Najib and Taib are closely intertwined
There is nothing difficult to analyse about Sarawak.
If the Sarawakians are prepared to opt for change, then the peninsular Malaysians will take their cue from them. GE-13 is around the corner and Najib cannot take any chances.
Najib knows that his only task at this moment in time, is to make sure Taib and BN stay on, in control of Sarawak.
The current positions of power, jobs, reputations, livelihoods (most of which were not legitimately acquired), wealth (most of which were illegally obtained) that are held by BN politicians and the cronies who benefitted from their largesse, will be lost, if the Opposition get control.
In order to justify the ageing Taib’s desire to seek re-election, Prime minister Najib Abdul Razak’s latest argument, is that a leader’s age should not be an issue. He pointed out several ageing opposition leaders - Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh, Nik Aziz, Hadi and Anwar Ibrahim.
Najib has selective amnesia and is being disingenuous. These men did not become billionaires by raping the state and its people. These men, unlike Taib, have not put themselves for re-election, to remain Chief Minister and rule for several more years.
Najib said voters must be wary of the opposition's battlecry for “change” and contrast it with BN's numerous “transformation” strategies such as the Government Transformation Programme and Economic Transformation Plan.
Even those in industry have doubts about Najibs “transformation” strategies.
Najib talked about how change could not be rushed.
So how long more does he need for planning? Isn’t 54 years more than enough time? And what sort of results has he to show us?
He said uncertainty was bad for the country: “Uncertainty is bad for business. It is bad for confidence. If we plan change, the way BN is doing, then change will be for the better and the people of Malaysia would benefit from change.”
Najib is obtuse. Umno/BN rule for the past 54 years has brought the country to its knees. We are a failed state. Race and religion conveniently keep the people apart. The country’s fiscal policies benefit Najib and his cronies. Thus, it is Umno/BN that is bad for business and confidence.
Najib claimed that his “transformation” included a 15 percent reduction in crime. Is Najib not aware that the reduction in crime is because no one bothers to report criminal acts anymore? No one has any trust in the police or in any of his government’s institutions. That much is certain.
Najib described the Opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim as a liar with numerous “personal problems”. Talk about pot calling the kettle black.
Why should we trust Najib? He was not elected premier. He refuses to have a healthy debate with Anwar, on the state of the country.
He tells the international community one thing, but does the opposite to his people. At the UN general assembly last year, Najib said he was against extremism and yet, he failed to censure extremist acts in Malaysia.
He promised the family of Teoh Beng Hock, the political aide who fell to his death from a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Comission (MACC) bulding, that he would “leave no stone unturned”. And yet, it was Najib who refused to fully investigate the circumstances of Teoh’s death.
Only yesterday, Najib condemned the family of Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed, the customs officer who also fell to his death at another MACC office, to the same fate.
So should we trust Najib when he reassures us that Taib would step down after the election?
Najib said, “I have spoken to him. The chief minister had promised that there will be a succession. Believe me. When the time comes, it will happen. Don't be rash and incited by the opposition.”
If both Najib and Taib are sincere about the “transformation” that both have been espousing in their recent campaign trails, then Najib should demand that Taib goes now.
Before the election.
Not after.
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