MACC trio charged with robbery
Armageddon: I would imagine, the biggest crime a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commmission (MACC) officer would ever commit in his lifetime is not paying a parking fee.
But robbery is far beyond my belief. These are the people whom we put our trust in ensuring the country is free from corruption. I am 100 percent sure this is only the tip of the iceberg.
Ssshhh: If this is the quality of our MACC officers, just imagine what can be expected from the PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) and other enforcement bodies.
Imsia: The entire MACC should be revamped. They have abused their positions and taken advantage of the responsibilities assigned to them.
Vijay47: This latest episode will only be another in a long litany of shameful acts by the very bodies we hope to rely on for protection and justice.
The public quite naturally will vent their disgust and anger at not just the MACC but the entire prosecution machinery for its unbelievable record of bias, discrimination, and abject hypocrisy.
All those involved in the RM900,000 heist should of course be charged, drawn and quartered. But what of the more serious cases where the nation was milked and bilked of far greater amounts?
Is Minister in the PM's Department Nazri Abdul Aziz also going to advice the relevant GLCs (government-linked companies) to withdraw their civil suits?
Another very curious fact about the KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport) robbery is that "the case is specifically handled by the Attorney-General's Chambers in Putrajaya and not by its office in Selangor". Why?
It would seem that the AG's Chambers itself cannot trust its own officers. Then again, so what? Nobody trusts the AG himself.
FairMind: This is the sorry state in Malaysia. People get promoted not through meritocracy but by apple-polishing the powers-that-be.
The MACC officers probably thought that if Umno could do it, so could they and they will be protected. Obviously, they did not expect the incident could be recorded on CCTV and the other party would complain. It happens everywhere - MACC, the judiciary, PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police), AG's Chambers and practically every government department.
Anonymous_3fc4: The rot of the fish starts from the head.
Lbl: These officers become assistant superintendents in MACC at such a young age. They knew they could get away with taking the money, otherwise they would not have done it.
Unfortunately, something must have gone wrong. I don't know whom to turn to now when every government department seemed to have so many rotten apples.
Fairnessforall: Why are their names withheld? Is this going to be another Altantuya Shaariibuu case, where the murderers face is covered so no one knows who they are and after they are charged, they could be released with a new identity.
Since it is already clear that they robbed the moneychanger, they should be exposed.
Thinker: This is not only a case of robbery. The AG must also charge them with extortion, corruption, dereliction of duty and crime against the country.
Artchan: They will be convicted and on appeal, will go free. If they can get away with the deaths of Teoh Beng Hock and Ahmad Sarbani Mohamad, this is nothing.
Zainuddin: Why only the trio? The entire MACC should be investigated. I really cannot think of a more deserving body that needs to be scrutinised under the microscope.
Its lack of willingness to investigate high-profile cases involving the PM and his wife and other high-level ministers, as well as the deaths of Teoh Beng Hock and Customs officer Ahmad Sarbani, calls for an urgent need for this body to be investigated top down, and that should include the minister in charge too.
Meranti Kepong: Sometimes I wonder who watches the watchers, who in this case are the officers of MACC.
They are supposed to be the guardians of public corruption and yet some of them have turned into greedy rogues and they should be punished to the limits of the law if found guilty.
Rick Teo: This country has gone to the dogs. When the head of the government is corrupt, the rest will just follow. That is why we have to change the government or we are all doomed.
Kgen: The officers have been suspended with pay, but not sacked. Can you imagine that?
If Umno could do it, why not MACC?
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