Written by: Dr. john Brian Anthony
Despite the positive result of the just concluded Sarawak State election whereby the Dayak has shown its continued support for BN Government it seems that the government is not appreciative to that fact. Why did the government take away some subsidies on very important items. Were the Dayak in the Government consulted on the matter?
Gawai Dayak Celebration 31st May and June 1st
This day mark the recognition of Dayak as a very important and integral part of Malaysia Malaysian. It gives pride to the Dayak and the Gawai marked the end of a farming cycle and the regrouping of families for a reunion dinner and festivities. Along side the Gawai Dayak are also various other Gawai, the Gawai Antu, Gawai Batu and other Gawai design for personal purpose. There are also many weddings conducted during the Gawai Holiday. In fact, the Gawai Dayak is the biggest public celebration for Dayak.
Transportation to longhouses
As much as 70% of the Dayak population still access their longhouse by river. Motor boat using petrol is the main vehicle for transportation and with price increased of petrol and oil product the rural population is going to suffer whether they realize it or not. The reason is simple, there is no road yet.
On top of that 90% of Dayak longhouses depended on diesel and petrol for their electricity generator because the government still fail to provide them with electricity. This will add up to more cost to the already poor rural population.
Food and Drinks
The most important element of Gawai is “tuak”, an alcoholic drink made using glutinous rice, sugar and yeast. Without rice wine,literally there is no Gawai because the product is used in every ritual and function.
In addition for Gawai and other ritual, the Dayak used a lot of sugar,eggs and flour to make their Dayak biscuit or “panganan” . All these will add up to the higher cost of living and leaving very little for education and saving.
Then the Dayak are fond of pork meat and chicken. During Gawai the prices of these meat simply spiral up without control.
Government policies
Every year the various Dayak NGO reminded the Domestic Trade and Industry Ministry to issue their directive to the trade. But this year, the Federal Government did not even care or consider the economic well being of Dayak by rising the prices of essential goods.It would be good if Dayak Ministers in the Government could contribute towards asking the government to keep price down during Dayak festive season. I do hope that the government will heed their call. Dayak vote is always important to the BN Government and hopefully the government will reciprocate the Dayak support for them.
Dayak Earnings
Rural Dayak income stream is from farming. The prices of agricultural chemical and fertilizer is already high responding to the high material cost from oil and chemical prices. How much is left for the Dayak to spend?
In towns in both Sarawak and Malaya many Dayak are struggling as labourers in construction and manufacturing sectors. Many are involved in transportation sector which are all low paying job.
In the government service, 90% of Dayak are in the low ranking category drawing small pay. It is normal now for some government servant to go back home to the longhouse to tap rubber to supplement their income. These low income group are also badly affected by the recent price increase.
What is the government to all these?
The country inflation rate is going up while the people income remain stagnant. There is no need for the government to try to look for reason why there were swing votes in rural area of Sarawak. Can the government improve the rural income through increase productivity or can the government do more substantial initiative to keep the cost of living down? Voters do have high expectation now that election and politicking is over.
Can we change? Yes, Change WE Must. Aram Berubah.
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