I live in a country where Institutionalized racists governs!!!

This is the sad thing about Malaysia. Whereas in other countries the government would have to legislate to ensure that there is racial equality this is not the case in Malaysia. Here, in Malaysia, it is the government that is quietly or covertly putting into practice policies and practices that discriminate and place those who are not Malays and who are in the minority at a disadvantage – in education, in seeking employment, in business – in all things Malaysians.

And it is the people that is taking the lead to learn to live with each other in spite of these polices and practices by the government of the Barisan Nasional. What a sad commentary of the realities that exists in our country. We know it so and yet we have Najib declaring our national solidarity through 1Malaysia to a Global audience. When will he ever learn? When will he ever learn?

Just think what this country would be like if we the people did not take it upon ourselves to live with each other in harmony and goodwill? If we all did not understand that whatever racial problems we had was not of our doing but that of our government?

If the Chinese, Indians and others were not able to accept that the Malays are in their ‘privilege’ position in Malaysia not because they asked to be so but because our government deem it fit to divide and rule and create a racial divide for their own vested interest. It hurts me so much when I think of this…this unnecessary racial divide that is artificially imposed upon us all by UMNO.

In Malaysia what we have is preferential treatment being exercised in different sectors: housing, in education, in allocations of IPO’s of companies, award of Contracts, etc. etc. All apparently institutionalized. To what extent such policies are well intentioned is questionable. That is why I say we should focus on the motives behind such policies.

If Malaysians are truly racists don’t you think it funny the UMNO Malays, MCA Chinese, and MIC Indians are so friendly to one another?

Racism is actually ‘different’ in Malaysia. Malaysians of all races are generally more tolerant (and less open about their racism). The racism that exists are rarely acted out. In Malaysia, the oddity is that it is the politicians that actually openly incite the populace to act out their racist behaviors. Calling for blood and whatnot.

The problem with Malaysia is racism is openly accepted as a norm. UiTM refuses entry to non-malays. The PKNS chairman should be a Malay. Hindu temples are not allowed to be constructed near muslim majority areas. Bibles and christian publications are not allowed to use the word Allah. (despite the fact that Prophet Muhammad himself recognizes that the Christian God and the Muslim God was actually the same)

Such demands would have raised eyebrows even in racist countries like Australia. But in Malaysia, it is just accepted as an everyday occurrence and politicians brush of such issues as non-issues. In fact, the political leaders claim that it is their duty to enforce such actions as they are taking care of the sensitivities of the muslim majority to ensure harmony among all the races.

Now we have this umno ape, erecting all kinds of unnatural rules (institutionalized racism) in commerce, education, housing, you name it you have it, just to aid a particular ape or an elite ape at the expenses of other monkeys and apes.

Like all unnatural rules, when nature swept in, they will not survive because for so long, they forgot how to adapt to the harsh environment. The world will pass them by without any sorrow.

Enough of this. We wait for the next GE to do what we must so that we can all live together as one!

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