Kampong Muniandy “ethnically cleansed”.
Just observe the similar fact evidence between this case and how the DAP Penang in collaboration with UMNO Neusmetro “ethnically cleansed” Kampong Buah Pala, the last traditional Indian village in Penang.
Last week the racist PKR Selangor Menteri Besar like racist Lim Guan Eng play acted that a stop work order had been issued against Peter Brickworks but on a day to day basis the building works are going on under the PKR Menteri Besar’s watchful eyes.
Then his racist DAP Exco Ronnie Liu, Exco Iskandar and PKR MP Hee Loy Sian and ADUN Hanizah all kosong “turun padang”. (Note DAP Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng similarly promised to get a High Court Order to stop the transfer of the Kampong Buah Pala land to UMNO’s Neusmetro based on the trust the Brown family gave the Indian poor of Kampong Buah Pala.
And in today’s Malaysiakini.com (4/6/2011) this very same PKR Selangor M.B. says that the Selangor Government would kosong seize Peter Brickwork’s land.
And after the dust settles down, PKR would get their coffers and pockets filled like how Lim Guan Eng got the new DAP head quarters on the Kampong Buah Pala “blood money” and “tears money” in addition to his pocket filled.
Win win win for PKR, DAP and the UMNO developers yet again.
And lose lose lose for the Indian poor who are politically and economically weak, vulnerable and the soft targets.
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