Start implementing RATION CARD for the poor in Malaysia

As the price hike of food and other basic necessities, the government should introduce food ration system for the ultra-poor. A list of the destitute and ultra-poor people can be prepared through a survey before introduction of the programme.

The meeting should be conducted by the government and other agencies and with other related village heads as well government agencies, NGO's to immediately set up a committee and start implementing ration card immediately.

Since government has made decision to cut down the subsidies, there should be an alternate way in order to channel the very needed help from the government. The government has to play an active role to this end.

The ration card could differ from urban to rural area. The urban area the bench mark should be set at higher point and in rural area lower point.

To weed out bogus ration cards and curb black-marketing of subsidised food commodities, Malaysian government should introduce bio-metric ration cards bio-metric system which would scan fingerprints of the ration card holder and his spouse before giving them access to subsidised ration.

I wonder sometimes whether In Malaysian government, cabinet anyone is thinking out of the box to help the poor or merely appointed as a cabinet minister to show off.

For Malaysians who are not familiar with ration card, here is the definition,

A ration stamp or ration card is a stamp or card issued by a government to allow the holder to obtain food or other commodities in emergency situations, such as in the present situation whereby the poor unable to afford the basic necessities. It is to provide subsidised food to those on low incomes.

Below poverty Line is an economic benchmark and poverty threshold used by any government to indicate economic disadvantage and to identify individuals and households or families in need of government assistance and aid whom falls under the criteria below poverty line.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ration Card system is very successful in India and Western / Europe Countries. Malaysia should consider of Implementing Ration Card for the poor in Malaysia. I believe Census Malaysia need to involve on this. Shah -