Malaysians are angry with Najib for brutalizing the rakyat in Bersih rally

I didn’t have time to pen down the implications of Bersih 3.0 as quickly as I wanted. After the event, I had to rush to Terengganu to take part in 2 ceramahs in Bukit Payung and Kuala Brang. For that brief interlude, one UMNO underling quickly announced that I have no more capital to write. Well unfortunately for him and UMNO, my brain isn’t ready to fossilize.  Here are my initial thoughts on Bersih 3.0.
We salute all the Bersih participants who have struck terror into the hearts of the UMNO and BN potentates.

If Dataran Merdeka is hallowed and deified ground, then BN and UMNO have already lost the next elections.  Najib must be shitting bricks now. Ouch! 

His most prized possession, Dataran Merdeka has been breached despite the barricades and the presence of the police armed to the teeth with crowd repellant and dispersal instruments. The instruments of oppression and suppression are only used by government afraid of its people. On 28th April 2012, the Najib government shows it fears the people.

The capture of Dataran Merdeka is symbolic because it antecedes the breach of Putrajaya. Just like Dataran Merdeka, Najib can shout himself coarse and till blue in the face that he is determined to protect Putrajaya at all cost; you can only do that if you kill your own citizens. Is Najib ready to bloody his hands just as Idi Amin and Mbotu and other 3rd world potentates did?

Have we gone African now?

This is an object lesson to Najib. You can’t stop the rising awareness. The age of paying people is over. That is what it really is. People as far and Sabah and Sarawak converged in the federal capital armed with one unifying nucleic element- awareness. Bersih have the properties of being nucleic, that means it functions as a means providing the building blocks, to the formation of a larger organic life- a nation of free people who can and will exercise freedom of choice. It transfers information from one generation to another. The most portent information that Bersih provided on the 28th of April, is that people need not fear the regime anymore. It need not fear the shrilled and incendiary noises coming from that useful idiot- Ibrahim Ali and his brigands. Bersih is nucleic in the sense it educates and enlightens feeding people with information leading to the eventual outcome- the overthrow of an unpopular regime. 

This is an unpopular regime which can sustain itself by paying off citizens to forestall the inevitable. It behaves just like how Najib would behave personally- solving problem by paying his way through. He manages the country like he manages UMNO Bahagian Pekan- playing off his underlings against one another and paying and corrupting the lumpenproletriat. 

Najib’s government no longer exists as government with the credibility and legitimacy if it can only sustain itself with lies, with blatant corruption and paying its way through, with rampant thievery through bizarre corporate and business deals. It cannot any longer claim legitimacy and credibility if it sustains itself through intimidation and bullying. 

The unelected mayor of Kuala Lumpur forgets he is unelected and also forgets that his office is in the federal territory. It is here that BN only got one seat out of the 11 parliamentary seats. He exhibits a first rate 3rd world mentality- a minion parroting what his masters dictate him to say. And so, he pronounced the Dataran Merdeka- where the first shouts of Freedom reverberated, to be a restricted and chained premises. That irony escapes no one. Dataran Merdeka which symbolizes freedom, denies people the right of peaceful assembly? 

The mainstream newspapers captured the snapshot scene of bersih participants rushing to lay their hands on an overturned police car. Moments earlier the police had` lost control’ over the car and the master-less car rammed into a sea of people. So the mainstreams papers, as they normally do, lost no time in declaring the rowdy people overturned a police car. The hard truth was, people were rushing towards the car to restore its upright position fearing that people may be trapped under the car. 

They have lost tomorrow’s election today. Dataran Merdeka has now become a disgraced name. It doesn’t stand up to its namesake- it’s supposed to impute into the term, the attributes which the word freedom invokes. One of the most important attributes being the freedom for peaceful assembly. 

Look at the composition. This time around, the participants included a large number of non-Malays. This shows Bersih is a unifying theme that cuts across ethnic barriers. Keeping the barriers intact has been the obsession of the BN regime. It wants the people to disintegrate under racial confrontation. The fact that Bersih has been able to bring Malaysians together, strikes terror to the racist policies of UMNO and BN. 

This time around, 80% of the Bersih participants are young people- where is Najib getting his votes from? I have to repeat what Daim told me when Najib was telling the soothsayer he is confident that BN can win. To which the diminutive political bomoh retorted by asking, where are you getting the votes from? 

The PM for the- time- being was lost for words. We want him to be silenced come this 13th General Elections.

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