Malaysian Police is corrupt and violent

Malaysian police have been abusing powers of preventive detention and should no longer be able to use internal security laws, EO to sidestep courts and lock up suspects.

There were some troubling information about public security in Malaysia. It found that police were brutal, inept and the most corrupt among the government's departments, with thousand formal corruption complaints in 2000-2011.

Malaysia's notorious Internal Security Act (ISA), EO, which it says has been used to jail political dissidents for two or more years without trial. The Act itself is anti-Communist relic from the times of British colonial rule. Recently EO was used against PSM memebers to detain them without trial for 60 days.

"Preventive laws are not necessary as they breach individual's human rights and deny one's right to be tried in the open court as provided under the constitution and universal human rights laws,"

Malaysia should demandfrom Home Ministry and Police that anyone detained under the Act should appear before a magistrate within 24 hours of his arrest and should be allowed to see family and lawyers immediately to seek legal representation. "This right has to be preserved,"

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