Yet another egg on Hishammuddin's face
'Thank you, inspector-general of police Ismail Omar. At least, you have balls to correct your minister.'
IGP: Seizing reporters' cameras not police SOP
Hishammuddin Hussein, this is another egg on your face. The job of home
minister is simply too big for you. You and your cousin have turned our
police into a rogue force for Umno's rough use.
You have destroyed the credibility of the police and shamed the officers and men who have to carry out their orders from above.
Much as I'm outraged by the brutality of some of our police officers, I also feel sorry for our police force as a whole. In that sense, I agree that the police have been victimised, not by Bersih, but by the regime.
TruthSansBorders: What about smashing of handphones and attacking the citizens? Are these SOP (standard operation procedure)?
Akutuan: Thank you, inspector-general of police Ismail Omar. At least, you have balls to correct your minister.
IGP, for this, I salute you. Hishammuddin, next time please do your homework.
Changed: The way the unarmed rakyat was bullied, chased, kicked by leather boots, punched, hit by batons, shields, tear gassed, and sprayed with chemical-laced water, it is not surprising that cameras and memory cards had to be confiscated and destroyed by the police.
These items would show the truth, how brutally and unjustifiably the unarmed rakyat were treated.
In any case, it is documented by thousands of cameras, and the foreign press, together with the team headed by an Australian senator here to evaluate our election system.
He too was gassed at the sit-in protest. He certainly will have a report to write.
Gobsmacked!: I think it is time for Hisham to step down and retire from politics.
First, there was the kissing of the keris at the Umno assembly some years back to show his arrogance for which he felt compelled to apologise in 2008, then there was the way he handled the cow-head incident when he indicated that he sided with the troublemakers who were out to start an incident to enable BN to forcefully take back control over the Selangor state government.
Then he belittled the people who took part in the Bersih 3.0 rally and now he does not even know the SOP of the police but speaking as though he did.
The reason the IGP had to come out with the clarification is because the police must have felt embarrassed by the ignorance of their defender - the right honourable home minister.
It's time for you to go, Hisham, before they kick you out.
Anonymous #02382443: What right has the police to take the cameras from the public, unless a crime is committed with the cameras? Are the people not free to take photographs?
IGP: Seizing reporters' cameras not police SOP
You have destroyed the credibility of the police and shamed the officers and men who have to carry out their orders from above.
Much as I'm outraged by the brutality of some of our police officers, I also feel sorry for our police force as a whole. In that sense, I agree that the police have been victimised, not by Bersih, but by the regime.
TruthSansBorders: What about smashing of handphones and attacking the citizens? Are these SOP (standard operation procedure)?
Akutuan: Thank you, inspector-general of police Ismail Omar. At least, you have balls to correct your minister.
IGP, for this, I salute you. Hishammuddin, next time please do your homework.
Changed: The way the unarmed rakyat was bullied, chased, kicked by leather boots, punched, hit by batons, shields, tear gassed, and sprayed with chemical-laced water, it is not surprising that cameras and memory cards had to be confiscated and destroyed by the police.
These items would show the truth, how brutally and unjustifiably the unarmed rakyat were treated.
In any case, it is documented by thousands of cameras, and the foreign press, together with the team headed by an Australian senator here to evaluate our election system.
He too was gassed at the sit-in protest. He certainly will have a report to write.
Gobsmacked!: I think it is time for Hisham to step down and retire from politics.
First, there was the kissing of the keris at the Umno assembly some years back to show his arrogance for which he felt compelled to apologise in 2008, then there was the way he handled the cow-head incident when he indicated that he sided with the troublemakers who were out to start an incident to enable BN to forcefully take back control over the Selangor state government.
Then he belittled the people who took part in the Bersih 3.0 rally and now he does not even know the SOP of the police but speaking as though he did.
The reason the IGP had to come out with the clarification is because the police must have felt embarrassed by the ignorance of their defender - the right honourable home minister.
It's time for you to go, Hisham, before they kick you out.
Anonymous #02382443: What right has the police to take the cameras from the public, unless a crime is committed with the cameras? Are the people not free to take photographs?
Multi Racial: Something is very wrong with former PM
Dr Mahathir Mohamad. The last time when the public was angry with him
for bailing out former MAS boss Tajudin Ramli, his excuse was that
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, his successor as premier, was even worse.
Now Bersih wants the Election Commission chief and his deputy to resign. Mahathir's excuse was that there was nothing wrong as there are also PAS members in government.
Sorry, Dr M, you are wrong. The EC chief and his deputy are required by law to be impartial and therefore cannot be associated with any political party.
As for other government services, if there is no rule saying otherwise, then anyone can join a political party. So please, Mahathir, know your facts before you comment. Otherwise you may make yourself look foolish.
Kee Thuan Chye: Mahathir is talking rubbish - yet again. Of course, civil servants can be members of political parties, but if you are the chairman or deputy chairman of the Election Commission, which is supposed to be independent and neutral, that's a different story.
That's simple common sense. In any case, there is no substance in what Mahathir said to back up his point. It was not worth reporting even. Unless it was to show up his lack of common sense.
Malaysia Abu: The Election Commission is an independent commission; it does not belong to the government per se. Just like judges, those sitting on commissions must be perceived by the public as not having any conflict of interest.
How can a party member conduct an election where his own party is also participating?
If Umno does not participate in any election, then we (the voters) may not mind an Umno member to be the EC chief.
Dark Archon: Mahathir, if you needed major surgery, would you put yourself in the hands of a doctor, who is a relative of your sworn enemy?
Now Bersih wants the Election Commission chief and his deputy to resign. Mahathir's excuse was that there was nothing wrong as there are also PAS members in government.
Sorry, Dr M, you are wrong. The EC chief and his deputy are required by law to be impartial and therefore cannot be associated with any political party.
As for other government services, if there is no rule saying otherwise, then anyone can join a political party. So please, Mahathir, know your facts before you comment. Otherwise you may make yourself look foolish.
Kee Thuan Chye: Mahathir is talking rubbish - yet again. Of course, civil servants can be members of political parties, but if you are the chairman or deputy chairman of the Election Commission, which is supposed to be independent and neutral, that's a different story.
That's simple common sense. In any case, there is no substance in what Mahathir said to back up his point. It was not worth reporting even. Unless it was to show up his lack of common sense.
Malaysia Abu: The Election Commission is an independent commission; it does not belong to the government per se. Just like judges, those sitting on commissions must be perceived by the public as not having any conflict of interest.
How can a party member conduct an election where his own party is also participating?
If Umno does not participate in any election, then we (the voters) may not mind an Umno member to be the EC chief.
Dark Archon: Mahathir, if you needed major surgery, would you put yourself in the hands of a doctor, who is a relative of your sworn enemy?
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