P.M Najib’s Australia visit. HRP appeals to 119 Australian MP’s well Senators to question UMNO state sponsored racism against minority Malaysian Indian poor.
No.6, Jalan Abdullah, Off Jalan Bangsar, 59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 03-2282 5241 Fax: 03-2282 5245
Website: www.humanrightspartymalaysia.com Email: info@humanrightspartymalaysia.com
Your Reference :
In Reply :
Date : 3/3/2011
The Honorable Senator Michael Foreshow
Parliamentary Joint Committee
Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade
Dear Sirs,
Re: 1. SOS appeal to Australian Parliament joint sitting on Malaysian state sponsored racism against minority Malaysian Indian poor on Prime Minister Najib Razak’s Australia visit (04/03/2011).
We are writing this letter on behalf of the 2.5 Million minority Malaysian Indians to express our concern over the visit of the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to Australia in the background of the above and Malaysia being a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council.
We also understand he has been given the privilege to address the Members of the United Nations and the Australian Parliament in a joint sitting.
We wish to bring to the attention of the Australian lawmakers about Malaysia’s systematic racial discrimination and in violation of acceptable international norms especially targeting the defenseless and poor Malaysian Indians.
The Human Rights Party of Malaysia (HRP) is led by lawyer P. Uthayakumar who was detained without trial under the International Security Act (ISA) for 514 days from 13/12/2007 for organizing a peaceful assembly on 25/11/2007. HRP is the political wing of Human and Minority Rights NGO Hindraf whose Chairman P.Waytha Moorthy is a British trained Barrister at law and now leading Hindraf from exile in London.
Please take cognizance of in particular the following:-
· Used the Attorney General, the Judiciary, Registrar of Societies and government machinery to launch a nationwide crackdown on Hindraf.
· By jailing and maliciously prosecuting this week alone 53 Hindraf human rights and minority rights activists as at 4/03/2011 and continuing.
· Last week some 300 over Hindraf activists (government claims only 109) were arrested and jailed for organising a peaceful assembly against the UMNO state sponsored racism. This week alone 53 Hindraf activist have been prosecuted to be jailed up to three years for merely being members of Hindraf.
· Brutally suppresses freedom of speech and peaceful assembly;
· Used the Internal Security Act and the Sedition Act to punish without trial five Hindraf lawyers in 2007;
· Malays are a superior race, just like Hitler did, coupled with Islam as a superior religion to oppress, segregate and exclude especially the Indian poor;
· Last month by promoting a textbook called Interlok where Indians are demeaned as “dark skinned smelly pariahs” ;
· Systematically denied the right to freedom of assembly and speech as is enshrined in the Malaysian Constitution and in violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
· All other atrocities as per Malaysian Indian Minority & Human Rights Violations Annual Report 2010.
The government of Malaysia led by UMNO by Prime Minister Najib Razak is ruling the country with pure racism and violation of basic human rights such as freedom of religion, speech, right to assembly, equality and equal opportunities denied to the Indian poor. To give him the privilege to address the Australian Parliament will contaminate the sanctity of a respectable institution.
Malaysia today has emerged as the world’s most racist and religious supremacist country and the world’s only and last remaining apartheid regime, but very little known to the world at large because of UMNO’s very “clever” media political propaganda.
Kindly access our website at hrp-my.org to view our day to day documentation of the deplorable extent of the acts of persecution racism, religious supremacy and victimization of the mere 8% ethnic minority Indian poor. Our main website www.humanrightspartymalaysia.com was on 27/02/2011 “shut down” by the government despite a promise of Internet freedom.
Given this racist and religious supremacist attributes we seek the Australian lawmakers to raise the aforesaid persecution of the Malaysian Indians with our Prime Minister. So please help us.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Secretary General (pro tem)
(H/P No: +6013-3504711)
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