Najib is smart, using MMSP to gain Indian support but Pakatan stupid, did not want to engage with Hindraf Makkal Sakthi

Merlimau By-election : P.Rs’ dipping Indian support by refusing to engage Hindraf & HRP which will not beg P.R in Project 15/38.

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Media Statement (7/3/2011)

Merlimau By-election : P.Rs’ dipping Indian support by refusing to engage Hindraf & HRP which will not beg P.R in Project 15/38.

In the aftermath of the 25th November 2007 Hindraf Rally, the Indian voters were unconditionally given political directions by Hindraf to unconditionally vote for P.R and there was an almost 180% swing of from 90% voting B.N. to 90% voting P.R. This resulted in the 2008 General Elections where P.R. unprecedentedly won in six states including ten out of 11 Parliamentary seats in Wilayah Persekutuan of Kuala Lumpur in addition to denying B.N. their two thirds majority.

In at least the first three by elections with substantial Indian voters during the “tenure” of the Hindraf lawyers detention under the ISA ie in Permatang Pauh, Bukit Selambau and Bukit Gantang with up to 30% Indian voters (Bukit Selambau), PKR, DAP and PAS were still on the winning streak as they were still getting the Indian voters which they had taken for granted. P.R is and was only interested in the Indian voters, hardly their welfare, wellbeing and interest let alone Hindraf’s 18 point demands.

In the post Hindraf lawyers’ release on 9/5/09 in at least the following three by elections with up to 20% Indian voters in Bagan Pinang and Hulu Selangor and 15% in the latest by elections in Merlimau by elections yesterday (6/3/11), P.R. has taken a dip in getting the popular Indian voters support.

P.R.s’ strategy of sending their Indian mandores to the ground in at least all these three by elections has obviously not worked. By refusing to engage Hindraf and HRP vis a vis seriously addressing the Indian poor problems in at least the three P.R. ruled states of Kedah, Penang and Selangor and from the Office of the Opposition Leader and their now 73 Members of Parliament including their 13 Indian mandore MPs’, P.R. has since the release of the two Hindraf lawyers on 9/5/09 is getting a dip in the Indian votes.

And neither will P.R. continue getting the Indian voters for free. No more free lunches from the about One Million Indian voters as at current date based on the 715,099 voters as at the 8th March 2008 General Elections Electoral Roll.

P.Rs’ dream of capturing Putrajaya or even retaining the present three state governments of Kedah, Penang and Selangor in the backdrop of “60% of Chinese voters backing B.N.” (NST 7/3/11 at page 4) and “Malays returning to UMNO”. (NST 7/3/2011 at page 3) and “Bigger majorities for B.N” (NST headlines 7/3/11 is in serious jeopardy.

Refusing to engage Hindraf and HRP may be foolhardy. Just because of our non compromising stand on Hindrafs’ 18 Point Demands vis a vis the defenseless Indian poor and refusing to become PKR, DAP and PAS’ Indian mandores a la MIC, the UMNO Indian mandores.

There is a widespread perception that it is HRP and Hindraf that has refused to work with PKR, DAP and PAS which we deny is the case. It is PKR, DAP and PAS that has refused to engage us despite our numerous letters and “feelers” sent out to them.

The ball is in P.R.s’ Court to engage HRP and Hindraf. But Hindraf and HRP will not start on the wrong footing by begging P.R. in pursuit of their Project 15/38.

Rights not Mercy.



Secretary General (pro tem)

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