Looks like APCO is far too busy with advisory work for the Malaysian government on the international circuit. And rightly so.
Given the overwhelming crap politics spewing out on the home ground, there must be every reason for the globally connected PR consultancy to be working strategically (at a premium price of course) to weather the bells for the PM and his men-in-arms on the international political arena.
Anyway, the rakyat are now taking their own painstaking initiative to convey a basket of their 'wish list' to the government of the day with that singular hope and vision for a better Malaysia for all loyal, God fearing and hardworking citizens, King and country.
In summary here is the wish list that will also be the determining factor of who gets to govern this larder-raided country come GE-13:
That the nation's number enemy - not Anwar Ibrahim ( as some would have all to believe) but corruption, be bombarded without mercy.
That all ministers, their proxies, and family entourage who have amassed wealth beyond their qualifications and capabilities be named and made to return the ill-gotten wealth back to the nation's coffers.
That with immediate effect all attempts to kill off opposition through sex-plots, religious and race based sandiwara and dramas be plugged without fear or favor. Instead make attempts to showcase your capabilities, strengths and the opportunities that you can blossom with through your own leadership and track record.
That the draconian ISA and OSA be done away with in the spirit of true democracy and civil liberties, consistent with the awakening in the global environment.
That the law enforcement authorities especially PDRM be empowered to carry out their roles and responsibilities without any interference, inducement, or partiality that will compound their fulfillment of protecting the rakyat at all times. In short, the PDRM must not be seen nor be perceived as a pro political party but an entity that is strictly anti-crime.
That the nation is prepared with innovative information management so that we can torpedo beyond the snares of race or religion based politicking. So that we are able to rise as one nation of people who care, share and protect each other purely built on the nationalist sentiments of being Malaysians.
That the judiciary is left to live up to its absolute independence and conduct its noble and time-honored function to the highest ethical principals that are akin to those of the developed democracies around the world.
And with that all outstanding judicial matters pertaining to crimes like the Mongolian murder (i.e. C4 authorization and immigration record deletions), the Lingam debacle, the BMF scandal, and numerous other water-locked cases be resolved in the best interest of King, citizens and nation.
That the 80% economic pie that is presently been eaten by 20% of the population is re-visited and redressed decisively. That includes an express review of all silver-spoon contracts that have been awarded under the cloaked 'bumiputra quota' formula; all mega-billion kick backs that went into individual tuxedo coat pockets; and many more.
We want all these to finally come back into the rakyat's livelihood through legitimate national savings and investment schemes.
We want the poorest of the poor - be they Malay, Chinese, Indian or any other ethnic minority or majority, to be able to immediately transform their lives and have a rainbow for their future.
We want the rakyat to enjoy a balanced lifestyle unlike now where everyone is on the road day and night searching for their next ringgit to make ends meet.
That the elderly and retirees will be eligible for hardship monhtly allowances - given the inevitable rising living costs as openly also admitted by the government leaders. If so many other nations including our immediate neighbors can practice this, there is no reason why we cannot ensure that a tiny portion of our oil money is reserved for the elderly who spent their lifetimes giving their best years for the nation's well being.
That education will be revamped and brought on par with the progressive nations and not keep back tracking owing to political mileage.
That teachers will be revered and their profession kept outside of political masters' reach so that we can teach without fear or favor and strictly promote the acquisition of knowledge thereby contributing to the nation's future knowledge capital.
Well if there are any more legitimate wishes please add on to this basket and hopefully the powers that be will study them and respond with foresight, wisdom, commitment and sincerity.
The bottom line is simply this: ALL FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, KING, CITIZENS AND COUNTRY. Anything wrong with that?
No. Then get on with the job Mr Prime Minister if you want to ensure that BN continues to succeed at the GE-13. You do not need to worry about having to crush bones and bodies.
J. D. Lovrenciear is a reader of Malaysia Chronicle
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