Umnoputeras will use whatever evil tactic they can think off to remain in power.

The value systems began crumbling under Mahathir

July 7, 2011

The ethics, morality and spirituality of this country began to decline and decay under the leadership of Dr Mahathir Mohamad. He had single-handedly engineered and usurped the independence and the sense of righteousness of those God-fearing men who once helmed our democratic institutions and replaced them with self-serving ones, subservient to him and his ambitions.

Once the checks and balance mechanism, so vital for democracy to flourish was destroyed, there was no longer any effective means to stop evil, immorality, abuses and corruption from taking root in the administration and governance of the country.

The Umnoputeras will use whatever evil tactic they can think off to remain in power. They lie to cover the many lies they committed before. However, they act as if they are angels in the eyes of the public or the international scene. Shame on these rent-seekers.

Don’t bother asking Dr M. He can’t remember any of the harm he has done to the country, including treason. All he remembers are what good he thinks he has done for the country, including creating a new class of super rich bumiputera entrepreneurs, which includes his son

Mokhzani who is listed as one of the Top 20 richest men in Malaysia.

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