Racial Discrimination - Malaysian way of life, What is the point of celebrating MERDEKA day?

I am considered a triple minority in my country.First, being Chinese. Second, being a Chinese Muslim. Wow, putting it on paper, things do not look too bright for me, does it?

Honestly, I am never quite bothered with Malaysian politics as I do not feel that I matter in my own county!

We are going to be celebrating our 51 years of Independence (Merdeka) from the British Empire. The crucial question is "When are we going to celebrate our FIRST year of MALAYSIAN INDEPENDENCE IN MALAYSIA where all Malaysian born after the Independence Day, August 31st 1957, can drop the racial thing and just be proud to be a MALAYSIAN?"

EVERY SINGLE TIME, I tell my friends I am a MALAYSIAN, they will go,"YOU DO NOT LOOK MALAYSIAN!". Honestly, after much reflections of my past I have come to truly realize WHAT they meant. It is so sad that they think even with my "mixed" non Chinese look, I still do not look Malaysian enough! What do I have to do to prove that I am a Malaysian? My Identity Card! I showed it to them and they just laughed at me and said "OH I SEE NOW THAT YOU ARE A CHINESE MUSLIM FROM MALAYSIA!". WOW, they are RIGHT!

I am a Malaysian Chinese Muslim and I am proud of that because that is exactly what I am! However, on paper, even my foreign friends think I am a second class citizen or just having a PERMANENT RESIDENT status. WHY, WHEN, HOW can I tell people that I am just a MALAYSIAN?

My own children are Malaysians. Why is it then after being a third generation Chinese, I am still not a TRUE MALAYSIAN? That is so SAD.

All these friends are of course foreigners, some staying here for decades, THEY FEEL,ARE TREATED AND ACT AS IF THEY ARE MALAYSIAN as they have more RIGHTS and FREEDOM than we, born MALAYSIANS do have.

Now, I am beginning to think that if ONLY I am not born here, I will be feeling more of a MALAYSIAN. Is that WHAT it takes to be treated as a PURE MALAYSIAN? Please tell me that I am wrong. Enlightened me please.

I was not worried about my childrens welfare until one day, they told me that they were asked to fill up a form in school which states very specifically that they are of mixed blood in the box named "RACE"! I told them very sternly that they are legally MALAYS, and it is NO ONE ELSE BUSINESS as to just how mixed they are as that is their heritage, not a racial issue.

In most countries, minorities are protected just as old folks, women, children are always given PRIORITY but not in my case. With my problems, I find it so much harder to handle my issues just because I do not BELONG SPECIFICALLY to any SPECIFIC or PRIVILEDGE group! Not as a woman, not as a Chinese, not as a Chinese Muslim and definitely as far as Malaysia stands, I am just one of those UNFORTUNATE STATISTIC! Am I really?

Below are two recent racial incidents that is being hotly debated via the internet and I am posting it with the pure intention to share as I do seldom post up issues of these sorts unless I have enough facts and it deeply concerns me as I can PERSONALLY relate to them.

In the SPIRIT OF TRUE MALAYSIA, being almost 51 years since INDEPENDENCE DAY, I BEG THE MALAYSIAN GOVERNMENT to please SERIOUSLY, WITH MUCH WISDOM & LOVE FOR THE COUNTRY, to look into this "racial disease" that is silently but surely affecting everyone, including our innocent children.

ANYONE WHO IS TRULY A MALAYSIAN WILL FEEL THE WAY I DO,especially so, as I am seeing more racial bias amongst even the school system.

If our government truly want MALAYSIA to be a truly peaceful and walk the talk, please kindly do something to re-educate the people from the top, i.e the politicians, government officials, simpletons that there is only ONE MALAYSIA SIGNIFYING EQUAL RIGHTS AMONGST ALL MALAYSIAN, in regardless to your heritage,culture or racial differences.

If we are still going to be a racial biased society, there is no point in celebrating independence day and brag that as we celebrate Merdeka Day, we joyfully recall the events that led to it. It is equally important for us to ponder on what did not happen or could have happened. What took place was obvious; Malaysia gained her freedom from colonial rule.

malaysian chinese
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