Crusaders for Cruelty

June 2, 2011, From Shenaaz Khan, via e-mail

Rulers often give a rather realistic imitation of altruism. They purge pluralistic promises to mask their innate ruthlessness. In Malaysia, prominent among the false whiskers wearers is the Department of Veterinary Services. Of all the malingering and slothful government agencies, the DVS has proven to be amongst the most ineffective and worthless of the lot.

The perfect rot that they are, they appear to also be the most competent of liars. So marvellous is this prowess that they’ve consistently used it for decades to detract, defuse and dictate the welfare of animals in this inhumane country. With their moribund state of practices, dwindling with obsolesce, they have made dead sure that almost all animal abusers, animal killers and animal neglecters enjoy punitive immunity and eternal freedom.

Of course their blatant ineptitude has been aided by a government and system that thrives on corruption and cruelty. Dr Abdul Aziz Jamaluddin, the Director General of the DVS, is undoubtedly the proud product of such a government. He is utterly useless, besmirched and ever ready to cool simmering public opinion by spewing media friendly untruths!

Case in point is the supposed BAN on dog shooting in Malaysia. In November 2010, following the ghastly council killing of a pet dog in Ipoh, Aziz smugly announced a ban on dog shooting in Malaysia. Animal lovers celebrated with hopeful hurrahs. How ignorant they were for Aziz was yet again doing what he does best- telling a barefaced lie. Truth be told, the ban merely applied to DVS officers. (Note: DVS officers have not shot dogs since rabies was eradicated some 50 years ago).

The ban, however, DID NOT apply to council dog catchers, whom many a decent Malaysian would recognise as monstrous murderers of innocent animals. Alas, amidst his grand announcement and nauseating smirks of accomplishment, Aziz failed to ooze out this vital piece of information. So for all intents and purposes, the dog shooting ban was no ban at all!

Thus, the statement by Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Noh Omar on a shiny smashing new law holds very little promise for animals of this country. New and “improved” laws with enhanced sentences and fines are worthless without competent and impartial enforcement of said laws! But competence and impartiality is clearly beyond the skill set of the Malaysian government, hence their unrelenting reluctance to act against real criminals committing real crimes.

The continued barbarianism perpetrated by councils and individuals speaks volumes of the governments’ effectiveness in combating cruelty.

Periodical rhetoric on animal welfare, be it at open dialogues or closed door meetings, can best be described as political posturing and has no real value or worth.

The Serdang kitten killer, the poodle abuser and the Batu Pahat Council dog catchers, all of whose hideous acts were videotaped, are still at large. Despite such gripping evidence, the DVS and the Attorney Generals Chambers seem to think bringing these criminals to book a rather superfluous exercise. And so these monsters continue to roam our streets, unpunished and unrepentant. And the grisly plight of animals remains unchanged.

With Noh, Aziz and their repellent gang of callous colleagues at the helm of animal protection laws, cruel councils and animal annihilators will be allowed to further nourish the inhumane tide engulfing this country. And the crusaders of cruelty shall continue their wickedness with a wink and a nod from the powers that be.

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