The Elites will never release their grip on the nation's wealth and power easily. It will require total commitment from all of us to ensure that their rule is ended permanently.
With the impending ascension of Anwar Ibrahim to the Prime Minister seat in Putrajaya, the UMNOPUTRA’s are sweating profusely. They are nervous and more importantly they are scared. Their once tight-grip on power and the country’s wealth is in serious jeopardy.
In view of this, they are willing to set their individual differences aside. Please note that even from the olden days, feuds between feudal lords among the Malays were frequent and prolonged. The same applied today between the UMNOPUTRA. But, the circumstances doesn’t allow for such luxuries anymore. They have formed a committee dedicated towards maintaining their continued hold on power.
They have agreed on three short term but crucial objectives:
a. Destroy Anwar Ibrahim’s credibility and relevance. In short, destroy him completely.
b. Bring PAS into Barisan Nasional and thus resulting in the break up of Pakatan Rakyat
c. Ensuring smooth transition from Pak Lah to Najib for the PM position.
They have formed a committee consist of important figures in the government. The committee includes the IGP, Panglima Angkatan Tentera, Ketua Setiausaha Negara, several senior civil servants, UMNO leaders and many more. In short every unit and resources of the Federal Government is at their disposal to achieve the objectives I mention above.
Pak Lah is informed on this committee and knows their objectives, but are not informed of their moves and actions. Which means that this committee has a degree of immunity for all the actions they are going to take.
Who Are These UMNOPUTRA’s?
hey are a class of people created by the British to ensure the country is ruled in according to the whims and fancies of the British after independence was awarded to this country.
The British recruited them from a number of types of Malays namely those related to Royalties, Malay civil servants that served under the British and local leaders that was friendly with the British.
When the British awarded Independence to Malaysia, they effectively handed over power to this elite class of the Malays. They ensured that British interest is protected and at the same time they consolidated their control of the country’s power structure.
To find legitimacy in a Constitutional Monarch practicing democracy, they will require a political platform. They then formed UMNO, and later Perikatan to be that political platform.
In other words, the default political platform for them is UMNO. They form the core support base of UMNO among the Malays. And through their diabolical and ingenius scheme they are able to subdue the non malays of this country as well.
The Non UMNOPutra Malays are nothing more than servants to them. When the elite’s require their help, the elites will fan the “Malay spirit” among the Malays and the Malays will do whatever they want them to do.
However, as far as wealth and opportunities, the lion’s share remains with the elites while the majority of the Malays survives on whatever scraps they throw at us.
In order to subdue and guarantee the support of the Malay masses, they employ Malays in large numbers in the public sector. Thus, creating a culture of dependency among the Malays upon them. They also ensured that the Malay masses remains ignorant as the media and flow of information is severly controlled. The “Utusan Melayu” started out as a very critical newspaper to UMNO, but in the 1950’s the newspaper was taken over by force, thus subjecting the Malays to a prolonged period of darkness and ignorance. An ignorant Malay masses will follow the whims of the UMNOPUTRA at a drop of a hat.
Other Motivations Of The UMNOPUTRA
Apart from the need to monopolized the country’s resources, the other motivation that’s driving the UMNO potential relegation to irrelevance. For the first time in Malaysia’s history, those not from the elite linage will have the chance to chart the course of the country. We are talking about sons and daughters of farmers, laborers, tailors in short normal people will have the power to determine what goes and what doesn’t in the running of this country. The elites will have to live their lives like other normal people and their special treatment cease to exist.
The scenario is best explained from a dialogue from the movie “Count Monte Cristo” when Edmund Dantes asked Fernon Mondego the son of Count Mondego why has he betrayed him. Fernon replied “ You are the son of a clerk and I am not supposed to want to be you”. The dialogue sums it up and applies to the current situation in Malaysia. A shift in fortune from the UMNOPUTRA elites to the general masses, is an eventuality that must be prevented at ALL COST.
How The Committee Operates
Basically they operate as they will. And they have full control of every arm and resources of the Federal Government. They will use their individual powers to ensure the 3 main objectives are achieved.
But it seems, their hold on the government is not as strong as it once were. One thing, government employees are themselves reeling from the effects of high prices and high petrol prices. Nearly every government employees are not spared from the dreaded arms of inflations.
That explains why there is so much leaks in their movement. How do u explain a confidential doctor report of Saiful being leaked to the public, or the various meetings held between PAS leaders and UMNO leaders being known to the masses.
They cannot operate as effective as they once could. They too are feeling the fury of the masses.
Race And Religious Issues Are Mere Distractions
They are not even an issue, but they are used to fan undying and unlimited support of the Malays to them. In addition, the Malay issue is used to create dissensions within the ranks of Pakatan Rakyat.
They need to fan the fury of the Malay because each time that has happened, UMNO will reap it’s benefits.
The real issue is corruption and abuse of power. And how the country has is going down the drain because of the UMNOPUTRA greed.
The economy needs to be reformed so it can be dynamic and able to compete at the international level. Not serve as a tool to feed the UMNOPUTRA in ways and means that they please.
How PAS Was Nearly Won
They used their mole in PAS in the form of Mustafa Ali and fan the Malay spirit. On top of that, they awarded Rameli Musa a RM2b contract. Being Rameli Musa a respected figure among PAS leaders and a financier of PAS, some of the PAS leaders fell for his deception.
Again, all this would not have happened without the support from government apparatus. But, they never expected Tok Guru Nik Aziz to resist so vehemently. And so their plans have failed, for now.
Do not kid ourselves. They are fighting back. And they will not cease the country’s level of powers and resources that easily. They will fight tooth and nail and they will ensure that their status quo is intact.
On our side, we should take precaution and never allow ourselves to be fooled by their propaganda or deceptions. Also, we must never cease to move towards eradicating the UMNOPUTRA and we must ensure our goals are achieved without a hitch.
source: malaysia waves
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