RPK is claiming that Tan Sri Muhiyiddin, Tun Dr Mahathir and Dato Mukhriz is conspiring to topple the Prime Minister (Najib) post the results of a General Election. He argues that the 3M group are quite certain that BN will perform as badly as they had in 2008 giving them the ammunition required to force out Dato Seri Najib as Tun had forced out Pak Lah.
The scariest part of this conspiracy is that Dato Mukhriz is slotted to become Deputy Prime Minister. I think that is not likely , but Mukhriz will probably get a big Cabinet position instead.
However, eventhough many won't be able to digest the last statement , this is not reason enough to suggest that all is well between Tun Doctor Mahathir and Dato Seri Najib. RPK goes further to add that ex-Tun-Doctor-Mahathir cronies like Vincent Tan are now avoiding him leaving Tun Doktors Mahathir out cold. That he says has angered "Bapa IPP Negara."
I think that is true. My first clear evidence of all things being less than well between DSN and Tun Doctors Mahathir was during the Malaysian Grand Prix. The body language when Tun Doctors Mahatheer was walking along side the PM was very telling to do so who can read the body language. The next thing was when Doctors Mahatheer was admitted to the hospital in a very serious condition. Even I wished Tun Doctor Mahathir would get better . But the PM had said nothing.
However that is not to say, its all been plain sailing for the Prime Minister. It is very clear that there are clear lines developing between Muhiyiddin's men and Najib's men. Take the case when the Kuala Selangor MP chidded the PM for supposedly going to Kazakshtan to visit his daugthers wedding. Only KJ was seen to be vigorously defending the PM. The other Cabinet Members were mostly quiet.
Actually this is not the first time. I think right now its quite standard that no Minister steps to defend the PM and only KJ is left holding the fort. I kind of guess its because in UMNO's political calculus, people are not incentivized to support the PM. They feel so because they see that no matter how sincere KJ is in defending the PM, he has yet to be given his rightful position.Tun Doctor Mahathir knew how important political largesse was in preserving his position. He was not shy in promoting even the most incompetent of leaders to the Cabinet. Who can forget his decision to promote Dato Ibrahm Ali (DIA) as a Deputy Minister after the Anwar episode. This was because DIA was vigorously defending Tun Doctor Mahathir in probably the same way DIA does things i.e. loud, brash, undignified and lacking in the manners befitting a gentleman.
DIA aside, the PM needs to spend his political capital before it gets depreciated. Only a strong showing in the GE will frustrate the plans of the 3M-Konspirasi. If that fails, and the 3M Conspiracy is launched lets hope for all our sakes that the warlords see Mukrhiz as the our local (male) version of Sarah Palin.
1 comment:
Hipokrit!!!!!!! Tribute to indian mothers, why not malaysian mothers? Job vacancy, chinese applicant only! Why not all malaysian? Minorities around the world r all hipokrit!!!!!
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