A Humanistic Philosophy of the Future Society in Malaysia

The global economic crises forcing people to look for a new societal system to replace the old corporate dominated one. A Humanistic Philosophy system would save many lives and opportunities if we understand it now and take action to materialize it before it gets too late to stop wide-spread violence and bloodshed.

This economic concept ultimately is to replace the present old chaotic and outdated system, NEP. People in nearly all developed and some developing countries are earnestly looking for a modern but just and fair system to replace it.

The principle of equality of opportunity prescribes that every person has full authority of control and management of whatever he or she owns during his lifetime, but no one in a technological democratic society is allowed to gain opportunity over others through accumulation of wealth by profits achieved by exploitation and subjugation of others, or free transfer of assets.

This principle is known as "prohibition of unjust enrichment." Such accumulation is allowed only through individual's own labor. Thus, no one can be enriched through inheritance or receiving property or assets without a comparable compensation. The reason is that such enrichment will disturb equality of opportunity by increasing one's opportunity, without his personal efforts, over those of others. Inheritance is allowed only to the extent that it does not affect equality of opportunity. Profit is another form of unjust enrichment since the capitalist receives it through exploitation of workers as well as consumers. It unjustly enhances the opportunity of others.

The first and immediate step is to legalize the principle of equality of opportunity through a constitutional amendment, if it fails, then through a national constitutional convention.

The nation may need a temporary commission composed of highly qualified individuals to put into effect the new system, supervise its progress, make necessary adjustments for its proper operation, and eliminate the old departments and agencies when they become irrelevant,

The social goal and common purpose, for which society is to be organized, concern itself in providing equality of opportunity for everyone.

Equality of opportunity does not allow individual competition where the intention is to take opportunity from someone against whom the individual is competing. However, equality of opportunity not only allows but encourages each individual to compete against himself or herself to become better than what he or she already is.

The wealth of a society is the sum total of individual wealth plus all natural and other resources which belong to the society as a whole. However, the important part of the wealth of a society is not economic and material, but technological in the form of knowledge, experience, and means which is the way of doing things.

There is no race structure or religion distinction. Differentiation is only based on the level of knowledge, experience, and expertise. The proper function of government is to establish, maintain and periodically revise the standards required by the principle of equality of opportunity.

Political parties as we know of them today are eliminated since there is no need or justification for their existence or other organizations for electoral purposes. The electoral process is electronic, simple, and abuse free; during the election day, each qualified individual inserts his or her electronic ID card into the computer, it is checked against his or her background.

A marvelous outcome of this system is the disappearance of all economic, political and social interest groups. There won't be any need or requirement for their existence. People, for the first time become free of all pressures, demands, and restriction of thousands of such political organizations that exist today including all NGO's

What a wonderful freedom this would bring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Firstly,i must say what an impressive write up you've have shared;thank you.Dear sir the key to everything here is education quality.The question is; are we align with international standard as our neighbours are? if not then achieving any thing beyond; remains a big question mark? I was shocked to hear some secondary schools aborted geography completely,instead history was made only choice in secondary 4.Such a blunder made by education ministry is road to destruction.We collectively need to evaluate what our children are being taught at school.