Post independence in 1957 it has to be said that Malaysia did very well. Economic growth figures were impressive and credit had also to be given for social development. This has to be seen in comparison to other nations gaining independence around that time. India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Burma, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam are some of the examples. At independence Malaysia had less educated and technically trained people than these nations, but using any yardstick Malaysia did better.
However along the way, something happen. The New Economic Policy which was suppose to help the indigenous people was hijacked by those in power to enrich themselves. Now it is not only the non Malays who are unhappy, the majority of Malays are also not satisfied. A poor Malay with no connection, from a state ruled by the opposition and perceived by the federal government not to be supporting their party may have it worse than the non Malay. It is not only non Malays who are migrating but qualified Malays choose to continue their careers in the countries where they studied. They feel that they better not have the so called affirmative action of Malaysia. If they are successful they can proudly say that is is because of their own effort. It is not completely true to say that Malaysia is short of trained personnel, many a times it is improper utilization of them. Petronas is mainly run by Malaysian Malays, and there are spare to be pinched by other multinationals.
The New Economic Policy, did uplift the education standard of the indigenous people, but it enriched only a few. There are Malaysians on the Forbes list of billionaires, but the new additions (of whatever race), are people perceived to be connected to those in power, in other words are cronies. The children of the 4th Prime Minister are also Ringgit billionaires.
"A poor Malay with no connection, from a state ruled by the opposition and perceived by the federal government not to be supporting their party may have it worse than the non Malay."
Najib leads a government of thieves whose policies have enriched no one half as much as themselves. They trump up libel and sodomy charges against their rivals, undermine an independent judiciary, fire water cannons on Indians protesting ethnic injustice and muzzle free-thinking journalists. They endlessly built new airport terminals and bridges to nowhere, just so their well-connected cronies can get their 10%. The system they have created bears some striking similarities to old Japan, another society which grew well for a while, but ended up stagnating. Malaysia should ditch the UMNO hypocrites who live jet-setting playboy lifestyles and beat up political rivals whilst lecturing the world on 'Asian values'. They are only lining their own pockets.
I believe assistance is best applied when it is done on an individual level, and not given blindly to any group because of its racial, ethnic or religious make-up. Equality should mean equality of opportunity and should be pursued by the removal of barriers rather than its selective construction. Also, we need to look at the bigger picture - where we (Malaysia) are in a global context. While the focus has been on redistributing wealth to reduce racial tensions, other developing countries have managed to provide and fulfil foreign investors' demands.
The NEP serves to enrich the UMNOPUTRAs and their cronies only. By some estimates, some 200 Billion USD have been drained from government coffers to enrich the UMNOPUTRAS and cronies. There is no reason for Najib Razak to suddenly discontinue this widescale looting
Malaysians can recognize an honest effort when they see one. There is no need to spin anything, people can see to what is the truth. Scholarships and whatever social aids should be given according to need, not according to race. People resent being called a Chinese or Indian when they feel that they are Malaysians. But to be eligible for aid due to one's economic status is quite different, that person then can work his way up the social ladder.
Post independence in 1957 it has to be said that Malaysia did very well. Economic growth figures were impressive and credit had also to be given for social development. This has to be seen in comparison to other nations gaining independence around that time. India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Burma, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam are some of the examples. At independence Malaysia had less educated and technically trained people than these nations, but using any yardstick Malaysia did better.
However along the way, something happen. The New Economic Policy which was suppose to help the indigenous people was hijacked by those in power to enrich themselves. Now it is not only the non Malays who are unhappy, the majority of Malays are also not satisfied. A poor Malay with no connection, from a state ruled by the opposition and perceived by the federal government not to be supporting their party may have it worse than the non Malay. It is not only non Malays who are migrating but qualified Malays choose to continue their careers in the countries where they studied. They feel that they better not have the so called affirmative action of Malaysia. If they are successful they can proudly say that is is because of their own effort. It is not completely true to say that Malaysia is short of trained personnel, many a times it is improper utilization of them. Petronas is mainly run by Malaysian Malays, and there are spare to be pinched by other multinationals.
The New Economic Policy, did uplift the education standard of the indigenous people, but it enriched only a few. There are Malaysians on the Forbes list of billionaires, but the new additions (of whatever race), are people perceived to be connected to those in power, in other words are cronies. The children of the 4th Prime Minister are also Ringgit billionaires.
"A poor Malay with no connection, from a state ruled by the opposition and perceived by the federal government not to be supporting their party may have it worse than the non Malay."Najib leads a government of thieves whose policies have enriched no one half as much as themselves. They trump up libel and sodomy charges against their rivals, undermine an independent judiciary, fire water cannons on Indians protesting ethnic injustice and muzzle free-thinking journalists. They endlessly built new airport terminals and bridges to nowhere, just so their well-connected cronies can get their 10%. The system they have created bears some striking similarities to old Japan, another society which grew well for a while, but ended up stagnating. Malaysia should ditch the UMNO hypocrites who live jet-setting playboy lifestyles and beat up political rivals whilst lecturing the world on 'Asian values'. They are only lining their own pockets.
I believe assistance is best applied when it is done on an individual level, and not given blindly to any group because of its racial, ethnic or religious make-up. Equality should mean equality of opportunity and should be pursued by the removal of barriers rather than its selective construction. Also, we need to look at the bigger picture - where we (Malaysia) are in a global context. While the focus has been on redistributing wealth to reduce racial tensions, other developing countries have managed to provide and fulfil foreign investors' demands.
The NEP serves to enrich the UMNOPUTRAs and their cronies only. By some estimates, some 200 Billion USD have been drained from government coffers to enrich the UMNOPUTRAS and cronies. There is no reason for Najib Razak to suddenly discontinue this widescale lootingMalaysians can recognize an honest effort when they see one. There is no need to spin anything, people can see to what is the truth. Scholarships and whatever social aids should be given according to need, not according to race. People resent being called a Chinese or Indian when they feel that they are Malaysians. But to be eligible for aid due to one's economic status is quite different, that person then can work his way up the social ladder.