Former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has been praised by many,
especially UMNO members and other apple polishers. He has been praised
for the privatization of Malaysia, his Vision 2020, his political
maneuvers and economic policies, but none of these have made Malaysia a
great nation.
Instead, as a result of Mahathir’s ham-fisted policies, Malaysia has
been downgraded and perceived to be trolling at the lowest levels with
other rogue regimes such as Zimbabwe and Myanmar. Even Vietnam has
caught up, while Indonesia has left us far behind.
No wonder the 86-year-old Mahathir is trying to salvage his legacy, but even his best-seller biography A Doctor in the House won't
make him popular again. In the eyes of his countrymen, whatever that
Mahathir has done, planned, implemented and envisioned, has failed
Not tough enough! More clampdowns needed!

Mahathir, it may well seem that his plans have suddenly gone into
disarray right in front of his own eyes. He can't accept that it could
be him at fault and instead is blaming his successors for not clamping
down harder on the people.
And this is why the political temperature in the country has shot up of
late with police brutality becoming the norm in policing techniques and
everyday life. Mahathir is still very powerful, bolstered by the
enormous wealth accumulated by his sons, cronies and family during his
22-year rule from 1981 to 2003. He knows he has made many mistakes but
won’t admit it and this is why current premier Najib Razak is scrambling
to please him.
Without Mahathir, Najib would be kicked out as the Umno president and
thereby the country's PM almost immediately. Without an electoral
mandate of his own and facing serious infighting from within his own
UMNO party, Najib knows his limitations.
This is why the 58-year-old has U-turned on all his earlier grandiose
promises of reform, although critics may also be right in their view
that Najib was never really serious about bringing much-need change to
Malaysia either.
Wants to be THE BOSS once again

every facet of Malaysia goes down one by one, Mahathir remains in a
state of denial. Publicly, he says he can’t bear to see Malaysia sliding
within his own life time and he can’t do anything about it. But don’t
rush to empathize, one might be mistaken.
Critics say he does not care that much about Malaysia at all. Mahathir
is only interested in his own legacy, which has crumbled, and of course
to see his son Mukhriz made the Mentri Besar or chief minister of Kedah
before being catapulted into the PM's chair when it is time for Najib to
step down.
Najib may have taken over from Abdullah Badawi but there is no doubt he
indirectly inherited the mountain of socio-economic problems dogging
Malaysia from Mahathir. It is Mahathir who led Malaysia into huge debt
as the great majority of his mega projects were implemented on borrowed
National oil firm Petronas was milked dry to bail out the firms
controlled by his cronies and sons whenever these projects turned sour
as they invariably did. With such rampant corruption and mismanagement,
plus a policy priority to enrich the elite leaders in Umno, the
privatization of Malaysia became dysfunctional without any proper
business management practices. This in effect made Malaysia incompetent
and uncompetitive.
Now, Mahathir wants to wear his 'economic top dog' hat again. It is
clear he still wants to call the shots. Just days ago, he told a foreign
news interview that a Greek pullout from the Euro Zone, plus even a
China economic slowdown, could not affect Malaysia.
But who is he kidding? Central Bank Negara chief Zeti Aziz has admitted
that it would be "unimaginable" if Greece failed to stay on the Euro
course for financial reform. Trade-dependent Malaysia would surely be
hit one way or another by the ensuing global ripple and the more so when
its National Debt is now at RM560 billion and growing.
So why did Mahathir try to gloss over the possibility of financial
catastrophe but minced no words when he talked about Najib's "weak"
position. The older man readily said that despite being able to escape
the effects of an external economic meltdown, Najib should defer holding
the 13th general election till later this year.
weak, he has to respond to the criticisms. But when you are faced with
this problem anything you do is not enough... maybe sometime in the next
five months before the end of the year,” Mahathir told Bloomberg,
referring to the best timing for the GE-13.
Personal stake in GE-13

in GE-13, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim and his Pakatan Rakyat
coalition are rated to have an even chance of wresting the federal
government - the first-ever regime change in Malaysia since the British
colonizers left in 1957.
It certainly did not go unnoticed when Mahathir came out strongly to
back Najib for ordering the most violent police crackdown on civilians
ever during the April 28, 2012, Bersih 3.0 rally for free and fair
Not only did Mahathir stoutly defend the use of brute force on peaceful
marchers, he also accused the Bersih organizers of conspiring with Anwar
and Pakatan to topple the BN government with a Tahrir Square or Arab
Spring-type of people's uprising. No one was surprised when Najib
promptly echoed Mahathir's words.
The older man then followed up by warning that if Pakatan won GE-13,
there would be "unceasing violence". His political posturing and
maneuvering was roundly condemned and his motives slammed as being evil
and "dangerous".
"What is evident is that Mahathir has a personal stake in the outcome in
the next general elections as to cause him to do his utmost, including
concocting lies and falsehoods that Bersih 3.0 was a 'warm-up' by
Pakatan Rakyat for violent demonstrations to reject the results of the
next elections if the Opposition should fail it or that the Malays will
lose political power in their own country if UMNO is defeated," said DAP
adviser Lim Kit Siang.
it be that it has sunk in on him after the Bersih 3.0 rally that UMNO
and Barisan Nasional can be voted out of power in Putrajaya in the next
general election, and this meant that the long list of financial
scandals and abuses of power in his 22 years as Prime Minister could
finally be the subject of a full inquiry and he is doing his utmost to
prevent the full story of his 22-year premiership from being told?
Mahathir now the de-facto PM

sure, Mahathir is worried sick for himself and his family. A look as to
how Indonesia resolved the corruption of former president Suharto and
the fabulous wealth accumulated by his family would indeed spark the
chills for Mahathir. Not only would wealth be impounded, jail terms,
lengthy court trials and total disgrace are on the cards.
But Mahathir is either made of sterner stuff or believes that his luck
has far from run out. Instead of planning or negotiating for the best
exit, he is now trying hard to promote his son Mukhriz as the next Kedah
chief minister, while making statement and offering unsolicited advice
as if he were still the PM.
The drama and Mahathir's outspoken comments of the past few days have
not been lost on other Umno leaders, nor on their Pakatan rivals.
"There is obviously a huge split in Umno and they are not able to come
to terms. Otherwise there is no reason for Mahathir to publicly advise
Najib to delay GE-13. He could have just made a phone call. Mahathir
wants UMNO to know that if Najib delays GE-13 to September or even to
2013, Najib still has his support," PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.
"Yes, Dr M is terrified of losing GE-13 but before that is the Umno
party elections. He and Najib will go all out to ensure their men win
and the rest will be sidelined. The Badawi faction, the Tengku Razaleigh
faction and even Muhyiddin Yassin (the current Deputy Prime Minister)
will find themselves marginalized. This looks like the deal Dr M has
struck with Najib. Mahathir will be the de-facto PM, Najib will just
provide the facade. He and Rosmah will go on official overseas functions
and walkabouts. But the serious social and economic policies will go
back to the Mahathir table. Yes, Mahathirism is back and we have to be
very careful and on guard."
Not enough to stop the exodus into Pakatan

Umno party polls is slated for October 2012, while speculation is rife
that GE-13 will now be in September or even next year and not mid-June
or July as previously touted.
A grand BN rally due to take place on June 17 had been expected to
provide Najib the platform to declare a July ballot but after the
massive fallout from his mishandling of Bersih 3.0 and Mahathir's
inability to regain public popularity and respect, chances are higher
for GE-13 to take place later this year or early next year. BN's mandate
to rule expires in March 2013.
Meanwhile, the expected exodus of Umno-BN members and civil servants to
the Pakatan has moved into higher gear, with the latest snare being the
former Solicitor-General Yusof Zainal Abiden, UIA professor Aziz Bari
and Brigadier-General Abdul Hadi Abdul Khattab, who all joined Anwar's
PKR, while former Bukit Aman CID chief Fauzi Shaari joined PAS.
Malaysia Chronicle