Opposition Party BullshitsTalk Big, No Action and now they going to lose both Malay and non-Malay votes

BN wins Merlimau, Kerdau with higher majority

Mar 6, 11 6:19pm


7.43pm: Kerdau (unofficial)

BN - 4,486
PAS - 2,161

Majority - 2,325

7.41pm: Merlimau

Official EC results (slower that unofficial results already announced):

BN - 3,214
PAS - 1,239

Majority - 1,975

7.32pm: On-the-spot analysis:

Given that the winning majority is higher than the 2008 results and lower than 2004 results (where BN won by a landslide), it appears that Malays and Indians voters have returned to Umno's fold as seen in the previous Tenang by-election two months ago.

As for Chinese voters, there could be a slight swing back to BN though this cannot be confirmed. A detail study is required as there are not Chinese-majority seats in both Kerdau and Merlimau.

It is interesting to note that PAS won Merlimau's polling district of Ayer Merbau, which has the highest percentage of Chinese voters (30.5%).

7.29pm: Kerdau (unofficial)

BN - 4,074
PAS - 2,002

Majority - 2,072

7.28pm: Kerdau

Official EC results (slower that unofficial results already announced):

BN - 3,746
PAS - 1,612

Majority - 2,134

7.27pm: Kerdau

Official EC results (slower that unofficial results already announced):

BN - 3,334
PAS - 1,453

Majority - 1,881

7.16pm: Kerdau

Official EC results (slower that unofficial results already announced):

BN - 2,170
PAS - 984

Majority - 1,186

7.20pm: On-the-spot analysis:

It appears that BN's winning majority in Kerdau and Merlimau will be somewhere between the 2008 general election and 2004 general election.

MCA Youth chief Wee Ka Siong says that the party has regained substantial Chinese votes in Kerdau.

7.16pm: Kerdau (unofficial)

BN - 3,777
PAS - 1,776

Majority - 2,001

About 70% of the votes counted.

7.11pm: Kerdau (unofficial)

BN - 3,533
PAS - 1,643

Majority - 1,890

7.10pm: On-the-spot analysis:

As expected, BN will retain both of its stronghold state seats. The winning margin for seats is much higher than in 2008.

In that general election, BN won Merlimau by 2,154 votes, and Kerdau by 1,615.

All eyes are now on whether BN is able to regain its winning majority which it obtained in the 2004 general election.

In 2004, BN won Merlimau by 5,087 votes, and Kerdau by 2,565.

7.04pm: Merlimau (unofficial)

BN - 5,962
PAS - 2,339

Majority - 3,623

About 95% of the votes counted.

7.03pm: Kerdau (unofficial)

BN - 2,944
PAS - 1,361

Majority - 1,583

7.01pm: Merlimau (unofficial)

BN - 5,589
PAS - 2,134

Majority - 3,553

6.54pm: Merlimau (official)

Postal votes

BN - 46
PAS - 2

Majority - 44

6.52pm: Merlimau (unofficial)

From BN's Lokman Adam - Five ballot boxes counted. BN leading with 2,555 votes.

6.36pm: Merlimau

First three ballot boxes have arrived at the tally centre in Politeknik Merlimau, including a box from Merlimau Pasir, where BN's Roslan Ahmad voted.

6.35pm: Kerdau

Two more ballot boxes arrive at the tally centre at Dewan Tun Razak. There are 19 more ballot boxes to go.

6.34pm: Kerdau (unofficial)

BN - 2,021
PAS - 956

Majority - 1,065

6.35pm: Merlimau (unofficial)

BN - 498
PAS - 177

Majority - 321

6.34pm: Kerdau (unofficial)

BN - 1,875
PAS - 901

Majority - 974

6.17pm: Kerdau (unofficial)

BN - 1,385
PAS - 764

Majority - 621

6.17pm: Kerdau (unofficial)

BN - 731
PAS - 513

Majority - 218

6.06pm: Kerdau (unofficial)

BN - 191
PAS - 114

Majority - 77


Anonymous said...

Dey mi1, think with ur brain! OP is not the government yet. So, no action yetla. Let have fair election. who do u think will win? for 53 yrs they tipu u. and yet u still can't think.

Anonymous said...

Hello, ask yourself how the opposition has done so far. they are fighting with each other, looking into petty issues and no economic transformation. People are getting fed up with oppositions

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon mar 6. Yes, there were plenty of things the opposition promised but still unable to keep but do look at that in a different point of view. Most of them (mark the word most) did their best to keep their own words but there were thousands of hurdles in front of them. Look at Selangor, the state government did so many things but the one that was supposed to carried out the duties were mostly the umno guys but since their are working for the federal, the state can do nothing. Local authorities, especially, are the most influential authority to carry out state government plan, but the do's are mostly umno and these little napoleon are the one that sabotage things. So, let the pakatan be the federal government first, evaluate them, later if they fail, vote them out. Before that, stop blaming them for things they can't control.

Anonymous said...

How would people trust pakatan if they themselves cannot handle the state matters. They dont have any common policies. They have so many little Napoleons who does and say thing otherwise. Until and unless they sit and form a common policy to suit the need of Malaysians, i am sorry to say no way they can touch Putrajaya.

Anonymous said...

MI - OP is the only hope for now. any alternative? BN ? Good, they will bury you people deep inside.