Racist PSD and other scholarships to continue confusion and to promote UMNO racism and religious supremacy.

NAJIB N kugnenthiran

The racist UMNO trademark and benchmark vis a vis the Indian poor is to rule by grossly abusing their powers, violating the Federal Constitution and Laws by using their one million civil servants, police force, army and Malay Tiga Line gangsters (police, army and silat groups in civil clothes).

Article 8 of the Federal Constitution 8(1) provides that all persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law and Article 8(2) provides that there shall be no discrimination against citizens on the ground only of religion, race, descent of place of birth.
Article 12 of the Federal Constitution – rights in respect of education. Article 12(1) read, "Without prejudice to the generality of Article 8, there shall be no discrimination against any citizen on the grounds only of religion, race and descent of place of birth in the admission to any higher education institution that is government funded."

But UMNO gets away by creating confusion and denying thousands of especially Indian poor top and high achieving students due and rightful PSD, Petronas, MARA, Sime Darby scholarships etc.
But with this NST headlines, UMNO after their usual wayang kulit treats this matter as closed. This is exactly what UMNO has been doing in over the last 54 years since Independence. Only to continue with their racism again next year and for the Indian poor to keep begging UMNO.
UMNO claims the 86 top 9A+ (non malay) students will now be given PSD scholarships at private Universities.

Thereafter what ever happens to them will remain a mystery under UMNO’s fascist rule by confusion.

Thousands of top and high achieving especially Indian poor students will be suppressed by UMNO to become nurses when their full potential is to become a doctor. They end up becoming clerks in legal firms when their full potential is to become lawyers. They end up becoming technicians when their full potential is to be qualify as engineers. They end up as accounts clerks when their full potential is to qualify as Certified Public Accountants. One Malay-sia is the world’s only country which suppresses the best brains simply because they are the poor Indian minority.

Every year thousands of these top and high achieving Indian students cry silently for weeks and months and powerless to do anything, just go on with life under the racist and religious supremacist UMNO facist regime, the world’s only remaining apartheid regime. The world’s only evil and racist bully.

To HRP this issue is never resolved until all Malaysian students and not excluding and segregating especially all the Indian poor SPM students scoring 5As’ and above should be granted PSD scholarships or study loans. For all 8A+ and above the course of their first choice.
And an Equal Opportunities Commission with at least 51% UN nominated members as Commissioners to give effect to this equality and equal opportunity to all.

But even the pseudo “multi-racial” PKR, DAP, PAS, NGOs, the Malaysian “civil society” and the Indian elite will not support this our proposal as they fear losing the 60% Malay muslims votes.
So to shut us up they call us racist, Indian Perkasa, etc.

But our march for equality and equal opportunities goes on irrespective.
Rights not Mercy.

(see NST 2/6/2011 headlines and The Star 2/6/2011 at page 4)
Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice

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