P. Uthayakumar’s 25 Nov Hindraf Rally book in daily segments No. 23 (17/1/11). “.PKR, DAP& PAS, Malaysian NGOs’ refuse to speak up on racism

P. Uthayakumar’s 25 Nov Hindraf Rally book in daily segments No. 23 (17/1/11). “.PKR, DAP&


They even refused to speak up on equality, equal opportunities as is enshrined and guaranteed for in Article 8 of the Federal Constitution. These ‘gallery’ and‘multi-racial’ Indians and the non Indian “political points scoring” members and leaders and the Indian and non Indian leaders of Opposition Parties, NGOs’and the Malaysian civil society for the purposes of also political expediency prefers to play to the political gallery. In their political calculation the Indians are a political liability. Besides their vote that too if they do not have to put in very much effort they do not want to have anything to do with the Indians visa vis their problems. They choose to conveniently sidestep Indian issues.

Assuming I am wrong these Indian issues would not have come this critical state as it would have long been taken up, seriously highlighted and exposed locally and internationally by these “multi- racial” Indians and also by the Indian and non Indian “political points scoring” leaders. I know these people would be upset with me for this my revelation and exposure. I once again mean no disrespect. My complaint is that they vehemently claim to be “multi – racial” to the point of purity but in reality they abandon specifically the Indian issues which has contributed to so much human indignity and tragedy involving especially the Indian poor. For example the 40,000 Malaysian born Indian children without birth certificates in the state of Selangor alone. None of the aforesaid parties even spoke on the issue. Multiracialism and multiracial hypocrisy?

I otherwise have the highest regards for the other non-Indian poor related work that they do like reforming the judiciary, labour rights free and fair elections,democracy, orang asli rights, law reforms, Juvenile offenders, women’s right, water, environment Ayah Pin etc. Most of these “multi-racial” Indians are fromthe middle and upper middle class, educated, elite and who were supposed to be more rights conscious but they would choose to abandon Indian issues in favour of the more populist multi-racial and non Indian issues. So the oppressed and suppressed Indians had no other alternative but to “hang on” and to be atthe complete mercy of the MIC who in return for some token benefits in turn is at the complete tender mercies of UMNO and thus the story of the Indians having been excluded from the national mainstream development of Malaysia to the point that some of them have literally become near slaves (NST 15/9/2008
pages at 12 and 13).

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