Why The IBAN (Sea Dayaks) in Sarawak Poorest Race in Malaysia? Part 2

he descendant of great Iban has gone because of their next generations had been blocked by third party to the progress world in late 1960s, their children had been restricted from further studies, business opportunities, politics and good social life.

There is no continuity to bring out their forefather strong fighting spirits and to protect the Dayak Rights. "Iban Putting Setak" who become the Dayak leaders at the moment are weak Iban Leaders in their fighting spirits to protect the Dayak Rights and unable to continue the fighting spirits of great Ibans. "Iban Putting Setak" do not dare to fight for the good cause of Ibans perhaps they are more daring to cheat the Iban themselves.

Who split the Dayaks? What Dayaks have been doing to the people splitting them? Does the Dayaks action is adequate enough to control the attack from the splitter, eliminate the effects of the splitter, even stop the splitter?

Since Sarawak joining Malaysia, it is very obvious that the people splitting the Dayaks especially the Iban (Sea Dayak) are: PBB, SUPP,PDBS,SNAP, PRS,SPDP and UMNO leaded by Melanau. Those are Tun Rahman Yakup, Taib, James Wong, Dr.Wong,Datuk Sung, Mahathir even Anwar when he become DPM. Dayak has been doing nothing to stop them, afraid to complain and left it to the Dayak fate, especially the present Dayak leaders. In the beginning of formation of Malaysia, Dayak leaders such as Endawie, Jugah, Kalong and Tajem were brave enough to fight against the splitters.

The actions done by Dayak fighting against the splitters are very poor and no clue in the future to resolve the issues concerned. It is impossible for the Dayak to be united if the Dayaks are unable to destroy the Third Party jeopardized their Unity.

The main route of Dayak Unity is, the Dayak should be brave enough, strong enough and must be able to fight against the splitters. The Dayak should be able to destroy the splitters and fight against them completely without fear with all means even with forces. The government can use forces to destroy Rumah Nyawin why Dayak cannot do it to destroy the splitters. Do not wait. Do not be afraid.... Serve your life for your own country and your own people.

“One country will be collapsed if their own army is unable to protect their country from attacking by their enemies.”

Dayak best action is to keep on as a pressure group, put all the cruelty in book and transform it into physical body without fear. Nobody will be voluntarily transformed this book into physical body if the Dayak themselves not do it and afraid to do so. Register more pressure groups and call them when ever Dayaks need them. Use these groups to pressure any Dayak enemies destroying them with any means. Be the first runner to fight the Dayak Right.

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