government..fair play..even support the opposition if it benefits the rakyat...

17. STOP ABUSING OUR OIL MONEY AND GIVE AN ACCOUNT.( this fellow whacked about 800 accounts the last 22 years)

18. Improve the nations transport using honest affirmative action..( not by giving 3000 free taxi permits to one company)

20. Bank Negara must be more vigilant...and pull out Ministers and those with connections who do money laundering. Right now Zeti..close one eye..maybe both sometimes..(how did our millions get transferred out of this country???)

Maybe the foreign media should ask Mahathir? Are you willing to return all the money taken out this country??

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