It sounds logical to me. In fact, far more can be done to ease the burden of the rakyat. We can truly turn this nation into a rakyat first nation. It doesn’t have to remain an empty, hollow and shameless slogan as it is currently.
The IPP’s should be made to run at 100% capacity, and the spare capacity will then be provided for by TNB itself. Currently, most IPP’s are running at 60% capacity and maintaining a 40% spare capacity.
The government is paying them, through TNB, 100% capacity. I know of one power station (could be more) that is totally not running at all, but used for spare capacity only. It’s rip off.
The equal agreements with the highways, water works and IPP’s should be renegotiated so as to reduce the rates, without government compensation. Currently, the rates are not increased, but the government is compensating them for the loss. This sort of agreements smell of the kind negotiated by the conquerors with the colonies.
An extended five years terms should be given to the local car industries to brace up for foreign competition. The rakyat will then be able to buy cars that are truly of the value that they pay. These industry cannot forever remain protected and infantile. It is not only the APs that ought to be be subjected to open tender.
Public lands should be sold by open tender as well, so that the people of these land will derive maximum benefits. Of course, not much is left.
We can also save lots of money by open tender for government projects, as was practised before the time of Apa Nama Itu. He was using tenders as one of the means to keep himself in power. Support me, and you get the tenders, I guess.
Petronas should at least be accountable to parliament. After all, parliament is responsible for the people. From the first oil well until the wells are almost dry, we have no idea how much was pumped out. I’m sure more of income can used for people benefit rather than crony benefit.
Best of all, boot out the politicians who have been cheating us. If an employee cannot perform to expectations, we sack them. The MPs are there because we gave them the mandate. “YB, Datuk, Tan Sri” the apple polishers like to call them and be associated with them. They should rightfully be our servants, not our masters as they have arrogantly portrayed themselves.
The cancer infecting Bolehland can only be cured by drastic surgery!
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