IGP says sex video not doctored but refuses to tell who

Written by Sheela Sri Jaya, Malaysia Chronicle

Malaysia's top cop has revealed that the sex video which purportedly shows Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim having sex with a female prostitute was not 'doctored', drawing criticism that he was trying to help Prime Minister Najib Razak's administration turn tide of public sentiment against Anwar as the Sarawak election got into full swing.

"What the IGP has said is nothing shocking. It can easily be guessed because last week itself, Najib in his clumsy fashion alway gave their game away when he urged Malaysians to judge not Umno'role in the sex conspiracy against Anwar but whether the tape had been doctored," PKR dirctor for communitcations Nik Nazmi told Malaysia Chronicle.

"Najib's comments are not commensurate with the intelligence that a Prime Minister of a nation should have. What we have been saying is, does it matter whether the tape is authentic or not? What matters is whether the man inside the tape is Anwar or not? It is grossly unfair for the IGP to make such a statement that contains half the truth. This is another terrible slander against Anwar and it will continue to backfire."

Ismail Omar, the Inspector General of Police, had told national new agency Bernama that local experts had come to the conclusion after examining the 21-minute clip.

Christian leaders unperturbed by Hisham's provocative remarks

Written by Wong Choon Mei, Malaysia Chronicle

Christian leaders said they were unperturbed by the Home Minister’s recent remarks that suggested they were not fair or reasonable over the Malay-language Bibles or Alkitab, reiterating that they would stand by their decision not to accept any form of defacement on their holy book.

“I really don’t what the Home Minister is trying to say or what he’s talking about. Our position has not changed from the start, we continue to remain open to any discussions that lead to better understanding to each other’s views,” Christian Federation of Malaysia member Rev Thomas Philips, who is also the president of religious organisation MCCBCHST, told Malaysia Chronicle.

"But as we have stated many times, we cannot accept any form of desecration to the Bible."

The controversy over the Alkitab flared up earlier this month after the Home Ministry detained some 35,100 copies of the Alkitab at Port Klang and the Kuching port.

After much pressure from the Christian community, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said the Bibles would be released, but imposed the two conditions, namely stamping a serial number and the words 'For Christians Only'.

But that created even greater uproar, leading his ministry into dropping the serial number and changing the 'For Christians Only' tag to 'For Christianity'. But that was also rejected by the CFM on Wednesday, spurring Hisham into criticising the federation's decision.

“I hope they can come to a solution that is fair and reasonable,” Hisham had said on Thursday.

No impediments

According to Rev Thomas, the CFM made it very clear to the authorities that there should be no restrictions, proscriptions or prohibitions whatsoever on the Bible or the use of the language of their choice in the practice of their religion, as it was in the days before and after the formation of Malaysia.

CFM had previously complained that the Bible was now treated as a restricted item, and that the Word of God had been made subject to the control of man.

“In order to move forward, we call on the Government to commit itself once and for all to remove every impediment, whether legal or administrative, to the importation, publication, distribution and use of the Alkitab and indeed to protect and defend our right to use the Alkitab,” the federation had said in a statement. - Malaysia Chronicle

Muhyiddin is wrong, Interlok issue is not resolved

Written by Lim Teck Ghee

Civil society groups and other concerned individuals should not be taken in by Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s statement that the Interlok issue has been resolved. In fact, not only is it not resolved but compliance will mean that Interlok could well be extended from its present Zone 2 (Klang Valley) coverage thereafter to Zone 1, Zone 3 and Zone 4 in the rest of the country.

Interlok is a beach head for the Little Napoleons and other Ketuanan bureaucrats to impose their agenda of educational and cultural seppuku on a young captive audience.

Success in imposing Interlok will only encourage these ideologues to move further upstream and inject their indoctrination into the syllabus for the younger forms, and eventually in the primary school curriculum. The History and Moral subjects have already been tampered with. Currently the focus is on language and literature. What will be next?

Muhyiddin’s statement that nobody should politicize or exploit the issue by using NGOs is made in wilful ignorance. The fact is these organizations have been in the forefront of the campaign from the outset. It is not difficult for the Minister to determine the chronology of events with regard to the emergence and growth of public (but hardly any political) consciousness, concern and agitation on the book.

A quick glance at news and reports from the websites will show that civil society organizations such as NIAT, Hartal MSM, and the Centre for Policy Initiatives have provided analysis and public feedback for several months now on the unsuitability of Interlok.

The NGO concern is in sharp contrast to the lack of criticism on the book by public figures. Political parties from both Barisan Nasional and the opposition have been slow or reluctant to discuss the appropriateness of the book as a school text. While the Education Minister and his MCA deputy – the career politicians – have been adamant on its retention, why have the educationists and other Education Ministry officials been largely silent?

In NGOs voicing our concerns on key issues affecting our nation, we do not have any political affiliation or political axe to grind. Neither are we racially motivated because Malay and non-Malay, Muslim and non-Muslim groups are equally concerned as to why Interlok is being retained when it is clearly in contravention of the Education Ministry and the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka’s own guidelines on textbook and literary work. The Minister should welcome our feedback and seek to engage with us rather than try to intimidate us.

Giving up on the campaign to have the novel discontinued as a compulsory SPM reading is the wrong message to send. Capitulating to the Ministry’s insistence will signal that we do not care for our education system to play a positive role in building social cohesion as is implicit in the 1Malaysia slogan.

NGOs and most particularly the parents should continue with even greater urgency and commitment to have Interlok removed from the classroom. The government has might on its side but might does not make it right. - Centre for Policy Initiatives

Malaysians are convinced that Anwar is the victim and not the culprit.

Sex scandal gives Anwar a boost

A PKR leader claims the latest sex scandal implicating the opposition leader has backfired. Instead of sealing his political ambition, it has given it more zeal.

SUNGAI PETANI: A Kedah PKR leader claims that party supremo Anwar Ibrahim has emerged stronger politically following the revelation of a sex video last week.The black and white footage recorded using CCTV technology apparently depicts someone who resembles Anwar having sex with an unidentified woman, believed to be a sex worker.

It was shown to the media at a hotel and later those responsible revealed themselves after initially using the moniker “Datuk T.”

The three were entrepreneur Shazryl Eskay Abdullah, Malay rights group- Perkasa treasurer-general Shuaib Lazim and former Malacca chief minister Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik.

Kedah Indian Affairs Bureau chairman V Arumugam said many fence sitters have now swayed towards Anwar simply because of an “overkill” of attempts to “character assassinate” him.

“Coffeeshop talk in Kedah indicates that people are fed up with the gutter-style of politicking and the retribution will be done in the ballot boxes. I think Anwar was given a bonus by his deractors.”

He said the tape has led “thinking” voters to realise that something is seriously wrong in the country and they may now opt for the radical changes which Anwar has been advocating since 1999.

Arumugam, the former Bukit Selambau assemblyman, said Anwar’s deractors or those in possession of the tape, wrongly calculated the political mood on the ground.

The tape, he added, raises more questions than answers, including who was behind the taping of it, the sex worker’s identity, a possible conspiracy and the background of the accusers.

Furthermore, Arumugam said those involved in the process, were later found out to have tainted pasts and this has eroded their credibility in the eyes of the public.

“Now, we find that even ordinary voters who previously disliked Anwar have began to empathise with him. I think PAS and DAP have also emerged stronger for sticking with Anwar,” he said.

IGP: Tape not doctored

When pointed out that the issue is similar to when DAP chairman Karpal Singh exposed a sex video in 1989/1990 which implicated former MIC secretary-general DP Vijandran in Parliament, Arumugam said Karpal did so in public glare of the House to show transparency in his intent and motives.

He said the latest sex scandal, however, was revealed to the media first followed by an attempt to blackmail by demanding that Anwar and his wife, PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, resign within a week.

He said the accusers and some parties may be convinced that it is Anwar in the tape but they should have advocated transparency in revealing it, not through a series of secretive tactics.

“It sends a picture that they are trying to hide something …”

Now, the onus is on authorities such as the police, to prove beyond reasonable doubt in the public eyes, the outcome of their investigation, he said, adding that for national interests, the probe and its findings should be expedited.

In the meantime, Anwar is somewhat enjoying a resurgence of support but whether it translates into votes during the Sarawak state election or the general election, only time will tell, Arumugam claimed, adding that in Kedah, many are convinced that Anwar is the victim and not the culprit.

The national police chief Ismail Omar meanwhile today confirmed that police investigation discovered the sex tape was not doctored but refused identify the man in the video.

Where is the spunk, dignity and self-respect of the Indians?

Samy Vellu, Palanivel, Subramaniam (two persons), Devamani, Murugiah, Saravanan, Kamalanathan, Maha ganapathy, Kogilan Pillai, Murugesan, Kayvias, Harris Mohan, Nalla Karuppan, M T Samy, Thanenthiran, Whethamoorthy (Ipoh), Mathiahlagan, Sambanthan, Siva Subramaniam – other leaders, Malayalee Association, Telegu Association, Dravidian Iyyakkan, Tamil Youth Bell Club, Sri Murugan Centre – what are you all doing?

The government confirmed the racist, degrading interlok will be used in Federal Territory, Selangor and Negeri Sembilan secondary schools.

Hindraf Makkal Sakthi and Human Rights Party tried to march towards King’s palace to handover a memo to stop this book being used in schools.

Many said they know better way to solve this problem than going to the streets.

What happened to your way? Why is this sinister book being forced on our young, innocent students? Racist Malay teachers and headmasters can make the students’ lives miserable.

Have you all got guts, dignity and self-respect or have your all pawned it the Umno?

If we give in, then there will be nothing to stop them from further insulting, degrading, committing actrocities to our community.

Stand up united and stop Interlok from being used in schools. Or get out of BN!

Siapa yang jadi kuda tunggangan politik Interlok?

Permas dan Mantap kaitkan bantahan terhadap Interlok sebagai 'usaha gadai maruah pribumi'.
Kontroversi berkenaan novel Interlok kini berterusan dengan kemasukan watak badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) baru seperti Majlis Penasihat Ayahanda Wilayah Persekutuan (Mantap) dan Pertubuhan Permuafakatan Majlis Ayahanda Malaysia (Permas).

Lantas persoalan yang timbul; dari mana datangnya NGO baru seperti cendawan selepas hujan.

Kedua-dua NGO ini dilaporkan menyelar sikap sikap mereka yang mempunyai kepentingan politik masih lagi mempermainkan isu yang sensitif ini dan cuba menangguk di air keruh, amat tidak senangi.

“Malahan sikap sebahagian daripada ahli parti komponen BN yang bersekongkol dalam mensensasikan isu ini juga amat biadap dan terpesong dari semangat keharmonian yang dilaungkan oleh kerajaan,” petik kenyataan itu.

Sehubungan itu, NGO Melayu turut mendesak kerajaan agar bertegas dan tidak mempedulikan tuntutan tersebut.

“Ingat! Pihak kami tidak sekali-kali akan membiarkan cacing naik ke mata dan keharmonian yang terbina sekian lama terkubur disebabkan kerakusan oportunis sebegini.

“Tekad kami, maruah bangsa perlu dipertahankan. Walau bergolok bergadai akan tetap kami harungi. Maruah pribumi wajib didaulatkan dan keharmonian negara mesti dikekalkan,” Permas dan Mantap dipetik berkata dalam kenyataan mereka.

Jawapan kepada Permas dan Mantap

Sebagai penulis yang mengikuti kontroversi sejak hari pertama, saya tidak dapat melihat motif politik pihak yang menentang penggunaan Interlok edisi murid.

Sesi taklimat berkenaan pindaan anjuran MIC turut dihadiri wakil daripada PKR dan DAP disamping perwakilan Badan Bertindak Interlok Kebangsaan (Niat) yang diketuai Dato’ Haji Thasleem Mohamed Ibrahim.

Apakah motif politik yang digembar-gemburkan walhal hadirin dari pelbagai parti politik?

Permas dan Mantap nampaknya kurang senang dengan pendirian MIC yang dilihat sebagai bersekongkol.

Ia jelas menunjukkan bahawa Permas dan Mantap mempunyai pemahaman cetek mengenai politik perkongsian komponen parti Barisan Nasional (BN).

Setiap parti komponen menjaga kepentingan kaum mereka di dalam kerangka kerja BN.

Justeru itu, usaha MIC adalah selaras dengan memastikan undi masyarakat India kekal sebagai deposit tetap Umno dan BN.

Ia bukan biadap dan jauh sekali daripada menjejaskan keharmonian. Keharmonian terjejas apabila pelajar Melayu dan India misalnya, bergaduh ekoran pendekatan dan perkataan yang dipelajari dari Interlok edisi murid.

Permas dan Mantap berpandangan bahawa maruah bangsa dan pribumi akan tergadai sekiranya kerajaan akur kepada permintaan untuk menggugurkan novel Interlok.

Di dalam cerita 1: keluarga Seman, terdapat adegan di mana tok bomoh menggunakan tengkorak manusia sebagai medium perubatan.

Tidakkah ini menunjukkan kegoyahan akidah masyarakat Melayu walaupun telah menerima Islam?

Di manakah maruah bangsa dalam isu ini? Bukankah identiti Islam lebih penting daripada identiti Melayu?

Malah Perlembagaan Persekutuan mendefinasikan orang Melayu sebagai Islam. Maruah bangsa pribumi akan lebih terserlah apabila lebih banyak pengetahuan dan kesatuan rakyat Malaysia diperkukuhkan melalui penulisan sastera yang mengajak pembaca berfikir secara kreatif dan kritikal.

Human Rights Watch – Press Release: Drop Charges Against Indian Activists Remove Unlawful Restrictions on Hindraf and Human Rights Party, New York, 1s

Human Rights Watch – Press Release: Drop Charges Against Indian Activists Remove Unlawful Restrictions on Hindraf and Human Rights Party, New York, 1st Apr 2011



For Immediate Release

Malaysia: Drop Charges Against Indian Activists Remove Unlawful Restrictions on Hindraf and Human Rights Party

(New York, April 1, 2011) – The Malaysian government should drop politically motivated charges against 52 members of an ethnic Indian organization before their trials start on April 4, 2011, Human Rights Watch said today. The 52 are charged with “belonging to an unlawful society.”

The government should also revoke the 2008 ban against the group, the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf), and permit it to register under Malaysia’s Societies Act, Human Rights Watch said. The government brought the criminal charges after preventing Hindraf and the closely affiliated Human Rights Party from holding the “Solidarity March Against Racism” on February 27, 2011, in central Kuala Lumpur.

“The authorities time and time again refuse to allow Malaysians to come together to peacefully express views that do not echo official rhetoric,” said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “It’s bad enough to ban rallies, but threatening people with three years in prison for such activities is simply outrageous.”

The Hindraf members charged face sentences of up to three years in prison or fines of up to RM5,000 (US$1,650), or both. P. Ramesh, Hindraf’s national secretary, faces the additional charge of possessing some 100 pamphlets, banners, and other materials “issued … in the interests of an unlawful society,” for which he can be sentenced to an additional two-year prison term and an additional RM5,000 fine.

After Kuala Lumpur police refused permission for the February 27 march, Hindraf announced its intention to press ahead, citing the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association under the Malaysian constitution. Two hours before the march was to start, police arrested 15 Hindraf leaders. They also prevented approximately 30 vehicles from entering Kuala Lumpur, which were carrying campaigners trying to reach the starting point for the march. Although a few hundred people did attempt to march, they were outnumbered by police and security officers.

During the two weeks prior to the February 27 march, members of Hindraf and the Human Rights Party conducted grassroots information road shows and seminars in several Malaysian states to rally supporters. Police erected roadblocks, disrupted party forums, and detained leaders, sometimes even before events got under way, in order to hinder the groups’ efforts. Police arrested more than 60 people, all of whom were subsequently released on bail.

Hindraf was founded in December 2005 to advocate for the human rights and religious freedoms of the ethnic Indian community in Malaysia. Its first application for registration in January 2006 went unacknowledged by the registrar of societies. The status of a second application, dated October 2007, remains unclear since the registrar has failed to provide any information about its status either before or since the banning order by the home minister.

The ban on Hindraf followed a peaceful rally in November 2007 that drew between 10,000 and 30,000 participants, and that police broke up using teargas and water cannons.

On December 13, 2007, authorities detained five Hindraf leaders under the Internal Security Act. Two of the five were held for 16 months. The accusations against them included endangering national security, sedition, and links with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam, but the authorities never provided evidence to demonstrate those claims. Two days after the arrests, the home minister announced the ban on Hindraf.

The Societies Act is inconsistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is widely considered reflective of customary international law. Articles 19 and 20 grant everyone the rights to freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly. Human Rights Watch said that Malaysia should take concrete action to implement its international legal obligations to respect these rights by amending the Societies Act in the following manner:

· Rescind the home minister’s absolute discretion to declare a society unlawful;

· Narrow the absolute right of the registrar of societies to refuse registration if he believes the applicant organization “is likely to be used for … any purpose prejudicial to or incompatible with peace, welfare, security, public order, good order or morality”; and

· Set clear time limits for reviewing applications.

The government has also undermined basic civil and political rights by preventing the creation of the Human Rights Party and other new political parties, Human Rights Watch said. P. Uthayakumar founded the Human Rights Party following his April 2009 release from prison and applied for registration in November 2010. But on February 20, the registrar of societies, discounting 25 pending political party applications, some of which date back to 2008, proposed capping the number of political parties in the country at the current 33.

“The government’s wanton disregard for people’s right to express their views is on full display in its treatment of Hindraf and the Human Rights Party,” Robertson said. “Manipulating legal provisions to deny minority groups their rightful voice fools no one.”

For more Human Rights Watch reporting on Malaysia, please visit:
To read the February 2011 Human Rights Watch news release, “Malaysia: Allow Anti-Racism March”, please visit:


For more information, please contact:

In New York, Phil Robertson (English, Thai): +1-917-378-4097 (mobile)

In New York, Mickey Spiegel (English): +1-212-216-1229; or +1-917-968-9937(mobile)

In Washington, DC, Sophie Richardson (English, Mandarin): +1-202-612-4341; or +1-917-721-7473 (mobile)

In London, Brad Adams (English): +44-7908-728333 (mobile)

Mission Interlok: The cloning of Ridhuan


When American teen sensation Miley Cyrus (who gained celebrity for playing Disney’s Hannah Montana) parodied the slit-eyed Chinese, there were howls of protest. She apologized.

‘Sepet’ is scattered throughout Interlok like birdshot but its author Abdullah Hussain remains unapologetic. Yet writing in The Malaysian Insider, Sen Tyng Chai bemoaned the widespread “wave of blind criticism” against Interlok.

clip_image003Mr/Ms Chai in his/her an article titled ‘Justice for Interlok’ disagrees ‘gemuk’, ‘sepet’, etc should be “perceived as derogatory, pejorative and insulting”. In our humble opinion, Chai is a spiritual cousin of Mohd Ridhuan Tee bin Abdullah, who’s quite the self-flagellating Chinese (think the equivalent concept of ‘self-hating Jew’).

Columnist Ridhuan coined the term ‘ultra kiasu’ to describe Chinese people. His description has been formalised through constant use in Utusan, and popularized among the Malay masses.

By defending the contentious novel, Chai is by extension allowing for ‘pariah’ in a classroom setting that will validate its use, if not increase the chances of Indian students getting bullied.

Blogger Scott Thong turned the tables: “Why don’t you try it the other way around and see if you still find it so acceptable”, what if school students were forced to read a book where the majority of Malay characters were portrayed as lazy, ignorant, arrogant and prone to violent and hateful rhetoric? Think Ridhuan Tee would be defending the book then?”

clip_image005Just as Ridhuan reinforced the Chinese bogeyman as a demagogue speaking from the inside (i.e. posturing as someone who himself belongs to the said community), Chai’s shameless apologia for Ketuanan Melayu casts him/her in the same mould of scapegoating the non-Malays.

These writers are secure in the comfort that the majority population as well as the brute force of authority will back them up.

Expressing his/her anguish with regard to the emotional public “outbursts” against Abdullah, Chai countered that Interlok is, on the contrary, a text indeed suitable for schools. He/she recommends Interlok “because it is historical fiction with strong messages of inter-racial unity”.

Not content with the overblown cliché, Chai piled on more praise, saying the novel “spoke of people helping one another regardless of creed and colour, and how humanity triumphs in the face of adversity”. It boggles the mind how Interlok can be hailed as promoting a “central message of unity”.

clip_image007On the contrary, conflict resolution in Interlok is achieved when Chinese children repudiate their fathers and are in turn disowned by their fathers. The Interlok formulation is that we’ll have one ethnically harmonious, racism-free Malaya when Chinese families are broken up and the next generation are ready to shed their Chinese-born traits (sarc.) of parsimony, cheating, swindling and conniving.

Instead of being about “the intertwined fate of Malayans from different communities who helped one another…” as so deceptively put by Chai, Interlok could well pass off for a BTN module in ‘Demonizing Immigrants 101’.

It’s to be expected that Ridhuan Tee would give stamp of approval to Interlok as an educational book. But here’s another fella/gal – this Chai Sen Tyng in such rhapsody over Interlok’s “literary and educational merits”.

These tiresome acolytes of Ridhuan in their tiresome writing and blog comments copy his template to a ‘tee’. What is it with these academics in local public universities? Something in the air they breathe?

clip_image008Malaysian education is thoroughly politicized. Where else in the world do you have a country’s biggest university shutting its doors to minority students on the basis of skin colour?

In which other multiracial country do you have every single one of the public university Vice Chancellors belonging to only one race? (But we’re waiting for Ridhuan Tee to break the glass ceiling).

Don’t you suspect that the selection of Interlok as a compulsory text was a politicized decision as well?

“New Indian criminal class is nett effect of UMNO social engineering”. P.Uthayakumar’s 25 Nov Hindraf Rally book in daily segments No.69 (1/4/11).


New Indian criminal class is nett effect of UMNO social engineering

Mired in poverty they have very little other alternatives and upward mobility opportunities. Even Suhakam has reported that 60% of Prison and Remand inmates are Indians. The mentally weak among these Indian poor and under privileged end up committing suicide. The Kuala Lumpur General Hospital’s statistics is that for every 100,000 suicides, 35 are Indians 15 Chinese and 6 Malays. Indians committing suicide at an alarmingly high rate which is about 600% over and above the Malay muslim suicide rate is largely related to poverty, inequality and the lack of equal opportunities (Refer NST 14/9/2008 at page 21).

To the contrary this denial of birth certificates problem to the Indians was hardly heard of even during the British colonial days or it never really became a problem as in the present day. Even in those days not having a birth certificate was an exception rather than the alarming magnitude rule as it is today. As to why this can happen even after 50 years of Independence, UMNO is yet to answer the question for UMNO does not care and/or intends the Indians to be in this limbo and predicament. And UMNO does so with impunity.

Another young lady participant spoke her mind out so ferociously and fearlessly against the oppression of Indians in Malaysia. This was again a shock and a first to me as Indian ladies usually do not speak up against the State especially in public. Many more people spoke out fearlessly for the first time. This was another first.

Towards the end of the program Waytha Moorthy whispered to me that we had to take the grievances of the people vide our 18 point demands to the highest political level that is to then Prime Minister Badawi’s attention at his Putrajaya office at Seri Perdana as a final diplomatic overture and a final attempt to resolve matters amicably in Malaysia before we proceeded with the London public interest civil suit against the British Government and where Malaysia would be dragged in inadvertently.

Geneva Paris Observatory’s letter to P.M Najib Razak condemning judicial harassment of 52 HINDRAF and HRP members and obstacles to freedom of peaceful

Geneva Paris Observatory’s letter to P.M Najib Razak condemning judicial harassment of 52 HINDRAF and HRP members and obstacles to freedom of peaceful assembly.

27 feb Rally 040

Open Letter to Mr. Y.B Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak,

Prime Minister of Malaysia

Geneva-Paris, March 30, 2011

Re: Judicial harassment of 52 HINDRAF and HRP members and obstacles to freedom of peaceful assembly

Your Excellency,

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), strongly condemns the judicial harassment of 54 members of Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF) and its sister organisation, the Human Rights Party (HRP), two organisations aiming at defending the rights of Hindu and other marginalised minorities in Malaysia, following their organisation of and participation in a peaceful march against racism on February 27, 2011.

Between March 1 and 3, 2011, the 54 human rights defenders were charged by courts of different cities with “acting as members of an unlawful society” or “participating in assemblies of an unlawful society”, under Section 43 of the Societies Act of 1966[1], which states that “any person who is or acts as a member of an unlawful society or attends a meeting of an unlawful society (…) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable, on conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit or to both”.

On February 13, 2011, HINDRAF and HRP had announced their intention to lead a Solidarity March Against Racism, scheduled for February 27, 2011, but for which Kuala Lumpur police denied a permit. At least 54 HINDRAF and HRP members were arrested in several locations across Malaysia between February 13 and 27 for participating in various promotional activities in the run up to the march. They were subsequently all released on bail but they all continue to face charges. The hearings of their cases will reportedly happen during the first week of April in the different courts.

On March 1, 2011, five members of HINDRAF and HRP, namely Messrs. K. Tamil Selvam, HRP Vice-President andHINDRAF Coordinator in Selangor State, S. Jayathas, Information Chief of HRP, K. Navakrishna, T. Periasamy and S. Loshna Rau, were charged by the Court of Selayang under Section 43 of the Societies Act of 1966 for “acting as members of an unlawful society” on February 13, 2011 at 12.15 p.m., at Km 13 Bukit Kanching, Jalan Ipoh, Rawang, State of Selangor. Mr. Loshna Rau faces an additional charge of “obstructing a civil servant on duty”, under Section 186 of the Criminal Code.

On March 2, 2011, six members of HINDRAF and HRP, namely Messrs. Periasamy Ramesh, National Secretary of HINDRAF, Jagadeesan Vijayalingam, Subramaniam Jayakumar, Rengasamy Mogan, Nagooran Subramanyam andR. Supiah Sivagumar, were also charged under Section 43 by the Court of Ipoh for “participating to the assembly of an unlawful society” on February 13, 2011 between 9.30 a.m. to 11.03 a.m. at the Jelapang Road, State of Perak.

On March 3, 2011, 20 members of HINDRAF and HRP, including five women, namely S. Sivakumar, HINDRAF Coordinator in N. Sembilan State, K. Nadarajah, A. Sarawana Kumar, V. Prabagaran, M. Ramesh, S. Krishnan, K. Murugiah, V. Mathavan, R. Munisuaran. A. William George, A. Radakrishnan, Vatumalai B. Kalithas Karanamurthy, Uthaya Kumar Subramaniam, Ravichdiran Kuppusamy, Tilegavathy B., Maheswary Manoo,Pushpalatha Gunasekaran, P. Waytha Nayagi and Madonna Selvarayar, were charged by the Court of Seremban under Section 43 for “acting as members of an unlawful society” on February 13, 2011 at 2.35 p.m. in Jaland Za’aba, Seremban, State of Negeri Sembilan. Two other human rights defenders from HINDRAF could not attend the hearing of March 3, 2011 as they were ill. However, they were also charged under Section 43.

On March 3, 2011, 21 members of HINDRAF and HRP, including five women, namely Ms. Lourdemary N. Vasu Pillai, Ms. Devika Ravee Chandran, Ms. Gethaa Ravee Chandran, Ms. Saraspaty Subramaniam, Ms. Kokilarani Nallanand Messrs. Lingeswaran Kuppusamy, K. Chandramohan R. Kanesan, Sundaram Periannai, Harikrishnan Arumugam, Maniam A. Palaniyandee, V. Thandavuthabani Keveloo, Kalaichelvan A. Paliappan, Paramasivam N. Muthiah, Mahendran Subramaniam, Sugumaran S. Muniandy, V. Tamil Selvan Veeriah, Thiagarajan Sasayapilai, Balakrishnan Kunjoo Nair, Nathan Alagasundaram, S. Thinagaraja and Manimaran Sinnapan, were charged by the Court of Kuala Lumpur under Section 43 of the Societies Act for “taking part to the assembly of an unlawful society” on February 13, 2011 in Little India, Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur. The Court of Kuala Lumpur also charged Mr. Periasamy Ramesh under Section 47 of the Societies Act[2], as he was in possession of banners and documents that promote HINDRAF activities.

The Observatory recalls that HINDRAF submitted in January 2006 its first application for registration although this reportedly went unacknowledged by the Registrar of Societies. They submitted a second application in October 2007, which also went unacknowledged until October 2008, when the Home Minister announced that HINDRAF was banned. However, no court order followed or accompanied this announcement and, thus, HINDRAF continued its activities. In order to protect its volunteers, HINDRAF renamed itself “Hindraf Makkal Sakthi” in 2008. On October 2, 2009, its legal representatives sent a letter of intent to register the organisation under this name, however, the Registrar of Societies has reportedly not responded to this request.

On November 25, 2010, Mr. P. Uthayakumar, HINDRAF Legal Adviser, founded the Human Rights Party, and submitted the formal application for registration, which remains pending.

Your Excellency,

The Observatory expresses its deepest concern about the judicial harassment against HINDRAF and HRP members on the ground that they belong or participate to assemblies of unlawful societies, and further denounce the continuous refusal of the Malaysian authorities to register these two organisations.

The Observatory therefore calls on the Malaysian authorities to put an end to any act of judicial harassment against HINDRAF and HRP members as well as against all human rights defenders in Malaysia, and to comply in all circumstances with the provisions of the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 9, 1998, especially its Article 5 which states that “for the purpose of promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms, everyone has the right, individually and in association with others, at the national and international levels: (a) To meet or assemble peacefully; (b) To form, join and participate in non-governmental organizations, associations or groups”.

We express our sincere hope that you will take these considerations and requests into account.

Yours sincerely,

Eric Sottas Souhayr Belhassen

OMCT Secretary General FIDH President

[1] The Societies Act of 1966 governs the registration of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and political parties in Malaysia. Any organisation that wishes to register itself as an NGO has to submit an application to the Registrar of Societies, a department of the Home Ministry.

[2] The Section 47 of the Societies Act states that: “Any person who prints, publishes, displays, sells or exposes for sale, or transmits through the post or who, without lawful authority or excuse, has in his possession any placard, newspaper, book, circular, pictorial representation or any other document or writing whatsoever or which is issued or appears to be issued by or on behalf of or in the interests of an unlawful society shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable, on conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit or to both, and any books, periodicals, pamphlet, poster, proclamation, newspaper, letter or any other document or writing in respect of which such person shall have been convicted shall be forfeited”.


How UMNO controls Media in Malaysia?

Media control in Malaysia is almost as old as the existence of mass media in the country. Malaysia falls under the category of democracy variously called "quasi-democracy", "authoritarian-democracy", or "Asian democracy".

The government is firmly controlled by the ruling coalition, Barisan National (National Front), for half a century. The ruling party has over the years created and reinforced numerous mechanisms to ensure an obedient media that will not jeopardize the status quo. Among the most oppressing legislations of the media includes The Sedition Act, The Printing Presses and Publication Act, The Multimedia and Communication Act, and The Internal Security Act.

It is also enshrined in Malaysian Constitution (as in any functioning democracy) that freedom of expression is a protected right. Article 10(1) of the Malaysian Federal Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and expression to every citizen.

Societal stability has always been the justification by the government for enacting new laws and amending existing ones. Five legislatures stand out as among the most powerful direct control mechanisms utilized by the government to influence free speech and the media; the Internal Security Act, Sedition Act, Printing Presses and Publication Act, Official Secret Act and Broadcasting Act (now replaced by the Communication and Multimedia Act).

The Printing Presses and Publication Act (PPPA) is a law that governs the printing press in Malaysia that was introduced and passed in 1984. It provided the Home Affairs Minister, the “power to grant or withdraw a printing license or a publishing permit”In addition to the power to control the domestic print, the act also requires foreign publication sold in the country “to pay a large deposit which would be forfeited if the publishers did not appear in court to face charges of publishing materials prejudiced to the national interest”

The Broadcasting Act of 1988 (replaced with the Communication and Multimedia Act 1996) encompasses all manner of broadcasting. Despite the recent proliferation of the numbers of channels that are available to the audience, both the television and radio remains an apparatus of the state.The media continues to air only materials that are not likely to challenge the status quo, that is, more fashion, traveling and pseudo-reality shows. The general public continues to be
excluded from any meaningful debate concerning the government and the administration.

The Sedition Act was enacted by the British in 1948. It was amended after the racial riots of 1969. The scope of the act is very broad and its definition very much open to interpretations. According to the act, sedition can be applied to or used in respect of any act, speech, words or publication. Seditious publication would include all written or printed material. It would be considered a seditious tendency to question the provisions of the Constitution dealing with language, citizenship, the special privileges of the Malays and of the natives of Sabah and Sarawak. It is also considered seditious to bring into hatred or contempt the administration of justice in the country or point our errors or defects in the implementation or administration of government policies.

The Official Secret Act (1972) is “piece of legislature that hampered the working of journalists and dampened the development of investigative journalism” A byproduct of the 1969 racial riots, it prohibits a person from getting information that is deemed an official secret by the government for the fear that it may fall into the hands of the enemy. The legislature was further strengthened through an amendment in 1987 during the big political clampdown of the oppositions known as Operasi Lalang. Subsequent amendments made to the original Act had the “effect of making almost all official documents ‘official secrets’ thus making it illegal for journalist to have access to them”.

The Internal Security Act (ISA) 1948 is another remnant of the colonial administrations that has been conveniently retained by the government after independence. The Act provides for arbitrary arrest and detention without trial for an indefinite period based on mere suspicion that one "may be likely" to commit an act deemed dangerous to national security. A detainee is, therefore, presumed guilty without trial. It further allows a detainee to be held under solitary confinement for 60 days without legal counsel. The Home Minister has the power to extend the detention for another two years. The original purpose of the ISA was to counter in the Communist insurgency in the founding years of Malaysia, however the Federal Court proclaim that “the purpose of the ISA is for all forms of subversion but was more directed to communist activities which was prevailing at the time the law was enacted”

Article 19 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR) guarantees the right to freedom of expression in the following terms: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes the right to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Article 19 of the UDHR, as part of a UN General Assembly resolution is not directly binding on any States. Nevertheless, it is “widely regarded as having acquired legal force as customary international law since its adoption in 1948 and therefore binding on all States”. Malaysia as a member of the United Nation should abide by the spirit its resolution.

Very few Malaysian journalists in the mainstream media have the guts to ask politicians daring questions

Malaysian should have reporters who would continue to speak as professional journalist that reports nothing but the truth and not behave like a prostitute, just like the editor who is willing to do anything just to please his/her master without any moral consideration.

Be professional and die as a man with dignity or else leave the profession. Stand to your values as a true journalist.

Malaysian politicians prefer those who writes lies are encouraged and may even be promoted.

Do your job with integrity and you are only answerable to your conscience, the rakyat and the people who elected you. Kudos to those who stand and willingness to stick to their principles.

The pen is mightier than the sword and as journalist, you should have a heavy responsibility to see that wrongdoing, whether from BN or Pakatan, does not go unreported. Therefore you should have the guts to forward questions and not asking questions to please the politicins. Those journalists are prostitutes and prostituting their dignity and Malaysian don't need such journalists.

This behaviour of journalists of mainstream medias does not bode well for a healthy democracy. Why practice journalism if you are unable to respect the profession. This uncouth and arrogant act is unprofessional and runs contrary to democracy.

Much of the bias in Malaysian 'mainstream' media comes from stories that are not covered, and the terminology used.

There are seven guidelines that apply:

-Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived.
-Remain free of association and activities that may compromise integrity or damage credibility
-Refuse gifts, favors, fees, free travel and special treatment, and shun secondary employment, political involvement, public office and service in community organizations if they compromise journalistic integrity.
-Disclose unavoidable conflicts.
-Be vigilant and courageous about holding those with power accountable.
-Deny favored treatment to advertisers and special interests and resist their pressure to influence news coverage.
-Be wary of sources offering information for favors or money; avoid bidding for news.

These "standards of practices" represent only one part of the code.

As with other ethical codes, there is a perennial concern that the standards of journalism are being ignored. One of the most controversial issues in modern reporting is media bias, especially on political issues, but also with regard to cultural and other issues. Sensationalism is also a common complaint. Minor factual errors are also extremely common, as almost anyone who is familiar with the subject of a particular report will quickly realize.

There are also some wider concerns, as the media continue to change, for example that the brevity of news reports and use of soundbites has reduced fidelity to the truth, and may contribute to a lack of needed context for public understanding. From outside the profession, the rise of news management contributes to the real possibility that news media may be deliberately manipulated. Selective reporting (spiking, double standards) are very commonly alleged against newspapers, and by their nature are forms of bias not easy to establish, or guard against.

This section does not address specifics of such matters, but issues of practical compliance, as well as differences between professional journalists on principles.

It is pathetic state to note that Malaysian mainstream news does not even a small percentage code of ethics and journalism professionalism.

MIC president is unable to lift Malaysian Indians to face the new reality

Senator Dr.S.Ramakrishnan

The MIC president’s recent call to poor urban settlers to go back to estate indicates that the MIC has lost touch with ground reality of the Indian community. Malaysian Indians have long ago left estates at the constant persuasion of MIC leaders. This urban exodus started in early seventies.

In 1974 the then MIC president Datuk Seri Samy Velu made the assurance that all workers leaving estates will be given new skills training to find suitable jobs in towns. That was the last time we ever heard of skill training from Samy Velu and MIC. Now, after 37 years, the next president replacing Samy Velu advices those who came to town but still couldn’t get a footing in the urban settlement to go back to estates! An advice that is sure to fall on deaf years.

The country has moved from agricultural to industrial and service economy since the seventies. Malaysia attracted FDIs and factories grew all over and estates were converted into housing schemes. The economy grew by leaps and bounds. The Malaysian government was busy and focused on implementing NEP in every sector possible including civil service. Government departments treated Malaysian Indians as third class citizens. Plantation workers could not get anywhere with their problems be it red IC, birth certificate, employment, small business opportunities, scholarships and educational opportunities. Only after 2008 elections, the BN government did initiate programs to win back Indian votes like MYDAFTAR and TEKUN.

Malaysian Indians were completely neglected in the nation building and mainstream economic and political activities. The BN government shut out Malaysian Indians from all its plans and left them with MIC to manage. Plantation worker’s children need more job opportunities and skill training especially the small Indian businesses. Plantation children need more access to higher education and financial support. The federal government must treat Malaysian Indians as citizens who can contribute to the economic and social welfare and not third class citizen of this country. Institutionalized racism and corruption within the bureaucracy drove them away into poverty and crime. Discrimination in sports and studies in national schools marginalized Malaysian Indians further into predicament which MIC could do nothing but give excuse for UMNO.

The remaining Indians in estates are workers doing gardening and other housekeeping work and no more harvesting palm oil and tapping rubber. These works are undertaken by foreign workers. The foreign workers can go to the plantation early morning at 3 am and work till evening. Malaysian Indians who have family will not do better than foreign workers and estate owners are also no more interested in Malaysian Indian workers. The Indians left in estates are on the way out. Felda Negeri Sembilan in Jempol still has empty lots to be taken up. MIC president should urge the prime minister for those vacant lots for Indian community currently worked by foreign workers from Thailand. The MIC president should reach out to FELDA management and help out those Indians keen to settle down in FELDA instead of asking Indians to go back to plantation work.

MIC and its president are totally out of sync with the needs and wants of the Malaysian Indian community. MIC must show the way forward and not regress backward. MIC by bending backward to please UMNO, is mortgaging the plantation workers plight and their children’s future.

GTP and the stink of reality

Jeswan Kaur | March 31, 2011

Snatch thefts, robberies and murders are almost a daily threat and the result is people are afraid to leave their homes, terrified of the danger lurking outside.Crimes like rape are far from decreasing. Not a day goes by without newspapers reporting about it. This does not include the rapes perpetrated by those in authority.

For those in police custody, they should count their blessings if they do not end up dead in their cells. In the face of all this, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has declared his contentment with the performance of civil servants.

In an interview with Malaysian Business magazine recently, Najib said he was surprised that set targets have been achieved and some even surpassed. “This is a wonderful testament to the commitment by the civil service,” he said, and added that “much of what we promised has been delivered.”

The promises talked about include better public transport, fighting corruption, reducing crime rate and poverty respectively. What commitment is the prime minister talking about? Civil servants are merely doing what they are paid to do, no more. Maybe it is a case of being overworked and underpaid, as government servants have forgotten how to greet the people.

Some of them even take the liberty of insulting their customers over queries made. Is that what great job is all about? Najib is on the edge, confident that the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) will do wonders for the country. Instead of glossing over the end results, he must make sure the people on the ground are serving the public without fear or favour.

Reality check is in place to alert Najib not to exaggerate the achievements of the civil service. Is Najib aware that cosmopolitan Kuala Lumpur fails miserably in the cleanliness rating? The city is as dirty as a City Hall waste truck, with rubbish scattered everywhere. The drains in town are horrendously clogged, often the cause of those notorious flash floods assaulting the city.

Pedestrian bridges are filthy, reeking of urine stench and the lighting doesn’t work – clear evidence of the local council workers not doing their jobs. Plus, these bridges have become a haven for drug addicts, vagabonds and beggars who have turned them into makeshift homes. All this has forced pedestrians to refrain from using these facilities for fear of being mugged or harassed by drug addicts or beggars.They rather risk their lives and dash across the streets.

The bus stops outside the Light Rail Train (LRT) stations are never lit up when it is dark, giving the LRT commuters the creeps when waiting there for the bus or taxi.

Cheap tiles

Since Najib takes great pride in his “people first, performance now” mantra, does it bother him to know that cheap tiles are used for the flooring of LRT stations, resulting in commuters having near falls each time they have to dash for the train. And in the heart of the city too, there are drains with covers no where in sight. Tourist spots like Petaling Street and Central Market are crying out for sufficient rubbish bins as the few that are there are choked to the brim with waste.

Where the public buses are concerned, its drivers are told by their management to cut down on the use of the air-condition to save cost.

All this comes at who’s expense if not the people? Likewise, the Komuter train service is just as lousy, with the coaches meant for women leaking, showering the passengers with rain water.

The above are just some examples of a day in the life of the average Malaysian. It is clear that what Najib is claiming cannot be vouched as the truth. The situation on the ground stinks, literally. Instead of throwing dust in the public eyes, he should make sure matters on the ground work effectively for it is his “people first” who are at the receiving end of the services provided by civil servants.

With such inconvenience faced by the people, Najib’s claims are baffling. The quality of life of the ordinary Malaysian has yet to improve, for the reason that the civil servants have yet to clean up their acts. Najib may be in a flutter over the great work done by civil servants but the people will vouch otherwise. His eureka idea of the GTP has brought no tangible improvement in the lives of the people.

Najib said the many civil servants involved in the Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu) labs, which drew up the targets, were “now keen to see that they deliver on their plans and promises”

“The civil service has been very receptive to the changes that have been introduced with the GTP,” Najib said. “It has proven to be a major catalyst and a benchmark for the civil service to work harder and as a team for the benefit of the rakyat.”

His words are cold comfort to those in the bottom rung of the totem pole who are the best judges of how things work on the ground. For instance, has Najib’s GTP helped make the working place safe for women? If the Labour Department director-general Ismail Abdul Rahim can trivialise the proposed Sexual Harassment Bill, that in right earnest speaks of how “committed” Najib’s civil servants are in delivering the goods.

Where is the commitment when KL City Hall workers last year mercilessly abused a street dog while sprucing up the Kepong Sentral railway station, just to make sure the minister visiting the site would be pleased with their good work? Was there a need to treat the dog with such cruelty? The canine died 46 days later. Were the workers reprimanded by the minister concerned or City Hall? Is animal life worth nothing in this country?

Sad, pathetic story

In the face of all this, is the public supposed to take Najib’s words as gospel truth when reality on the ground tells a sad and pathetic story?

Najib said the crime index has decreased by 15% while street crime has reduced by 35%. Credit for this goes to the mobilisation of more than 14,000 police officers to 50 crime hotspots. Also, about 5,000 Rela (People’s Volunteer Corps) and JPAM (Civil Defence Force) members were deployed to the hotspots.

Is Najib’s idea of tackling crime limited to only street crimes like snatch thefts? What is he doing to reduce crimes like rape, domestic violence, child abuse or for that matter make sure the streets are safe for the women and children?

As for the Rela members, they do more harm than good when its members behave in barbaric ways, especially during raiding of premises to nab illegal immigrants. This has resulted in the public having little faith in them and would rather avoid seeking their help. Since Rela’s help is regarded as invaluable by Najib’s government, it is only fair that the recruitment of Rela members be based on proper academic qualifications and aptitude.

In the case of the police, what does the public do when the police abuse their patrol duties and harass the people for money or sexual favours?

The percentage quoted by Najib does not help reassure the people who know better that the roads are still haunted by the presence of snatch thieves, regardless of time of day. There have been many such cases where victims of snatch thieves either end up dead or severly injured for the rest of their lives.

And talking about crime and police, an English daily recently reported that the family of a missing contractor Wong Fook Onn who was murdered on March 20 this year is upset with police investigations into the case. His family lodged a police report after Wong went missing on March 14.

Wong’s father Kim Sai claimed the police never updated the family, prompting the senior Wong to investigate his son’s murder himself. Kim Sai successfully located his son’s missing car and upon alerting the police, was asked to drive the car home.

Kim Sai was puzzled as the car was evidence in a police case. Wong Senior refused and spent the night keeping an eye on the car to ensure the evidence was not tampered with.

Kim Sai was unhappy as the police reacted indifferently and he has since turned to MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Michael Chong for assistance.

On March 20, Kim Sai was alerted by a Sin Chew Daily reporter that a body was found in an abandoned house near the car. The description of the body matched that of Wong Fook Onn.

Najib also said the ministers had their individual Ministerial Key Result Areas (MKRAs) focused when it came to delivering and achieving targets that had been set for them.

Indeed, if the ministers had their focus intact, a homeless dog would not have been abused at the convenience of the City Hall workers. If the MKRAs is a dedicated effort, the ministers would think twice before skipping Parliament sessions or blowing taxpayers’ money on frivolous things.

Trying so hard to assure the people, Najib said the government would continue to hold engagements with the people to obtain their feedback on possible new areas of focus. Is all this lip service or will Najib take the people’s comments seriously?

The Government Transformation Programme (GTP)is a shameful record of under-achievement, mismanagement, failure to deliver the goods and empty promises

By Chua Jui Meng

The annual report of the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) has just come out. Predictably it is a feel good and highly manipulative document whose actual accomplishments are totally out of line with what is needed to improve the lives of Malaysians.

All the statistics regurgitated by a compliant Barisan Nasional mass media are meant to impress Malaysians but they actually bring scorn and disbelief.

Some rural infrastructure has finally been delivered by the BN government. But how much exactly?

Are these so-called accomplishments the long overdue entitlements to the rural areas? Are these KPI (Key Performance Index) on rural infrastructure what has been promised by so many BN prime ministers for so long? Have the rural folk who have waited for decades finally been given what the BN rural representatives have promised every elections without fail – ever since 1957!

On closer scrutiny of the statistical data, it is clear that only a very small number of the rural population are benefitting from the GTP. Malaysia has a rural population estimated at eight million people or two million rural households.

Let us examine closely what the GTP has provided to make the New Straits Times scream in its headline “Better quality of life for rural folk.”

A pathetic 16,000 houses were repaired or constructed. This is a number which any government should be ashamed to put out in a report.

Water was delivered to only 36,000 rural households. This number is not only pathetically low but is in fact only half the small number promised by the government.

Electricity was delivered to even less households – 27,000. Finally, only 780km of roads were constructed.

The truth is that the rural development record of the government in the GTP is no better than its past woeful record which saw our rural people neglected and impoverished so that many had no choice but to migrate to the urban areas to find a decent living.

‘Shameful record of under-achievement’

The GTP is a shameful record of under-achievement, mismanagement, failure to deliver the goods and empty promises. A few rural constituencies where by-elections were held during the past two years where the government was forced to provide roads and other infrastructure so as to bribe voters have benefitted. A very small number of favoured rural households of BN supporters have also benefitted.

In contrast, the vast majority of the over two million rural households have got nothing from the GTP.

Yet the government and its mass media cronies are trying to fool them by reminding them they are enjoying a better quality of life thanks to the GTP.

The same pack of lies is being told to the average Malaysian on the other five NKRAs (National Key Result Areas). Has the urban transportation system really improved under the GTP? The best people to answer this question are the commuters caught in countless hours of waiting in queues in the cities and urban areas.

Has crime been reduced? Ask the average housewife in our housing estates who is living in insecurity and fear? Is corruption being eradicated? Don’t ask Umnoputeras or other BNputeras or cronies the question.

Rather ask the average Malaysian who has to pay coffee money for everything and who is fully aware of how high-level corruption continues to flourish under BN rule.

Has student achievement improved as a result of the GTP? Ask the parents who are taking their children out of the national school system if they can afford it, and who have to spend hundreds of dollars every month on private tuition because the standard in the schools are so bad.

The government and the GTP drafting team may have their statistical fairy tales but few believe or have any confidence in what the BN spin masters are pushing out. Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and his back room boys and consultants massaging the GTP may believe like Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda chief, that if they repeat a lie long enough, it becomes truth.

However, Malaysians are a lot smarter and wiser to the tricks of the BN. They know that the GTP is a lot of hype and empty hot air leading to the coming elections. The PKR is confident that the good people of Malaysia will know how to separate truth from BN fiction and lies.

Islamist Malaysia faces Hindu intifada- Protest against novel with racial slur-‘Pariah’ (Hindu World Vision)ARONITETHINKING

HRP’s Parody on the Racist Regime

HINDRAF protests Islamic Apartheid system of Malaysia

Hindraf the Hindu Human Rights activist movement made headlines when their gathering in Kula Lumpur was dispersed with police brutality years ago.

With the ongoing Civil Unrest all over Middle East and North Africa in Islamic countries, Malaysia might turn out to be the next stage setting for the serial drama of suppression of human rights.

Hindu ethnic minorities have been long denied educational and employment opportunities and the Islamization under Mahathir reached sinister proportions when thousands of Hindu temples were razed down by the regime.

That was a turning point in Malaysian politics when Indians irrespective of even religious differences, with even Christians joining under the umbrella of HINDRAF- the Malaysian Hindu Rights action forum.

The disenchantment with Malaysia’s Islamistaion and discrimination was so wide spread among Indian origin Malaysians that the Hindraf even upset the last election results unseating long entrenched Community leaders who were branded as traitors to their cause and interests.

Now then came the news of refusal of permission for a protest meeting at a time when regimes are convulsing with popular unrest in all the Muslim nations.
None of the regimes have been able to suppress without losing credibility and even losing hold of control, the latest being Libya and Bahrain.

Unlike the Arab street protesters who have no dearth for torch bearers and cheer leaders among the media and opinion makers, the plight and news of Hindu minorities reeling under the oppression of Islamisation in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Malaysia are selectively blacked out and under reported, if not distorted as communalists.

The anti-Hinduism has thus assumed the same connotation as anti Semitism.


The protest is about introduction of a novel that spits out venomous racial slurs with terms such as ‘pariah’ meaning an ‘Outcaste’ referring the Tamil Hindus which the Hindu community seriously feels offensive.

The Malaysian Indian Congress too had seriously objected to the Curriculum including a blatantly offensive racist novel as literature for students.

The Hindraf web site had published pictures of the crackdown while demonstrators attempted to proceed toward Twin towers of PETRONAS buildings, to hold a Protest meet against the ongoing discrimination and suppression of Islamist Malaysia.

Around 50 demonstrators broke through the barricade and gathered at a temple at Kula Lampur and demonstrated holding placards and shouted-

“Ban interlock”

“Don’t insult the Indian community”

Their leader jayathas had stated to AP-

“We want a stop to racism against minority citizens, especially the Indian poor, and a ban on Interlok, which is sowing the seeds of racism in schoolchildren. We are not asking for special rights but equal opportunity,”
