"If the stand of Umno, Najib should officially be announced termination 1Malaysia campaign spread all over.
"So, now showing real support for the BN are not sincere with the campaign slogan 1Malaysia and is actually a fraud," he said.
Yesterday, Sarawak branch PERKASA in a statement put the sole responsibility of the DAP if the fate of the Chinese community in the state is no longer looked after following a trend that those voters who support Pakatan Rakyat.
Umno politics game"Pakatan Rakyat, DAP, more so to blame and commissioned by the Chinese if the natives of Sarawak deny all claims of the Chinese," said its leader, Abdul Nasser bin Abang Abang Hadari.
Ironically, the fact that arose after a series of articles published sequence of Utusan Malaysia last Sunday in the 'Awang Selamat' which urged the government to ignore the interests of the Chinese community in the election strategy.
The article claimed that the anti-BN sentiment by Chinese voters across the country proves that people not only want to maintain their dominance in the economy, even in the political arena as well.Even yesterday, Deputy Editor-Chief of Utusan Malaysia , Datuk Zaini Hassan and challenged the government to launch the idea 1Melayu 1Bumi to save the Malay community of oppressed Chinese people.
According to Tian Chua's call it all just sickening political games of Umno like to exploit racial sentiments of the people to win back the support of Umno-BN.
"This is typical as Perkasa is always instigated to create tension between the races. PERKASA trying incite sentiment is to help Umno, "said Tian Chua.
Question of treason does not ariseIn a related development, the Gerakan also condemned the fact considers Perkasa and Abang Abdul Nasser as is' and revengeful and cheap politics publicity. "
Vice president of the BN component party, Datuk Mah Siew Keong ( right ) said the question of betrayal does not arise because the Chinese community in Sarawak have never made any promise that they support the BN.
"After all, the Sarawak state election was held to enable the people in democracies elect their representatives to the Legislative Assembly," he said in a statement.
Mah also consider the fact that PERKASA racist and immature.
"We should respect the majority decision. It is a vote in the city of diverse people who reject the ruling party and not just the Chinese voters.
"The government must listen to the majority of voters voting areas, researched and introduced changes that can be accepted for the benefit of all people," he said.
Malays are not punished
According to Mah, although voters in Kedah and Kelantan Malay majority, but rejected the BN federal government has never been to marginalize both duia states.
"There was no pressure from any party to the government to marginalize the two states because voters do not support the government. So please do not let the election results Sarawak became a racial issue.
"They (city residents) want to see policies that are fair and they are also concerned with national issues and also how the government handle the problem," said Mah.
Meanwhile, Utusan Malaysia proposed that the Umno 1Melayu 1Bumi launched a movement to fear a negative impact on the newspaper itself.
NUJ: Newspaper sales will plunge
Secretary-General of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), V Anbalagan while talking to TV Selangor , said the incident appears to him, would affect the income accomplice Star himself when the newspaper sales continue to plunge soon."If we can continue allowing the sale of newspapers will come down and I worry if this happens the company may not benefit.
"Finally, the loss of workers due to retrenchment as Utusan Malaysia tends to lose thier sales news like this is not it? It burns those sentiments are not you? "Question.
According to Anbalagan, the management of Utusan Malaysia should not only understand the newspaper read by the Malays, but he read all Malaysians of various races." Utusan Malaysia newspaper must understand the language of Malaysia is not read by the Malays alone. It is read by all people, all races because the Malay language meaning does not belong to the Malay people of Malaysia belong, "said Anbalagan.
"Statements like these do not provide any good but casulaty and I worry because people might boycott or do not want to read this newspaper. I am also concerned because many NUJ members working there, "he said.
Add Anbalagan, newspapers should play to bring unity, but unfortunately, Utusan Malaysia act otherwise.
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