1st May, Labour Day: PSM's Sg Siput MP among dozens arrested for demanding minimum wages law for the poor.
(Malaysiakini) PSM's Sungai Siput MP was among about 20 political, labour and rights activists and leaders caught today in a police dragnet on what was supposed to have been a march in solidarity for workers and to call for a minimum wage law.
Police have also barricaded both roads leading to the Dataran Merdeka - Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman and Jalan Raja Laut - where the march, beginning at the Chow Kit monorail station, was supposed to end.
Arutchelvan, one of the key members of the Labour Day organising committee, was supposed to have joined others in the march from Chow Kit to the Dataran Merdeka.
In a a short press conference prior to his arrest, Arutchelvan told reporters that he considers the police obstruction to the peaceful march a "violation of basic right".
He also said that he had already informed the police prior to the march, and said such a notice is sufficient as opposed to a police permit.
No permit was issued by the police.
The 100-member strong police contingent had assembled at the monorail station since early morning moved to arrest Arutchelvan shortly after he arrived.
PSM treasurer A Sivarajan was the third party leader to have been arrested by police.
About 20 people have been arrested so far in the police dragnet.
Made up of activists from PSM and other organisations such as grassroots workers network Jerit and student activist group Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM), they organised a sit-in protest at the new Suhakam headquarters on Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman near Maju Junction.
At least two other PSM activists, however, were arrested after a short altercation with police.
The small demonstration filled the driveway in front of the Maju Junction-Tabung Haji office, where they chanted slogans and sang workers' songs.
They blamed the police for obstructing their peaceful march and demanded the release of their arrested compatriots.
The small demonstration filled the driveway in front of the Maju Junction-Tabung Haji office, where they chanted slogans and sang workers' songs.
Under the watchful eye of the police, a group of students wearing black headbands with the words "May Day Parade" printed on it, unfurled several banners.
One of the banners read "Pergi Mampus Dengan Kapitalis" ('To Hell with the Capitalists!), while others protested free trade agreements and the conditions of workers.
One of the banners read "Pergi Mampus Dengan Kapitalis" ('To Hell with the Capitalists!), while others protested free trade agreements and the conditions of workers.
Some have headed to the Dang Wangi police station where 19 of their compatriots - including three reported minors - have been detained.
When met at the police station, Bar Council's human rights committee deputy chair lawyer Roger Chan said those arrested were not told the reasons for their arrest.
"They (police) should either release of charge them. In these circumstances, I think they should be released," said Chan.
One activist was arrested outside Dang Wangi police station after he unfurled a May Day banner.
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