For many years, our workers had been celebrating the day with marches, together with banners demanding better rights and working conditions for themselves without much problem from the police. The clamping down on such peaceful marches started not too long ago due to the insecurity of the ruling government.
What is the reason the BN government feared such marches? Afraid of the truth? They had been oppressing the workers to help the rich (capitalists) richer. Our BN government should stop the charade of supporting May Day, if they are not sincere. You are no workers' government. You are a 'towkay' government - enriching yourselves and your cronies.
AnakPinang: Isn't demanding minimum wage a right of all workers, more so in this country where there is none?
Maybe it is not politically expedient to give the rakyat a good standard of living lest they may become more educated and less reliant on government handouts, and as such start demanding for their rights.
This is an issue that strikes deep in the hearts of all Malaysians considering the widening gap between the rich and poor and the escalating costs of living. Shouldn't the rakyat be the priority? After all, PM Najib Razak's slogan is 'Rakyat didahulukan'.
Well, if it is a question of putting food on the table, clothes on the children's backs and roof over their heads, then what can be more important than this - minimum wage? Shame on the government and their minions.
Dood: When Perkasa gathered to protest the other day in front of the MCA headquarters, the police stood by and did nothing. But when workers protested on May Day, the cops came crashing in.
Gerard Samuel Vijayan: What rubbish is this from the police? Isn't May Day about having rallies, public meetings and gatherings in solidarity with the workers? But not in Malaysia where the police are simply abusing their powers under Section 27 of the Police Act 1967 and preventing any gathering unless it is by Umno/BN, Perkasa and Pekida, in which case no permit is required.
And what has happened about Najib's promises to reform, amend or repeal the ISA, the Police Act and other emergency legislation? Does it take three years to table these amendments to Parliament or is the home minister just pretending when the truth is that the regime just wants to stay in power by using such autocratic and draconian laws?
No doubt about it, the police are clearly a BN tool and in the 13th general elections, they are going to be in the forefront defending the BN government to the death. The people have to be prepared for a long drawn-out fight to recover their freedoms and liberty from an evil and brutal regime.
Anonymous_3f94: The police have yet to arrest the Datuk T trio. Who polices the police force?
Constitutional Pendatang: IGP (inspector-general of police) Ismail Omar, please step down. We are fed up with the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) arresting peaceful and innocent people who want to voice out their right for a more decent life. Under the pretext of no permit being issued, you use the law to make the arrests. It's as clear as daylight that the police are at the beck and call of the governing regime.
I suppose when the cow-head incident took place, a permit was issued. Indeed, any hint of the opposition taking an active role in the protest marches, the police would come down on them hard.
The RMP are supposed to protect the people, not harass and penalise them. Najib, you and your 'People First, Performance Now' is real rubbish. You haven't got an iota of compassion, decency and sincerity.
You're probably the worst PM we have had so far, aside from Dr Mahathir Mohamad. God save this country from the likes of people like you.
Reformasi: What is happening in Malaysia? When non-BN groups protest, they are arrested on dot. If it were BN groups, the police do nothing. What kind of system do we have in Malaysia? People arrested even on Labour Day. Is BN stupid or what? This nation was built by the labour of Malaysians, don't you forget that.
Wira: Why bother about a May Day holiday if workers are not even allowed to assemble peacefully to express their basic concern about prices and wages?
Atan-Toyol: Cry, scream and shout all you want, guys. The regime is not about to reform anytime soon. Not a chance. Gatherings are a taboo to the regime. They give the impression that this country is in chaos; the regime argues that the investors will not come if peaceful demonstrations are allowed. They don't care what arguments you bring up to justify them.
Democracy is only having election every five years, period. Bribing voters is allowed if done by the regime. The Election Commission is another component party of the regime. Scream all you want about need for a fair and level-playing field election. The regime is deaf because their ear drums had shattered.
Anonymous_3e4b: The irony of this is that the police and the BN supporters don't seem to want a pay rise. Are they getting more from somewhere else?
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