Umno plays race-religion card ahead of polls

May 8, 11 9:20am

'It looks like Utusan is hell-bent in creating a crisis. I do hope that all right-thinking Malaysians, be they Muslim or non-Muslims, not to fall into this trap.'

Utusan wants to set 1M'sia on fire, decries Lim

David Dass: Anything goes. That appears to be the credo of Utusan Malaysia. The idea that a group of Christian pastors would gather and plot and pray for Christianity to be made the religion of Malaysia and that a Christian become a prime minister is so preposterous as to be laughable.

No one in Malaysia could seriously believe in such nonsense. But yet this was the headline in the front-page of a mainstream newspaper. Do they really consider the Muslims in Malaysia to be so gullible that they would react to such absurd nonsense? Are the Christians insulted by this? Of course not. Annoyed yes, insulted no.

All Malaysians should be incensed by this attempt to set race against race and religion against religion. This could also be another attempt to try push back non-Muslims from asserting their legitimate constitutional rights.

Freedom of worship is a constitutional right. We should not allow the lunatics at the fringes of our society to occupy centre stage. Christians just want to worship in peace.

Quigonbond: MCA calls Utusan "unprofessional"? I'm dumbfounded. This is nothing short of deliberate, premeditated incitement of hatred and is easily seditious even if the attorney-general applies only a quarter of his brains.

Black Mamba: Utusan is bend on creating mischief and racial strife among Malaysians. Who are they kidding when more than 60 percent of the population are Muslims aided with more than a million Indonesian Muslims in the country with an array of mosques within less than a kilometre of each other sprinkled all over the country and they felt threatened? It sure beats me.

Utusan is a shit stirrer among the Muslim community waiting for the opportunity to pounce on the non-Malays to strengthen Umno losing grip on the Malays. Its responsibility as a mouthpiece of the BN government to create a harmonious society among Malaysians has been derailed.

It can't even hold the 1Malay ground which they lately championed as they have driven a great divisive wedge into the Malay Muslim populace into two groups of readership - one who believes in their lies and embraces all their wrongdoings who are mostly make up the supporters of Umno and the other are the pious ones from PAS who follow the truth in Harakah.

Geronimo: It looks like Utusan is hell-bent in creating a crisis in the country. I do hope that all right-thinking Malaysians, be they Muslim or non-Muslims, not to fall into this trap.

A crisis will only help PM Najib Razak to declare an emergency thus prolonging the Umno reign of the country. Just think, there are only about two million Christians in this country. How in the world can this small group of people take over the country, I wonder.

I just do not know what kind of Muslims we are dealing with in Utusan. They can lie through their teeth without even batting an eyelid. May God have mercy on their souls.

SusahKes: Dear PM, seriously, do you think you can regain lost ground for BN at the rate Utusan and other sections of Umno - from Mahathir to Muhyiddin to Perkasa - continue to undermine you?

Is it because they realise that your maneuvering room is too small for you to govern effectively, given that you have scandals related background? Just how much longer can you keep your elegant silence and ignore what is happening to 1Malaysia? If that isn't enough, none of the programmes you initiated inspire confidence; think Tricubes email, TalentCorp, the MRT.

For the life of me, I cannot think of one substantive thing that you've done since coming to office that has improved the quality of our lives; if anything, we've regressed. Race and religious relations are getting worse; political chicanery grab headlines; our positions on key indices keep dropping; and if all this isn't bad enough, we can't even provide decent Mandarin translation for the Chinese premier. That's how you want to be remembered?

Gerard Samuel Vijayan: Shouldn't the Utusan be banned either under the ISA or the PPPA 1984? The editors ought to be charged for either sedition or printing false news.

How can Christians who are only 12 percent of the population attempt to make Malaysia a Christian country? It defies all logic given that 60 percent of the population is Muslim and both the federal constitution and state laws prohibit preaching to Muslims and conversion.

So for the Utusan, any gathering of priests and pastors is a conspiracy or plot to overthrow Islam as the official religion. Soon Christians praying in churches will also be accused of the same. So why not shut down the churches?

Can Islam be replaced as the official religion? The answer is no because it is entrenched in the federal constitution and requires not only a two-thirds majority but the consent of the Malay rulers. Would the DAP be idiotic enough to plot such a change?

As for the PM, the federal constitution mandates that any person can be the PM. But the reality is that only a Malay/Muslim can be appointed. It's all lies from this Umno rag.

Williams: Suppose the Utusan report is not true, will the police then take action against the newspaper for inciting and for writing false news which is inflammatory and has the potential to disrupt the harmony among the people or will the newspaper again get away scot-free to continue writing incendiary articles capable of creating unrest in society?

This newspaper has previously published falsehood against Selangor exco Teresa Kok. And it was Kok who was detained under ISA, while the newspaper remained untouched and free to propagate unrest and hate among peace-loving people.

Realistic: It's confirmed. It's desperation time for Najib. Firstly, he asked PAS to quit Pakatan Rakyat, now he wants to rally the Malays behind Umno by using Utusan to fan anger among Muslims in the country.

I am so amazed that a so-called educated person like Pembela president Yusri Mohamad can say something as outrageous as this. Everybody knows that it is not true. I suppose he is getting advice from Dr Mahathir Mohamad just like Perkasa, which frequently used racial sentiment to rally support come election time.

As for the PM and the home minister, what a letdown for their fathers, who are former PMs.

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