Why Mahathir failed to change the Malays?

New Economic Policy.The brainchild of Mahathir has been implemented for more than three decades. Now at the dawn of this new century, we ought to ponder and examine this NEP and its impact on our nation. Some will say NEP is a success.Some will deny that. I myself for one would say NEP is a failure to a certain extent. NEP did mold a stable nation and help to maintain that status for more than three decades but at what costs, one may ask? Hence we have this discussion about Mahathir and his NEP.

NEP calls for government's sponsorship and scholarship. Mahathir sponsored too many young Malay students and bought them their degrees, master and PhD degrees from UK universities. So we have a scenario where the patients is the Malay race and his entire prescriptions depended heavily on foreign support. Mahathir is doomed to fail from the moment he took the swearing oath making him the Malaysia's Fourth Prime Minister because he did not learn his history lessons well. A Malay doctor who has no ideas of what are the root cause that made many Imperial Chinese dynasties that rose and fell. Imperial eunuchs who bought and sold important government positions to their supporters, causing wide spread of corrupt officials who are incompetence and indulge in oppressing the peasants' classes. Who dare to say this practice is not obvious in the present modern time? Sponsored and buy education qualifications for young Malay students. Education qualifications equal important government positions, hence buying and selling government positions to his Malay supporters. Mahathir is nothing but just an ordinary leader who indulge in "office education politics" whether he is aware of it or not. By tendering his resignation after more than two decades in power, he has gotten away, hoodwinking and deceiving Malaysians' peasants' classes. Unfortunately, the same fate does not smile on Liong Sik, another Malaysian politician who only thinks of the next election and who too indulge in "office education politics". As for Liong Sik's case, he is quietly "disposed of and overthrown" because a leader in ancient China period who has not the support of the wise men shall perish and be vanquished. Lu Bu, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Gongsun Zan and many others warlords during the Three Kingdom period vanquished because they do not employ wise and capable men in their services.

Mahathir ought to spend his retirement time, paying a visit to a Malay farmer and a Malay fisherman. The Malay farmer and fisherman will tell him that they would rather give free food (rice, fishes and vegetables) to real, genuine academicians and researchers regardless of races in the public universities because these scientists are the frontier explorers in the vast, uncharted fundamental knowledge territory. This is the peasant classes' ultimate investment in the future. The new scientific discoveries will create new jobs and new industries for young, new, future generations. The peasant classes' children and grandchildren generations. The scientists' job is far more important than you, a doctor or a Prime minister because they work to ensure the full independence of our nation. You, Mahathir, a doctor, will get the least priority from the peasant classes' list of free food recipients because a doctor like you just like any other technologists /industrialists /capitalists (engineers, architects, accountants, auditors, bankers, dentists, etc..) can easily set-up your own business firm/company/clinic and derived your livelihood from the general public. The support from the peasant classes to the Federal Government must flow down back directly to pure scientific research in public universities. Government fund (taxpayers' money) is power and this power is not to be abused by you, Oh Mahathir, for recruiting and sponsoring your Malay supporters to become fake Malay academicians (Malay Professor Kangkung). Remember this, oh Mahathir! How can you, be aware of what these young sponsored Malaysian students had gone through in foreign nations that are thousand miles away?

Is education perceived by the Malays as getting a degree and then works comfortably as government employee? Is education perceived by the non-bumiputra Malaysians as getting a degree and then works for foreign multinational companies? Have we all forgotten the purpose of education? Do you have to go down on your knees and begs Bill Gates to invest in Malaysia IT's industry?

Presently, the whole world is laughing at Malays race. We are now in information age. Oh! Mahathir, do you still have any idea how the Internet is born?

So Mahathir, remember that you wrote a letter criticizing the way Tunku Abdul Rahman's, Malaysia's first Prime Minister handling of Federal government back in the 1960s. Now in the Internet Age, you shall be criticized and reprimanded in front of all 28 millions Malaysians and laughed upon by the billions of world's population. So much for your New Economics Policy and good riddance to you!!

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