Minister Idris Jala had sounded the alarm bell by stating that this country could go to the dogs or ended up bankrupt in 9 years if nothing is being done to the subsidy system. At present, the government spends a large chunk of its annual revenue on various subsidies.
Before we even start to debate the merit of dismantling these subsidies, we should look back at its historical background. Handing out subsidy was an easy way out to momentarily address issues of inefficiency, incompetence and inability to move up the higher value chain.
The government should have helped to address the issues through various capacity building programmes. The nation could have been prepared to go on a higher value chain and to be more productive and competent.
Unfortunately, for decades the government had lost various opportunities to revamp, reinvent and reenergize our socio-economic policy direction. The government never had the political will to implement any real reform. It looks like history is going to repeat itself again especially after the protest of 70 odd Malay NGOs against the NEM. Najib may yet again retreats from his policy like his predecessors.
Policy flip-flops and inconsistencies had ruined many good and well thought out policy vision including the Vision 2020 and the effort to become a knowledge economy.
Hence, dismantling the subsidy system which is sucking this country's resources dry must come with a steely political will to end mediocrity, cut wastage and adopt financial prudence. The government cannot expect the people to accept higher prices without first tackle its own financial mismanagement, wastage and internal corruption.
With limited resources, this government should be ashamed of itself for trying to use the same resources to buy votes at the by-elections in Hulu Selangor an Sibu.
Our workforce is suffering from a middle income trap. Our average income per capita has not grown that much since 1997 compared to other countries in the region. At USD7000, it has barely made a jump from USD5,600 more than a decade ago.
Any increase in the essential items, oil & gas, toll rates, sugar and others will trigger higher inflation.
What is the government plan to help boost per capita income of the people? What has the government done to create more higher paying jobs for the people?
What has the government done to tighten its own financial management, cut wastage, combat corruption and leakage?
It is important for Idris to realize that subsidy cut is not the only solution to avoid this country from becoming bankrupt. Barisan needs a total overhaul and we need more trustworthy people running the country.
Give us some action on the PKFZ. Why the deafening silence?
If Barisan cannot balance the book, perhaps others should be given a chance to try since we running out of time.
Why must only the people suffer for the mismanagement?
Straight Talk
BN fails in economy reforms, time for snap polls
The twisted reality of Umno leaders has not changed. And neither has the government's penchant for turning propaganda into political reality waned.
This is evident in the recent statement by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Idris Jala who said that Malaysia would be a bankrupt nation in another nine years if not for subsidy cuts.
This is evident in the recent statement by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Idris Jala who said that Malaysia would be a bankrupt nation in another nine years if not for subsidy cuts.
This clearly indicates that the ruling Barisan Nasional government has lost all legitimacy to lead the country following its admission that its economic model has failed.
And in a radical contrast to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's rhetoric of putting the people first, subsidy cuts are the preferred choice to avoid bankruptcy.
There has not been a whimper about institutional changes to improve efficiency in government spending, reduce corruption, downscale wastage or promote a transparent and accountable government.
Discussions focusing on reducing military spending without jeopardising security, the streamlining of unnecessary projects and right-sizing of the civil service are also yet to happen.
Instead a feckless decision for subsidy cuts on controlled items like fuel, sugar, flour and cooking oil including an increase in toll prices have been proposed despite concerns that it would have an adverse impact on the poor and fixed income earners.
Idris has provided political legitimacy for the subsidy cuts. In an SMS poll conducted by the government, 61 percent of the 191,592 respondents supported the subsidy reduction while another 66 percent suggested that the subsidy phase-out should be implemented between three and five years.
The legitimacy of the SMS poll needs further scrutiny. This is because the online news portal, Malaysiakini, recorded 222 comments in a couple of hours on this issue. And it is important to note that about 97 per cent of the comments were highly critical of the government’s management of finances and economy.
These comments clearly show that a significant segment of the population is unhappy with the proposed subsidy cuts despite spin doctoring by the local media.
The mainstream media argued that the country has no choice but to bite the bullet for the sake of future generations. The print media ran stories of individuals and representatives of business supporting the measures as necessary while cautioning political consequences.
The business media reported that the proposed subsidy cuts for controlled items like sugar, flour and cooking oil would not burden the poor as it would be implemented in stages.
The business community and economists argued that the controlled goods are not major items in a household budget but cautioned on the knock-on effect on other items which could prompt prices to inflate.
They also say that the impact of these cuts could be managed as it does not lead to a major adjustment.
The consumer and trade unions welcomed the move but cautioned on the impact on the poor and workers with a fixed income.
In short, the media and corporations have cooperated with the government as a smart play for their career advancement.
Why aren’t the front-burner questions being asked?
The minister argued that high levels of debt (RM362 billion and growing) and unsustainable levels of subsidies (RM74 billion a year) have created a financial hole in the economic management of the country.
At present, the Malaysian economy is faced with an estimated fiscal deficit of RM47 billion. This suggests government’s total expenditures exceed the revenue that it generates, suggesting a living beyond your means scenario.
This has been the case since the last 12 years.
And if government debt continues to pile up at the current rate of 12 percent per year, in another nine years (2019) national debt will equal to GDP.
Thus, the solution offered to mitigate financial collapse of the nation is to eliminate subsidies.
Specifically, subsidies for petrol, cooking oil, flour, sugar, gas and electricity are to be phased out. Also, toll rates are to be increased together with an increase in health care, combined with cuts in tuition subsidy and text book loans for rich students.
In this scheme, the government would save RM103 billion in the next five years which will be used to pay off national debt. An important caveat to this effort is that subsidy cuts should be implemented immediately.
Put simply, these cuts would bail-out the economy from a debt crisis, financial collapse and bankruptcy.
But let's go through a checklist:
• What no commentator mentioned was that Barisan Nasional's 53 years of economic management has resulted in a failure. In 1960, 70’and 80’s Malaysia was an envy of the developing world. At present, we are competing with the likes of Vietnam.
• If Malaysia is truly considerd Malaysia Inc, and if a company is confronted with debt and loses together with the potential for bankruptcy in nine years, then stake holders will demand for a new management team to take over.
• The Malaysian economic model tinkering with neo-liberal free market has been a failure. Large scale transfer of public wealth to private hands has come to a naught.
• Malaysia was to attain a developed nation status in 2020 but might face bankruptcy instead.
• The computer simulations predicting marginal price increase is faulty. The government’s Subsidy Rationalisation Lab suggests that an increase of 15 percent in gas prices would result in one to four sen’s increase in the prices of roti canai, nasi lemak, teh tarik and mee goreng.
Back door deals
The government’s simulation model has not factored-in the nature and history of price increases in the country. Also, the simulators must have forgotten that prices of cooking oil, flour and sugar including fuel would be increasing at the same time.
It is important to note that the IMF and World Bank got it wrong in many countries. Failure stories in Indonesia, the Philippines, Africa and Russia call into question our continuing reliance on the Bretton Woods institutions approach to structural adjustment.
• Are pro-market analysts in the driver’s seat?
• What are the implications on the quality of life of working women and men with increases in prices from GST and subsidy cuts.
I am verbalising the questions that linger in the minds of most Malaysians who have lost confidence in a government which has carelessly dismissed efforts at institutional changes to promote transparency and good governance.
The government's back door deals and aversion to economic reforms has sapped the nation's ability to address serious issues in a durable manner.
It is asking the people, especially the poor, to sacrifice but at the same time continues to dish out contracts to the rich in a non-transparent manner suggesting that the political-business link is alive and kicking in the country. .
Its clumsy plans for subsidy slashes clearly reflect the government's lack of attempts at future reforms. Furthermore, shocking the population into submission with the view to accepting subsidy cuts will not be tolerated by a discerning population.
If the Chief Executive Officer of Sime Darby was asked to step down after it was discovered that there was an over run of RM 1.6 billion, the same principle should apply to the Barisan Nasional government.
As such, I call on the government to dissolve parliament and hold a snap election as it has failed the nation and its people.
Charles Santiago is DAP's MP for Klang.
Umno wiping us out, claim Orang Asli
KOTA BARU: The Orang Asli community in the peninsula are fighting back. After more than 50 years of what they described as suppression, they are demanding that they be seen, heard and acknowledged.
Said Ramly Lugan, from the Pahang Orang Asli community: “We have been ignored. Umno doesn't want us to exist.
"In the peninsula, Umno says our population is 150,000. That was the figure 10 years ago. The records have shown no change. We are still 150,000.
"Our population has not even increased one percent. Don't you think it is strange?
"This is Umno's strategy. It is trying to say that the [population of the] Orang Asli is dropping. But this is untrue.
"Umno wants to wipe us out, it's ethnic cleansing," he told FMT on the sideline of the PKR's sixth national convention, which ended yesterday.
He said the community “doesn’t even exist in government forms”.
“Umno has been 'Islamising' our race. I do not blame our people for embracing Islam. But do not force or delude us.
“For example, in every government form, there is a category for Malay, Chinese and Indian. There is none for Orang Asli. They call us 'lain-lain'.
“If we convert to Islam, then we become Malay.
“The more Malays there are, the fewer our Orang Asli population. We feel all this is ethnic cleansing,” he said.
'Government stealing our land'
Lugan was part of a contingent of Orang Asli who were invited as delegates to the PKR convention here.
It was a historic moment for the Orang Asli as no political party in the past had invited them to participate in nation building.
The three-day convention was an eye-opener for this community which has benefited the least from the country’s rapid development.
“We have met many people here and heard many views. It was good for us,” Lugan said, adding that the community will be organising its first convention in June.
“We hope to gather 5,000 natives from all over Malaysia, including Sabah and Sarawak.
“The convention will be held in Pekan, Pahang. We chose Pekan because we want Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to hear our cry.
"We want him to know that we have lived like slaves and refugees for 50 years. We want out life and land back,” he said.
Lugan was referring to land being repossessed by the state and federal governments for logging projects and smallholdings.
“There is a lot of confusion here... Umno tells us the land we have been cultivating since our great grandfathers’ time is not ours.
“The party says it belong to the Jabatan Perhilitan [Department of Wildlife and National Park]. I don’t understand this.
“I want to ask the government: if it is willing to eliminate the forest for timber, why can’t it let us cultivate our plots?”Lugan described the government’s move of taking away their land as “stealing”.
“The government said Tanam Semula Kelompok (commercial replanting) project will help us, but I don’t know how,” he said.
“The Department of Orang Asli Affairs gives us only RM1,000 a year. How can we live on that meagre sum?
“The government steals our land, removes our forest, and leaves us with no house, water, road or electricity. We have nothing…we have no education.
“In Rompin, there is an Orang Asli village called Kampung Sampah because it is a waste disposal site,” added Lugan.
“The government steals our land, removes our forest, and leaves us with no house, water, road or electricity. We have nothing…we have no education.
“In Rompin, there is an Orang Asli village called Kampung Sampah because it is a waste disposal site,” added Lugan.
“The kampung people dig through the waste looking for scrap iron to sell. Because this is a waste disposal site, the land is not fertile for crops.
‘But then who cares… we don’t exist!”
Idris Jala: M’sia must cut subsidies, debt by 2019 or risk bankruptcy
For the last many years, the BN Govt has been handing big ang pows to the rich Malays who are given APs, and it has been said by the BN Govt that this practice will go on until 2013 0r even 2014!
Why can’t the Govt control the issue of APs to people who want to import cars? The govt can collect RM30,000 to RM40,000 on each important cars. Why must the BN Govt decides to pass the right to collect these payments to only a handful of rich Malays?
How many APs are issued to these rich Malays a year ? Like what Rafidah did when she was minister , in giving APs and shares to her relatives?
The Malaysian Economy has deteriorated so much for the last decade because of all these handouts to the UMNO cronies. Malaysia was ahead of Korea, Taiwan and Singapore, and look at it now, it is even behind countries like Thailand, Vietnam and others in Asia !
I am sure that both you intelligent Ministers know too well why it is like that .
The Malays are treated just like the Aborigines who have been given handouts by the Australian Govt and look at them now, what state are they in ? They never improve, and actually falling more behind.
If the 2 of you are serious about improving Malaysian economy, get rid of Corruption, Nepotism and Cronyism!
Look at Sarawak in the last 25 years, what happened?
Sarawak was the richest state with plenty of Timber, oil and gas, and may I ask how much reserves/deposits the state government have?
Not only does it not have any money in its state coffers, it owes many banks billions of RM!
Why? Do you know?
Is this why Sarawak joined Malaysia ? So that the people can continue to become poor so that a few people at the top MISMANAGED the state and pocket the state’s money into their own, those of the their families and cronies ? Only a handful of Sarawakians benefit from what they have been doing ?
They are supposed to be servants of the people, but they become the masters of the people!
If both of you have any conscience, act now for the people. Do not pay lip service only and make the BN elite richer!
Feel your hearts, and use your heads please. Look at what majority of the plight of the Malaysians, instead of just serving the elite few.
We all know why Gerakan was defeated so badly in the 2008 elections and even Dr Koh lost his seat. Well, he managed to get into the Government by virtue of being appointed a Senator !
Has he not learned what he and his party was voted out after so many years in power ? I do not need to tell him at all.
Yet, what is he doing for the people now? Do you think Gerakan will be able to get their seats back from PR? If this continue, I think Gerakan and many Chinese BN parties will die a natural death !
During the Sibu by-election, Wong Soon Koh of SUPP publicly stated that hundreds of thousands of Malaysians migrated overseas because of the Opposition’s policies. I just wish he can go and talk to those who actually migrated, including the Malays, and see what they say, and do not just dream about it, or just lie to the people who may not be very knowledgeable or uneducated ! I feel Very sad and disgusted indeed that we have this sort of people as ministers !
How much has Sarawak invested in 1st Silicon and Borneo paper & Pulp projects and how much has the state profited or lost in them? How much did Sarawak borrowed and how much still remain unpaid?
How much loan interest has the state paid so far since those projects started and how much more is it expected to pay in the future?
Do you know? The people of Sarawak definitely do not know ! Is this what we call transparent Govt. Do all the monies that the State Govt has paid and continue to pay belong to just the CM and his ministers or do they belong to the people? If they belong to the people, why is it that the Sarawak people do not the info relating to how much has been spent and how much more will be spent?
If this is the type of politicians and ministers we have, Malaysia is doomed to fall and fall hard!
I just hope that the Chinese, the Natives of various states and even the poor Malays will wake up and see what they can do in the next elections. They should vote only for the people who can be their servants and not their masters.
If the 2 of you continue to pay lip service to UMNO instead of working of the good of Malaysians, I suggest that it is better for both of you to retire instead of doing more harm to Malaysians by supporting BN!
Good Luck to the 2 of you ! And thank you if you care to have read what I have written as a simple Malaysian who has no political connections at all, just like Dato Seri Idris Jala who does not belong to any political party.
Why can’t the Govt control the issue of APs to people who want to import cars? The govt can collect RM30,000 to RM40,000 on each important cars. Why must the BN Govt decides to pass the right to collect these payments to only a handful of rich Malays?
How many APs are issued to these rich Malays a year ? Like what Rafidah did when she was minister , in giving APs and shares to her relatives?
The Malaysian Economy has deteriorated so much for the last decade because of all these handouts to the UMNO cronies. Malaysia was ahead of Korea, Taiwan and Singapore, and look at it now, it is even behind countries like Thailand, Vietnam and others in Asia !
I am sure that both you intelligent Ministers know too well why it is like that .
The Malays are treated just like the Aborigines who have been given handouts by the Australian Govt and look at them now, what state are they in ? They never improve, and actually falling more behind.
If the 2 of you are serious about improving Malaysian economy, get rid of Corruption, Nepotism and Cronyism!
Look at Sarawak in the last 25 years, what happened?
Sarawak was the richest state with plenty of Timber, oil and gas, and may I ask how much reserves/deposits the state government have?
Not only does it not have any money in its state coffers, it owes many banks billions of RM!
Why? Do you know?
Is this why Sarawak joined Malaysia ? So that the people can continue to become poor so that a few people at the top MISMANAGED the state and pocket the state’s money into their own, those of the their families and cronies ? Only a handful of Sarawakians benefit from what they have been doing ?
They are supposed to be servants of the people, but they become the masters of the people!
If both of you have any conscience, act now for the people. Do not pay lip service only and make the BN elite richer!
Feel your hearts, and use your heads please. Look at what majority of the plight of the Malaysians, instead of just serving the elite few.
We all know why Gerakan was defeated so badly in the 2008 elections and even Dr Koh lost his seat. Well, he managed to get into the Government by virtue of being appointed a Senator !
Has he not learned what he and his party was voted out after so many years in power ? I do not need to tell him at all.
Yet, what is he doing for the people now? Do you think Gerakan will be able to get their seats back from PR? If this continue, I think Gerakan and many Chinese BN parties will die a natural death !
During the Sibu by-election, Wong Soon Koh of SUPP publicly stated that hundreds of thousands of Malaysians migrated overseas because of the Opposition’s policies. I just wish he can go and talk to those who actually migrated, including the Malays, and see what they say, and do not just dream about it, or just lie to the people who may not be very knowledgeable or uneducated ! I feel Very sad and disgusted indeed that we have this sort of people as ministers !
How much has Sarawak invested in 1st Silicon and Borneo paper & Pulp projects and how much has the state profited or lost in them? How much did Sarawak borrowed and how much still remain unpaid?
How much loan interest has the state paid so far since those projects started and how much more is it expected to pay in the future?
Do you know? The people of Sarawak definitely do not know ! Is this what we call transparent Govt. Do all the monies that the State Govt has paid and continue to pay belong to just the CM and his ministers or do they belong to the people? If they belong to the people, why is it that the Sarawak people do not the info relating to how much has been spent and how much more will be spent?
If this is the type of politicians and ministers we have, Malaysia is doomed to fall and fall hard!
I just hope that the Chinese, the Natives of various states and even the poor Malays will wake up and see what they can do in the next elections. They should vote only for the people who can be their servants and not their masters.
If the 2 of you continue to pay lip service to UMNO instead of working of the good of Malaysians, I suggest that it is better for both of you to retire instead of doing more harm to Malaysians by supporting BN!
Good Luck to the 2 of you ! And thank you if you care to have read what I have written as a simple Malaysian who has no political connections at all, just like Dato Seri Idris Jala who does not belong to any political party.
Pro-Malay & Anti-Chinese
On the word 'racism' used by our politicians, both Government and Opposition.
There is a difference between Pro-Malay and Anti-Chinese. Anti-chinese is racism. But pro-Malay, or Pro-Chinese are not. Racism means to hate another race. We don't hate between races. So racism is a too strong word to use. Ask urself, if you hate another race, then you are being racist. But we Malays think that the effort to just bring up our race so tht they can compete with the chinese is also racist.
Why do the opposition start to use the word 'racism' to describe Malaysia's racial relation status now? For what ever the reason that may be, it is clearly working in favor of them. The Chinese (DAP) have managed to convince the Malays that 'Pro-Malay' is racism. The Malays (including UMNO), felt guilty after being labeled by such a harsh word. So they started to give in again. Meanwhile, other races thinks that the Malays are being racist (even all they want is just to bring up their own race), thus rejecting BTN, UTUSAN, MIC, UMNO, MCA or in the simplest term, BN. But funnily people don't reject DAP which is largely Chinese, PAS which is almost entirely malay and Keadilan, which is mostly Malay.
One thing the Malays may not realize is, as much as the Malays are trying to help their selves develop, the Chinese are doing so much more. So tell me, if the Malays no longer feel the need to motivate and help each other while the Chinese are, who are at the loosing end? Or perhaps the Malays are satisfied with their standings. Income percapita of Malays is below 1k. Chinese are 4k. The business shares among Malaysians, Malays are below 10%, Chinese 90%. We are good enough.
Effort to bring up the malays are considered racist.
Funnily, UMNO or more specifically Nazri Aziz accepts that UMNO or BN is being racist. Hence he called Tun Mahathir racist. Whereas Tun Mahathir, and UMNO are actually Pro-Malay. But they are certainly not Anti-Chinese. UMNO worked together with MIC, MCA, GERAKAN for more than 50 years. Mahathir has created tons of business opportunities for the Chinese.
So the opposition such as DAP and Keadilan are using the word racist. UMNO and malays, originally being Pro-Malay (without actually understanding the true meaning of the word racist) feel guilty. So everybody else starts to label a Pro-Malay as being racist. But meanwhile, Pro-Chinse or Indians are not.
It is not wrong to bring up your own race. But the word 'racism' is too catchy that Malaysians love to use it so much so it wrongly describes racial issues in Malaysia. This is causing the racial tensions.
There is a difference between Pro-Malay and Anti-Chinese. Anti-chinese is racism. But pro-Malay, or Pro-Chinese are not. Racism means to hate another race. We don't hate between races. So racism is a too strong word to use. Ask urself, if you hate another race, then you are being racist. But we Malays think that the effort to just bring up our race so tht they can compete with the chinese is also racist.
Why do the opposition start to use the word 'racism' to describe Malaysia's racial relation status now? For what ever the reason that may be, it is clearly working in favor of them. The Chinese (DAP) have managed to convince the Malays that 'Pro-Malay' is racism. The Malays (including UMNO), felt guilty after being labeled by such a harsh word. So they started to give in again. Meanwhile, other races thinks that the Malays are being racist (even all they want is just to bring up their own race), thus rejecting BTN, UTUSAN, MIC, UMNO, MCA or in the simplest term, BN. But funnily people don't reject DAP which is largely Chinese, PAS which is almost entirely malay and Keadilan, which is mostly Malay.
One thing the Malays may not realize is, as much as the Malays are trying to help their selves develop, the Chinese are doing so much more. So tell me, if the Malays no longer feel the need to motivate and help each other while the Chinese are, who are at the loosing end? Or perhaps the Malays are satisfied with their standings. Income percapita of Malays is below 1k. Chinese are 4k. The business shares among Malaysians, Malays are below 10%, Chinese 90%. We are good enough.
Effort to bring up the malays are considered racist.
Funnily, UMNO or more specifically Nazri Aziz accepts that UMNO or BN is being racist. Hence he called Tun Mahathir racist. Whereas Tun Mahathir, and UMNO are actually Pro-Malay. But they are certainly not Anti-Chinese. UMNO worked together with MIC, MCA, GERAKAN for more than 50 years. Mahathir has created tons of business opportunities for the Chinese.
So the opposition such as DAP and Keadilan are using the word racist. UMNO and malays, originally being Pro-Malay (without actually understanding the true meaning of the word racist) feel guilty. So everybody else starts to label a Pro-Malay as being racist. But meanwhile, Pro-Chinse or Indians are not.
It is not wrong to bring up your own race. But the word 'racism' is too catchy that Malaysians love to use it so much so it wrongly describes racial issues in Malaysia. This is causing the racial tensions.
What is the difference between 1Malaysia (by Najib) and Malaysian Malaysia (by Anwar/Kit Siang)?
Malaysian Malaysia
Total Equality. Abolishment of Article 153 and DEB. Hence, Chinese and Indians feel the system is more fair, therefore no longer have hard feelings towards the Malays thus, racial unity.
Total multiracial integration. Multiracial Party. Total racial blend. No more Malays Chinese and Indians. There is only; Malaysian
Despite maintaining Article 153, DEB and Race-based Party (UMNO, MCA and MIC), it will drive racial unity. Regaining the kind of racial unity we had before March 8 2008.
Not total multiracial integration. There will always be Malays, Chinese and Indians. But they work together.
Total Equality. Abolishment of Article 153 and DEB. Hence, Chinese and Indians feel the system is more fair, therefore no longer have hard feelings towards the Malays thus, racial unity.
Total multiracial integration. Multiracial Party. Total racial blend. No more Malays Chinese and Indians. There is only; Malaysian
Despite maintaining Article 153, DEB and Race-based Party (UMNO, MCA and MIC), it will drive racial unity. Regaining the kind of racial unity we had before March 8 2008.
Not total multiracial integration. There will always be Malays, Chinese and Indians. But they work together.
'We've lost the nationalism spirit'
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysians still have weak spirit of nationalism and this can be an obstacle to attaining developed nation status, Youth and Sports Deputy Minister Razali Ibrahim said.
He said Malaysia should look at Japan, South Korea and Singapore as the countries had succeeded with strong spirit of nationalism.
"This is what we are lacking," he said adding people in developed countries rarely talk bad about their own countries but would defend them.
"Singapore is the best example," Razali who is also Umno Youth deputy chief said citing the "kiasu" (afraid of losing) attitude among Singaporeans.
He said "kiasu" was not something negative although some Malaysians found it odd and called Singaporeans "kiasu".
"Kiasu is the nationalism spirit for Singapore. It means that weaknesses will be corrected without smearing the country's good name. Kiasu is the key or secret to Singapore's success."
'Even 1M'sia comes under attack'
Razali said the people's confidence in the country would reflect the confidence of foreigners adding Singapore would protect the interest of its investors.
The nationalism spirit of Thais and Indonesians were also stronger than Malaysians despite the anti-government demonstrations which ended recently.
Indonesia also had its share of problems but nationalism among the people was not one of them.
"But we have lost the nationalism spirit. Even the 1Malaysia concept to make the people and nation developed is attacked by some people. Will running down your own country make others respect us more?"
Razali said such an attitude among Malaysians would automatically make others have low opinion or lose confidence in the country. Bernama
He said Malaysia should look at Japan, South Korea and Singapore as the countries had succeeded with strong spirit of nationalism.
"This is what we are lacking," he said adding people in developed countries rarely talk bad about their own countries but would defend them.
"Singapore is the best example," Razali who is also Umno Youth deputy chief said citing the "kiasu" (afraid of losing) attitude among Singaporeans.
He said "kiasu" was not something negative although some Malaysians found it odd and called Singaporeans "kiasu".
"Kiasu is the nationalism spirit for Singapore. It means that weaknesses will be corrected without smearing the country's good name. Kiasu is the key or secret to Singapore's success."
'Even 1M'sia comes under attack'
Razali said the people's confidence in the country would reflect the confidence of foreigners adding Singapore would protect the interest of its investors.
The nationalism spirit of Thais and Indonesians were also stronger than Malaysians despite the anti-government demonstrations which ended recently.
Indonesia also had its share of problems but nationalism among the people was not one of them.
"But we have lost the nationalism spirit. Even the 1Malaysia concept to make the people and nation developed is attacked by some people. Will running down your own country make others respect us more?"
Razali said such an attitude among Malaysians would automatically make others have low opinion or lose confidence in the country. Bernama
mi1: Time to Revise UMNO's Apartheid policy
New voters: EC accused of sabotage
KOTA BAHARU: PKR Youth has alleged that the Election Commission (EC) is sabotaging the registration of new voters.
"We can clearly see it as an act of sabotage. They have deferred the approval of assistant voter registeration officers (ARO) and it is also difficult for constituents to secure registration forms," said its chief Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin to the media yesterday.
Shamsul said the EC had frozen the party's application to register assistant registeration officers.
"This is a serious problem which we are facing nationwide. The state EC officers are saying its a directive from Putrajaya" he said, adding that PKR Youth was giving the EC a week to resolve the problem.
The PKR Youth congress last Friday approved a motion to urge EC chief Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof to resign immediately following allegations of voter-manoeuvring in the Hulu Selangor and Sibu by-elections.
'Time for Bersih Part 2'
Seri Setia assemblyman Nik Nazmi Nik Mat, who was also present at the media conference, said it was time for "Pakatan Rakyat to hold 'Bersih' part two".
"The EC is looking for excuses to sack assistant registration officers representing PKR. Their latest move was when the Selangor EC sacked the Petaling Jaya Utara assistant registrar.
"Every time we ask for 1000 registration forms, they give us 100 and their reason each time is that they don't have enough," said Nik Nazmi who was interjected by Shamsul with a quip "'s ok .. we'll get them to give us the money and we'll print more forms for them instead."
Nik Nazmi also questioned the delay in EC's voter gazetting process.
"It's taken more then 6 months to gazzete the new voters. This is something absurd. The are more than 4.5 million Malaysians who have still not registered themselves as voters.
"There is an urgency to this and we hope the EC will resolve the matter quickly," he said.
"We can clearly see it as an act of sabotage. They have deferred the approval of assistant voter registeration officers (ARO) and it is also difficult for constituents to secure registration forms," said its chief Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin to the media yesterday.
Shamsul said the EC had frozen the party's application to register assistant registeration officers.
"This is a serious problem which we are facing nationwide. The state EC officers are saying its a directive from Putrajaya" he said, adding that PKR Youth was giving the EC a week to resolve the problem.
The PKR Youth congress last Friday approved a motion to urge EC chief Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof to resign immediately following allegations of voter-manoeuvring in the Hulu Selangor and Sibu by-elections.
'Time for Bersih Part 2'
Seri Setia assemblyman Nik Nazmi Nik Mat, who was also present at the media conference, said it was time for "Pakatan Rakyat to hold 'Bersih' part two".
"The EC is looking for excuses to sack assistant registration officers representing PKR. Their latest move was when the Selangor EC sacked the Petaling Jaya Utara assistant registrar.
"Every time we ask for 1000 registration forms, they give us 100 and their reason each time is that they don't have enough," said Nik Nazmi who was interjected by Shamsul with a quip "'s ok .. we'll get them to give us the money and we'll print more forms for them instead."
Nik Nazmi also questioned the delay in EC's voter gazetting process.
"It's taken more then 6 months to gazzete the new voters. This is something absurd. The are more than 4.5 million Malaysians who have still not registered themselves as voters.
"There is an urgency to this and we hope the EC will resolve the matter quickly," he said.
Is Najib backing off from support for NEM to become an even bigger Flip-Flop PM than Abdullah?
The meek and timid response of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to the ferocious and incendiary rejection of the New Economic Model by the Perkasa-led Malay Consultative Council raises the question whether Najib is backing off from the NEM to become an even bigger Flip-Flop PM than his predecessor Tun Abdullah.
Najib’s statement that the NEM is not the Government’s “final stand” but merely the “trial balloons” of a group of experts making suggestions from the global market’s perspective is a greater commentary on Najib’s leadership qualities than on the NEM proposals.
The NEM was launched by Najib two months ago with great fanfare as a defining moment in the nation’s development path, to take the quantum leap from the nation’s decade-long economic stagnation and escape from the two-decade middle-income trap to become a developed high-income country – but it appears that it may end up more as a defining moment in the grave failings of the year-old Najib premiership.
Right from the very beginning, the NEM courageouslty admitted that Vision 2020 is not possible without economic, social and government transformation – and the NEM was presented as one of the four key pillars to unleash Malaysia’s growth potential, drive change, propel Malaysia to become a high income advanced nation with inclusiveness and sustainability and achieve Vision 2020.
NEM warned that almost all economies of East Asia are poised to achieve high economic growth in this decade but Malaysia runs the imminent risk of a downward spiral and faces the painful possibility of stagnation.
It admitted that the implementation of the NEP, which “has reduced poverty and substantially addressed inter-ethnic economic imbalances”, has engendered rent-seeking, patronage, opague government procurement and “pervasive corruption”.
It warned: “We are not developing talent and what we have is leaving.The human capital situation in Malaysia is reaching a critical stage.”
The NEM delivered the dire warning: “We must act now before our position deteriorates any further”.
But the biggest challenge for the NEM is whether there are “political will and leadership to break the log-jam of resistance by vested interest groups and preparing the rakyat to support deep-seated changes in policy directions”.
Will Najib fail in the first NEM test of political will and leadership as predicted by the NEM itself?
Lim Kit siang
Najib’s statement that the NEM is not the Government’s “final stand” but merely the “trial balloons” of a group of experts making suggestions from the global market’s perspective is a greater commentary on Najib’s leadership qualities than on the NEM proposals.
The NEM was launched by Najib two months ago with great fanfare as a defining moment in the nation’s development path, to take the quantum leap from the nation’s decade-long economic stagnation and escape from the two-decade middle-income trap to become a developed high-income country – but it appears that it may end up more as a defining moment in the grave failings of the year-old Najib premiership.
Right from the very beginning, the NEM courageouslty admitted that Vision 2020 is not possible without economic, social and government transformation – and the NEM was presented as one of the four key pillars to unleash Malaysia’s growth potential, drive change, propel Malaysia to become a high income advanced nation with inclusiveness and sustainability and achieve Vision 2020.
NEM warned that almost all economies of East Asia are poised to achieve high economic growth in this decade but Malaysia runs the imminent risk of a downward spiral and faces the painful possibility of stagnation.
It admitted that the implementation of the NEP, which “has reduced poverty and substantially addressed inter-ethnic economic imbalances”, has engendered rent-seeking, patronage, opague government procurement and “pervasive corruption”.
It warned: “We are not developing talent and what we have is leaving.The human capital situation in Malaysia is reaching a critical stage.”
The NEM delivered the dire warning: “We must act now before our position deteriorates any further”.
But the biggest challenge for the NEM is whether there are “political will and leadership to break the log-jam of resistance by vested interest groups and preparing the rakyat to support deep-seated changes in policy directions”.
Will Najib fail in the first NEM test of political will and leadership as predicted by the NEM itself?
Lim Kit siang
'Wounded Umno wants to keep Malays in economic bondage'
KOTA BARU: Pakatan Rakyat’s success in the 12th general election in 2008 brought forth a new dimension with the introduction of a multiracial party system which was attractive to the empowered Malaysians, PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail said today.
However, with this new political landscape, she said, came Umno-Barisan Nasional’s revenge at its unprecedented loss.
“Pakatan attracted support from the rakyat to the point that it sidelined Umno which had ruled for 50 years .
"In fact, Umno is increasingly losing its powers within its core Malay group,“ she said in her presidential address at the sixth PKR national congress here today.
Still seething from the humiliating defeat, Umno, two years on, had resorted to using lies and every possible strategy to discredit PKR and Pakatan, she said.
"Umno... is now divorced from the true aspirations of the Malays because Umno is busy trying to secure its wealth through and as a result of corrupt practices.
"It is now fear that is driving Umno to focus on attacking PKR in a bid to kill our credibility among the Malay voters. We have been accused of being anti-Malay,” she said, adding that Umno was sending out a dangerous message with its racial polarisation policies and its seditious attempts to fan racial and religious intolerance.
She described the government’s 1Malaysia concept as hypocrisy “because there exist contradictions and conflicts between their sweet promises and their greed”.
Common policy
Azizah also expressed her concerns over the mainstream media’s propaganda which fanned racial discord.
As such, she said, it was important for PKR to explain its policies to the people, especially the Malays, to counter Umno’s claims that PKR had compromised Malay rights and privileges.
“The rakyat must know about PKR’s stand on Malays and Bumiputera. They must be told of the common policy adhered to by the Pakatan coalition, which has openly acknowledged the status of the Malays and Bumiputera as enshrined in the Federal Constitution,“ she said.
She also called on the 2,000 delegates present to also explain PKR's stand on the New Economic Policy (NEP) and the reasons it wants NEP abolished.
"Umno harassed the people when we called for the dismantling of the NEP.
"We must convince the people that PKR is against the NEP because it has failed to achieve its intended aim, which was to uplift the Malays.
“The NEP failed to look after the Malays... Its implementation was targeted at enriching families and cronies of Umno leaders. This has been done at the expense of the people including the Malays, Orang Asli, Dayak, Iban, Kadazan and others,“ she said.
She also said Umno had been duping the Malay and Bumiputera communities for a long time.
“Umno has lied to the Malay and Bumiputera communities all these years.
“Umno wants the Malays to continue depending on the government because it is fully aware that if the Malays rise and become self-sufficient, they will abandon Umno politicians.
"As such, their economic policy is to throw bits of assistance to the rakyat from time to time to ensure that they continuously live in economic bondage,“ she said.
However, with this new political landscape, she said, came Umno-Barisan Nasional’s revenge at its unprecedented loss.
“Pakatan attracted support from the rakyat to the point that it sidelined Umno which had ruled for 50 years .
"In fact, Umno is increasingly losing its powers within its core Malay group,“ she said in her presidential address at the sixth PKR national congress here today.
Still seething from the humiliating defeat, Umno, two years on, had resorted to using lies and every possible strategy to discredit PKR and Pakatan, she said.
"Umno... is now divorced from the true aspirations of the Malays because Umno is busy trying to secure its wealth through and as a result of corrupt practices.
"It is now fear that is driving Umno to focus on attacking PKR in a bid to kill our credibility among the Malay voters. We have been accused of being anti-Malay,” she said, adding that Umno was sending out a dangerous message with its racial polarisation policies and its seditious attempts to fan racial and religious intolerance.
She described the government’s 1Malaysia concept as hypocrisy “because there exist contradictions and conflicts between their sweet promises and their greed”.
Common policy
Azizah also expressed her concerns over the mainstream media’s propaganda which fanned racial discord.
As such, she said, it was important for PKR to explain its policies to the people, especially the Malays, to counter Umno’s claims that PKR had compromised Malay rights and privileges.
“The rakyat must know about PKR’s stand on Malays and Bumiputera. They must be told of the common policy adhered to by the Pakatan coalition, which has openly acknowledged the status of the Malays and Bumiputera as enshrined in the Federal Constitution,“ she said.
She also called on the 2,000 delegates present to also explain PKR's stand on the New Economic Policy (NEP) and the reasons it wants NEP abolished.
"Umno harassed the people when we called for the dismantling of the NEP.
"We must convince the people that PKR is against the NEP because it has failed to achieve its intended aim, which was to uplift the Malays.
“The NEP failed to look after the Malays... Its implementation was targeted at enriching families and cronies of Umno leaders. This has been done at the expense of the people including the Malays, Orang Asli, Dayak, Iban, Kadazan and others,“ she said.
She also said Umno had been duping the Malay and Bumiputera communities for a long time.
“Umno has lied to the Malay and Bumiputera communities all these years.
“Umno wants the Malays to continue depending on the government because it is fully aware that if the Malays rise and become self-sufficient, they will abandon Umno politicians.
"As such, their economic policy is to throw bits of assistance to the rakyat from time to time to ensure that they continuously live in economic bondage,“ she said.
RM2mil defections: Prove me wrong, Anwar tells Najib
KOTA BAHARU: PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim has challenged Prime Minister Najib Razak to call him a 'liar' in regards to his (Anwar) claims that elected representatives who defected were paid RM2 million to quit the Pakatan coalition.
He said he was also waiting for the representatives to deny his allegations.
"When they (the elected reps) deny this, only then will I divulge the proof that I have....until then...well... let's just say ... I can't remember where I kept the information , " he said to rousing support at last night ceramah here.
Also present were Penang Chief Minister Lim Guang Eng, Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim and Kelantan senior executive councillor Husam Musa.
Anwar also took the opportunity to apologise to the crowd for the defection of several PKR representatives.
Appologising to the crowd, Anwar said: "I am sorry...I will ensure that it (defection) does not happen again," he said adding that PKR will be organising courses for potential candidates and will ensure that the take the allegiance oath and give their full loyalty and support to the party's struggle.
Since coming into power in five states in the 2008 general elections, PKR had suffered severely from defections.
Last year the Pakatan coalition comprising PKR, DAP and PAS lost Perak to Barisan Nasional in a reverse takeover after three coalition (two from PKR and one from DAP) declared themselves BN-friendly independents.
Since then PKR has seen eight other defections.
He said he was also waiting for the representatives to deny his allegations.
"When they (the elected reps) deny this, only then will I divulge the proof that I have....until then...well... let's just say ... I can't remember where I kept the information , " he said to rousing support at last night ceramah here.
Also present were Penang Chief Minister Lim Guang Eng, Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim and Kelantan senior executive councillor Husam Musa.
Anwar also took the opportunity to apologise to the crowd for the defection of several PKR representatives.
Appologising to the crowd, Anwar said: "I am sorry...I will ensure that it (defection) does not happen again," he said adding that PKR will be organising courses for potential candidates and will ensure that the take the allegiance oath and give their full loyalty and support to the party's struggle.
Since coming into power in five states in the 2008 general elections, PKR had suffered severely from defections.
Last year the Pakatan coalition comprising PKR, DAP and PAS lost Perak to Barisan Nasional in a reverse takeover after three coalition (two from PKR and one from DAP) declared themselves BN-friendly independents.
Since then PKR has seen eight other defections.
Drastic decision needed for Sabah and Sarawak
KOTA BARU: Delegates from Sabah and Sarawak have called on PKR to make a firm decision on its role and commitment in the Borneo states, saying "this is time".
Referring to its recent success in the Sibu by-election, Paul Raja, a Dayak from Sarawak, said it was imperative that PKR take drastic steps to consolidate its place in Sarawak.
“This is the time for PKR to rise in Sarawak.
“The party already has a foothold in the peninsula. It is not rational for PKR to continue to wait for the right time to initiate change in Sabah and Sarawak,“ he said.
Raja said the Dayaks in Sarawak were enslaved by the ruling regime.
“Dayak are slaves in their own land. Their lands have been confiscated and homes destroyed.
“It’s not just happening to the Dayaks but also to the Ibans and the Muruts and Kadazans in Sabah,” he said.
He said all contracts were squandered by BN cronies, and the Dayaks were not included in mainstream development activities.
“The Dayaks are losing their faith in BN. After 50 years, fundamental issues such as identity cards for them remain a problem.
“To go to court is difficult. They can’t even ask that the issue of their native land rights be raised at the state assembly sitting,“ he said.
He said as long as BN remained in Sarawak it was not possible for Dayaks to progress.
Sabah’s Dr Jurin Gunsalan urged PKR not to forget the Borneo states which were considered "kingmakers".
He said the biggest problem in Sabah was immigrants who came to the state in search of a livelihood and eventually acquired their permanent residency card and become Umno supporters.
He said since 1994 when Umno took over Sabah, the policy has been "divide-and-rule".
"History notes that Sabah has always changed hands within the BN component parties.
“However, it is not difficult for PKR to take over Sabah and move on to Putrajaya,” he said.
Gunsalan added that if PKR was indeed keen on Sabah, then it must make its presence felt there.
He said the best way was to hold the next PKR congress in Sabah.
"I also urge the PKR leaders to come down and meet the people in Sabah, only then will PKR be able to save Sabah,” he said.
When I was living in KL nobody seemed to question the validity of the sort of problems Hindraf highlights today (I wouldn’t know about the severity or otherwise of the problems, of course). However, no matter the extent, they are obviously real problems at some level that negatively impact a large group of people who, because they aren’t free to go somewhere else any time soon, have the potential to cause a great deal of internal strife for Malaysia if those problems are not resolved satisfactorily. It would be true of any neglected minority group anywhere in the world. Such problems can therefore only be ignored at great peril to the longer term stability of the country involved.
I can see why it might be appealing for the wider community to turn its back on a minority that is becoming a pain in the butt, but is that truly the wisest course of action when the minority group has valid grouses that have been ignored for a long period?
Surely the best option is for an influential group of people in the wider community to take the lead and listen properly to the grievances of the minority communities and then, collectively, for everyone to work together in a new administrative spirit to take real and constructive steps to redress the problems of all minority groups deserving of a better deal. Of course, I can hear the hoots of derision even now before I post this, labelling me as an idealist and even of being a dreamer. But since the alternative is to bury your head in the sand and wait for the inevitable kick in the rear, I’ll happily stick to working towards the fulfilment of a dream any day, no matter how much hard work it promises to be!
It takes two to tango, of course, and if the leaders of a minority group truly feel that there is no point talking openly to their fellow countrymen outside of that group because "it would just be a waste of time", then I really don’t know what the chances are of the Brazilian concept of ‘one people no race’ taking root for a country faced with the same problems as those facing Malaysia. So, in Malaysia’s case at this stage of the game, is this perhaps a bridge too far? Ends
Everybody wants to complain about how HINDRAF/HRP is going it alone.
I can see why it might be appealing for the wider community to turn its back on a minority that is becoming a pain in the butt, but is that truly the wisest course of action when the minority group has valid grouses that have been ignored for a long period?
Surely the best option is for an influential group of people in the wider community to take the lead and listen properly to the grievances of the minority communities and then, collectively, for everyone to work together in a new administrative spirit to take real and constructive steps to redress the problems of all minority groups deserving of a better deal. Of course, I can hear the hoots of derision even now before I post this, labelling me as an idealist and even of being a dreamer. But since the alternative is to bury your head in the sand and wait for the inevitable kick in the rear, I’ll happily stick to working towards the fulfilment of a dream any day, no matter how much hard work it promises to be!
It takes two to tango, of course, and if the leaders of a minority group truly feel that there is no point talking openly to their fellow countrymen outside of that group because "it would just be a waste of time", then I really don’t know what the chances are of the Brazilian concept of ‘one people no race’ taking root for a country faced with the same problems as those facing Malaysia. So, in Malaysia’s case at this stage of the game, is this perhaps a bridge too far? Ends
Everybody wants to complain about how HINDRAF/HRP is going it alone.
But seriously, where were all these Malaysian First-ers, the NGO’s, and opposition political parties before, during and after the HINDRAF Rally in 2007? The fact that Indians were left alone for more than 50 years, meant that they walked alone in November 2007. And it wasn’t just Tamil speaking Hindus who came together, but Indians of all ethnic groups, religions, and social standing. In the immediate aftermath of the HINDRAF Rally, Indians started smiling at each other, even if they didn’t know each other. It wasn’t said. It was understood. Even enemies became friends. It actually felt good to be an Indian. There was a sense of unity, a sense of belongingness, and a sense of pride that was unseen and unheard of amongst the Indians in this country. The Indians finally stood up for themselves.
But now, Malaysian First-ers make out that they are somehow more Malaysian than HINDRAF/HRP, and by token the Indian community. They ignore the fact that the Indians came together as Malaysians first during the March 2008 elections. Overwhelming numbers abandoned MIC. In terms of sheer scale, there has not been that kind of abandonment of any other ethnic based parties, like UMNO or MCA in the history of the nation. It was literally giving up whatever power they had as community within the MIC, and placing themselves in the hands of other Malaysians. In this regards, many Indians felt that they were finally going to be treated as Malaysians, which to them meant that their issues were going to be addressed at long last. This is after all, the only reason why people cast their vote…to get their issues addressed.
Well, it obviously didn’t turn out that way. Given this, many now feel that their votes were being taken for granted, as it became increasingly obvious that their vote only counted as a one-way ticket for groups, with entirely different agendas, to get to Putrajaya.
When Indians complained, they were told that they have to look at the “bigger picture”. Do others really see the bigger picture? All are nothing more than blind men and women trying to describe an elephant to Indians, while being deaf to the cries of Indians that the elephant is squashing them.
So now, Indians, after being ignored for more than 50 years, walk alone again. But now Malaysian First-ers tell them that they are being racist for doing so. When Indians choose to be neutral, they are again told they are being racist. Racist? Isn’t Dong Jiao Zong highlighting their issues along narrow, communal lines? Isn’t Sister-In-Islam doing the same thing? No one calls them racist.
Indians don’t need to be taught how to be Malaysians through some idealistic, feel-good, flag-waving, yipeekayay Malaysian First program. They already know how to be Malaysian.
The irony isn’t lost on Indians. Nobody cared about the Indian vote for decades, but all of the sudden, when Putrajaya is in sight, they crave for Indian votes. The sad fact is that this is not about serving the people who voted for them. This is not about bringing justice. This is about a power trip. It’s like you say, that they are currently burying their head in the sand and are waiting for the inevitable kick in the rear. It’s also like you say, that it is wise to “…stick to working towards the fulfillment of a dream any day, no matter how much hard work it promises to be!”.
Now, there is criticism that HINDRAF/HRP is going is alone. Yet, if you were there at BUM 2010, as I was, you would have seen Uthayakumar (HRP), Teresak Kok (DAP) and Dr. Dzulkefly Ahmad (PAS) seated together…as Malaysians! It was an ideal opportunity to break the ice and get all groups working together again. Unfortunately, the session was hijacked by people who missed the woods for the trees. Whether another opportunity like this comes along again, remains to be seen
Indian student are denied places in critical courses like Medicines, Engineering, Famarsi, Bio-Technology, Accountancy, Business Administration etc.
All 9As’ and above in SPM should as of right be given JPJ Scholarships University or Matriculation places. No to UMNO race based higher education policy.
In 2008 the UMNO led Malay-sian government declared that all students securing 9As’ in the SPM in the 2007 exams would automatically get government JPJ scholarships to pursue their higher and tertiary education. But when many especially poor Indian students complained that they did not get the government JPJ Scholarships they were all given scholarships to study at local private Universities as usual as a temporary measure.
However in 2009 the racist UMNO goal post was moved again by UMNO declaring that for students securing 9As’ there is no guarantee of JPJ Scholarships etc. This was when UMNO discovered that many poor especially Indian students started highlighting their plight in the open. The reports we have thus far received for this year (2010) is that hundreds of especially Indian students from the poor and lower income group who have scored 9As’ and above but have been denied their rightful JPA, Scholarships, Matriculation and University placing. But many of their Malay muslim friends who scored even four As’ have either received their JPA Scholarships, Matriculation or University places with great ease. Even Thai students with a mere 7As’ are being reconsidered by MARA in collaboration with UPU. (UM 27/5/10 at page 9). Even (malay muslim students with 1A was reported to have received JPA scholarships (refer to report below). Sugentha Subramaniam the only Indian girl in MRSM Terendak out of 197 (0.5%) students who had scored 10As’ for SPM was denied a place in any of the 40,000 places in the nine Matriculation Colleges (UM 2/11/08 at page 4) University places or JPJ Scholarship.
Another Indian Science stream student who scored 11 A’s is forced to take up an Information Technology at University. We have received scores of complains that Indian student are denied places in critical courses like Medicines, Engineering, Famarsi, Bio-Technology, Accountancy, Business Administration etc.
Why this level of direct discrimination when Article 12 of the Federal Constitution prohibits discrimination in educational institutions which are funded by the government? But for the Indian students they are supposed to appeal to JPA, UPU and the Matriculation colleges through the assigned one Devamany an MIC Deputy Minister Mandore who would as usual do his wayang kulit illusion of securing these higher education places but at the end of the day succeed in probably one out of the hundreds of students and he would publicise it and make it look like the rest of the hundreds also made it after this mandore MIC party intervention. This MIC mandore party will now be targeted by the top Indian students, their family and friends while the real culprit UMNO gets away scott free. This is the mandorist and tuan arrangements between UMNO and MIC and now very conveniently and comfortably beginning to be adopted by PKR, DAP and PAS.
We hereby call upon your goodself as the Prime Minister to grant all students especially the poor and underprivileged Indian students securing 9As’ and above to as of right be granted JPA scholarships, Matriculation and University places from this year (2010) onwards and an end to race based meritocracy and racist higher educational policy to prove your goodself’s One Malaysia as opposed to One Malay-sia. Kindly revert to us accordingly.
Thank You.
Your Faithfully,
P.Uthayakumar (pro tem)
cc: Y.Bhg.Tan Sri Dr. Zulkurnain bin Haji Awang
Ketua Setiausaha,
Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia,
Aras 8, Blok E8,
Kompleks Kerajaan Parcel E,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
Fax: 03- 88885124
62604 Putrajaya
Racist Perkasa slams NEM's neglect of Malays
The one-day Bumiputera Economic Congress became the arena for NEM-bashing as experts slammed the New Economic Model for sidelining of Malay interests.
The congress is organised by the Malay Consultative Council, which include Malay NGOs such as the controversial Perkasa.
National Economic Advisory Council (NEAC) secretary Normah Mansur started the ball rolling when she conceded the lack of bumiputera or Malay-specific policies in the proposed economic model soon to be finalised by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Delivering the keynote address, Normah (left) said that NEAC wanted to hear from the congress about the need for a Malay and bumiputera agenda as it has not formulated any in the NEM.
She also stressed that the proposed NEM is not a government document but only a proposal from the economic advisory body, which effectively opened the floodgates of criticisms as panel speakers, one after another, let loose their disagreements.
Academician Kamaruddin Kachar, who chaired the panel, told the panel speakers not to be shy to tear down the NEM because the congress was about defending the “natural rights of the Malays”.
"This is our country, pioneered by our ancestors 2,000 years ago, and defended with their blood in countless battles against invaders. Why should we be afraid? The sultans are our protectors. The Royal Malay Regiment is for the Malays.
"Should we be afraid of Samy Vellu's son? Don't let Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh belittle us. The Malays are not weak," he said.
'Special rights ignored'
To the applause and cheers of the crowd, the four-member discussion panel comprising senator Akbar Ali, former Economic Planning Unit director Hanipah Esa, economic scholar Rajini Ramlan and history professor Ramlah Adam, picked apart the policy which they argued neglected to consider the special rights of the Malays and bumiputera.
Akbar's (left) grouses were more on the technical facets questioning what he said are the flawed basis of the NEM.
In particular, he criticised the economic policy's over-dependence on the free market approach and the use of the single indicator of the gross domestic income, instead of a basket of indicators like household income and human development which he says would be more reflective.
He also mounted a vehement defence of the New Economic Policy and former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, whom he said is being disparaged by the apparent attack on the economic policy which the former Umno chief had presided over.
"The attack on NEP is actually an attack on Mahathir. He was the one who implemented it for near 20 years. These people are from the World Bank. The World Bank has always had a beef with Mahathir," he said.
Hanipah recounted the still-fragile state of the Malays, in particular those who still need to be given protection from the other races, who are more well-versed and able in business and economic fields.
"Without clear mechanisms and action plans, the hope (to strengthen the bumiputera) will not see fruition," she opined.
Rajini said that while the NEM may help Malaysia prosper, it will incapacitate the Malays economically.
"I am positive that the NEM is a long-term plan that will develop the economy, but I am pessimist about its ability to uplift the Malays."
'Prosperous Malaysia won't uplift Malays'
Meanwhile, Ramlah took a more historic route, slamming the proposed economic model as breaking the promises made in the agreements signed before Merdeka.
"This is an attempt to destabilise the Malay economic and political establishment," she added, speaking of what she claimed are attempts to question the special economic rights guaranteed to the Malays.
She said that the special rights of the Malays is guaranteed in return for granting citizenship to the non-Malays.
The one-day congress is the culmination of a series of workshops, talks, roundtable discussions and seminars by the Malay Consultative Council to scrutinise the NEM.
A memorandum will be submitted to Najib once the congress concludes later tonight. Najib is expected to close the event later tonigh.
The memorandum will contain resolutions and recommendations passed by the congress to be included in the NEM.
Among notables at the congress were Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali, Dewan Negara president and Malay Consultative Council co-founder Abu Zahar Ujang alongside academicians, NGO representatives and veteran Malays.
The congress is organised by the Malay Consultative Council, which include Malay NGOs such as the controversial Perkasa.
National Economic Advisory Council (NEAC) secretary Normah Mansur started the ball rolling when she conceded the lack of bumiputera or Malay-specific policies in the proposed economic model soon to be finalised by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Delivering the keynote address, Normah (left) said that NEAC wanted to hear from the congress about the need for a Malay and bumiputera agenda as it has not formulated any in the NEM.
She also stressed that the proposed NEM is not a government document but only a proposal from the economic advisory body, which effectively opened the floodgates of criticisms as panel speakers, one after another, let loose their disagreements.
Academician Kamaruddin Kachar, who chaired the panel, told the panel speakers not to be shy to tear down the NEM because the congress was about defending the “natural rights of the Malays”.
"This is our country, pioneered by our ancestors 2,000 years ago, and defended with their blood in countless battles against invaders. Why should we be afraid? The sultans are our protectors. The Royal Malay Regiment is for the Malays.
"Should we be afraid of Samy Vellu's son? Don't let Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh belittle us. The Malays are not weak," he said.
'Special rights ignored'
To the applause and cheers of the crowd, the four-member discussion panel comprising senator Akbar Ali, former Economic Planning Unit director Hanipah Esa, economic scholar Rajini Ramlan and history professor Ramlah Adam, picked apart the policy which they argued neglected to consider the special rights of the Malays and bumiputera.
Akbar's (left) grouses were more on the technical facets questioning what he said are the flawed basis of the NEM.
In particular, he criticised the economic policy's over-dependence on the free market approach and the use of the single indicator of the gross domestic income, instead of a basket of indicators like household income and human development which he says would be more reflective.
He also mounted a vehement defence of the New Economic Policy and former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, whom he said is being disparaged by the apparent attack on the economic policy which the former Umno chief had presided over.
"The attack on NEP is actually an attack on Mahathir. He was the one who implemented it for near 20 years. These people are from the World Bank. The World Bank has always had a beef with Mahathir," he said.
Hanipah recounted the still-fragile state of the Malays, in particular those who still need to be given protection from the other races, who are more well-versed and able in business and economic fields.
"Without clear mechanisms and action plans, the hope (to strengthen the bumiputera) will not see fruition," she opined.
Rajini said that while the NEM may help Malaysia prosper, it will incapacitate the Malays economically.
"I am positive that the NEM is a long-term plan that will develop the economy, but I am pessimist about its ability to uplift the Malays."
'Prosperous Malaysia won't uplift Malays'
Meanwhile, Ramlah took a more historic route, slamming the proposed economic model as breaking the promises made in the agreements signed before Merdeka.
"This is an attempt to destabilise the Malay economic and political establishment," she added, speaking of what she claimed are attempts to question the special economic rights guaranteed to the Malays.
She said that the special rights of the Malays is guaranteed in return for granting citizenship to the non-Malays.
The one-day congress is the culmination of a series of workshops, talks, roundtable discussions and seminars by the Malay Consultative Council to scrutinise the NEM.
A memorandum will be submitted to Najib once the congress concludes later tonight. Najib is expected to close the event later tonigh.
The memorandum will contain resolutions and recommendations passed by the congress to be included in the NEM.
Among notables at the congress were Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali, Dewan Negara president and Malay Consultative Council co-founder Abu Zahar Ujang alongside academicians, NGO representatives and veteran Malays.
Conspicuously absent however were bumiputera representatives from government-linked companies and the corporate world.
MIC sec-gen joins chorus of discontent
MIC secretary-general S Murugessan has become the second major party figure in as many days to have expressed dissatisfaction with the unilateral expulsion of four party leaders by party president S Samy Vellu.
Murugessan said he has to answer to his conscience and to the MIC delegates who voted for him and not just to one person, in reference to Samy Vellu.
"Summary dismissal is not the first option but should be the last option... The members should be given a chance to defend themselves at the disciplinary committee,” he said, during a press conference in Petaling Jaya.
Murugessan was referring to the expulsion of two Central Working Committee members KP Samy and G Kumar Amaan, along with MIC Youth wing deputy chief V Mugilan and Petaling Jaya division veteran V Subramaniam.
All four were sacked by Samy Vellu without a disciplinary hearing.
His criticisms against the dismissals follows similar remarks from Central Working Committee member P Palaniappan yesterday.
Both Murugessan and Palaniappan made the symbolic move of holding their press conferences either before are after similar events by Gerakan Anti-Samy (GAS) movement at the same venue.
However, both figures did not pledge allegiance to GAS.
Murugessan added that he is not arguing Samy Vellu's tenure nor the merit in asking for his resignation.
"What I am against the use of Presidential Powers to expel a member. That is not what Article 61.2 of the Constitution was intended for," he said.
Murugessan said that Samy Vellu himself had set the precedent 40 years ago by calling for the resignation of then MIC president V T Sambanthan.
"History is repeating itself or you can call it karma," he said, adding that joining the chorus of discontent is his contribution towards safeguarding MIC's democratic principles.
"I have stood up and am willing to face the consequences, whatever they are," he said.
While he admitted that many MIC leaders were unhappy with the sacking of the four CWC members, Murugessan could not say if they will step forward to protest.
At a press conference immediately after, Mugilan urged other CWC members to follow suit, "if they are brave".
He also said that not standing behind the ousted four will mean the end of their political career, as delegates will not vote them in again in 2012 to punish their silence today.
And KP Samy added that the CWC members had 24 hours to convene an emergency meeting "if they are concerned about (GAS's mass gathering due on Sunday)".
The gathering, which was originally meant to be held at Umno-owned Putra World Trade Centre has been moved to the Mines International Exhibition and Convention Centre.
According to Mugilan, Murugessan's statement was a "slap to (his) detractors" and that he is confident that 15,000 MIC members will be present on Sunday.
He also called on Samy Vellu to step down within the next seven days to honour the challenge he made to his former deputy S Subramaniam earlier this week.
"He said Subramaniam should resign with him, and Subramaniam has relinqushed his position as branch head of Seputeh, so Samy Vellu should be a gentleman," he said.
He also waved away the counter movement by MIC Youth, Gerakan Anti-Mugilan (GAM), saying: "Why are they being copycats?"
Murugessan said he has to answer to his conscience and to the MIC delegates who voted for him and not just to one person, in reference to Samy Vellu.
"Summary dismissal is not the first option but should be the last option... The members should be given a chance to defend themselves at the disciplinary committee,” he said, during a press conference in Petaling Jaya.
Murugessan was referring to the expulsion of two Central Working Committee members KP Samy and G Kumar Amaan, along with MIC Youth wing deputy chief V Mugilan and Petaling Jaya division veteran V Subramaniam.
All four were sacked by Samy Vellu without a disciplinary hearing.
His criticisms against the dismissals follows similar remarks from Central Working Committee member P Palaniappan yesterday.
Both Murugessan and Palaniappan made the symbolic move of holding their press conferences either before are after similar events by Gerakan Anti-Samy (GAS) movement at the same venue.
However, both figures did not pledge allegiance to GAS.
Murugessan added that he is not arguing Samy Vellu's tenure nor the merit in asking for his resignation.
"What I am against the use of Presidential Powers to expel a member. That is not what Article 61.2 of the Constitution was intended for," he said.
Murugessan said that Samy Vellu himself had set the precedent 40 years ago by calling for the resignation of then MIC president V T Sambanthan.
"History is repeating itself or you can call it karma," he said, adding that joining the chorus of discontent is his contribution towards safeguarding MIC's democratic principles.
"I have stood up and am willing to face the consequences, whatever they are," he said.
While he admitted that many MIC leaders were unhappy with the sacking of the four CWC members, Murugessan could not say if they will step forward to protest.
At a press conference immediately after, Mugilan urged other CWC members to follow suit, "if they are brave".
He also said that not standing behind the ousted four will mean the end of their political career, as delegates will not vote them in again in 2012 to punish their silence today.
And KP Samy added that the CWC members had 24 hours to convene an emergency meeting "if they are concerned about (GAS's mass gathering due on Sunday)".
The gathering, which was originally meant to be held at Umno-owned Putra World Trade Centre has been moved to the Mines International Exhibition and Convention Centre.
According to Mugilan, Murugessan's statement was a "slap to (his) detractors" and that he is confident that 15,000 MIC members will be present on Sunday.
He also called on Samy Vellu to step down within the next seven days to honour the challenge he made to his former deputy S Subramaniam earlier this week.
"He said Subramaniam should resign with him, and Subramaniam has relinqushed his position as branch head of Seputeh, so Samy Vellu should be a gentleman," he said.
He also waved away the counter movement by MIC Youth, Gerakan Anti-Mugilan (GAM), saying: "Why are they being copycats?"
Toothless Vell Paari apologises to Umno
MIC central working committee member S Vell Paari has apologised over his claims that Umno was employing “political assassins” to rid of MIC president S Samy Vellu.
Vell Paari told news portal Free Malaysia Today on May 24 that Umno was backing the Gerakan Anti-Samy (GAS) movement, which is aggressively pressuring Samy Vellu to step down.
“Given the recent developments, it is clear to me that Umno was not involved in any way with the GAS movement. Many Umno leaders have clearly stated that they have not encouraged or worked with V Mugilan in any way.
“Therefore, I would like to say sorry to the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and Umno for my earlier statements,” said Vell Paari in a statement today.
'Lets put this behind us'
Vell Paari said that it was his duty to defend Samy Vellu, who is also his father, in face of the attacks by GAS leaders, who are led by recently expelled MIC leaders V Mugilan, KP Samy and G Kumar Amaan.
“Furthermore, I was also reacting to the fact that Mugilan and Kumar Amaan had repeatedly and publicly dragged UMNO's name into their recent statements and actions.
“I have also explained my position to the Prime Minister earlier today. Moving forward, I hope we can all put this behind us and work together as we always have in the BN family,” he said.
Previously, deputy premier and Umno deputy president Muhyiddin Yassin had remarked that Vell Paari was biadap (uncouth) for suggesting that Umno was interfering in the ongoing MIC crisis.
Vell Paari told news portal Free Malaysia Today on May 24 that Umno was backing the Gerakan Anti-Samy (GAS) movement, which is aggressively pressuring Samy Vellu to step down.
“Given the recent developments, it is clear to me that Umno was not involved in any way with the GAS movement. Many Umno leaders have clearly stated that they have not encouraged or worked with V Mugilan in any way.
“Therefore, I would like to say sorry to the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and Umno for my earlier statements,” said Vell Paari in a statement today.
'Lets put this behind us'
Vell Paari said that it was his duty to defend Samy Vellu, who is also his father, in face of the attacks by GAS leaders, who are led by recently expelled MIC leaders V Mugilan, KP Samy and G Kumar Amaan.
“Furthermore, I was also reacting to the fact that Mugilan and Kumar Amaan had repeatedly and publicly dragged UMNO's name into their recent statements and actions.
“I have also explained my position to the Prime Minister earlier today. Moving forward, I hope we can all put this behind us and work together as we always have in the BN family,” he said.
Previously, deputy premier and Umno deputy president Muhyiddin Yassin had remarked that Vell Paari was biadap (uncouth) for suggesting that Umno was interfering in the ongoing MIC crisis.
PKR promises 'explosive disclosure' on TUDM deal
KOTA BARU: The highlight of the PKR Youth congress here today is expected to be the 'explosive revelation' of the Sungai Besi air forces (TUDM) land development deal which has been linked to an ‘associate’ of first lady Rosmah Mansur.
Disclosing this last night youth wing, Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) chief Shamsul Iskandar Mat Akin said the free-spending associate was a wealthy 28-year old Chinese with ties to Hollywood.
Shamsul said the young businessman, a graduate from University of Pennsylvania in the USA, has been spotted on the Hollywood social scene with blockbuster movie, Transformers, star Megan Fox.
Disclosing this last night youth wing, Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) chief Shamsul Iskandar Mat Akin said the free-spending associate was a wealthy 28-year old Chinese with ties to Hollywood.
Shamsul said the young businessman, a graduate from University of Pennsylvania in the USA, has been spotted on the Hollywood social scene with blockbuster movie, Transformers, star Megan Fox.
Promising to reveal more at today’s congress, he said: “Tomorrow (today) I will reveal things about a particular personality, a graduate of an overseas university.”
The sixth PKR national congress begins today. The three-day congress began with the joint official launch of the Young and Women’s wing congress by deputy PKR president Syed Husin Ali at the Kelantan Trade Centre here.
The congress proper, for both wings, is currently underway.
In their official addresses last night, both Shamsul and women chief, Zuraida Kamaruddin, touched on the defections of party members and the need to consolidate and prepare for the general elections.
Syed Husin in his speech stressed on the need for the party to posses credible candidates with a pronounced sense of value.
He said the process of creating a group of leaders with calibre involved training and grassroot work.
Syed Husin said while PKR was successfully increasing its supporter base what was now essential was quality of membership.
“We need members who are disciplined, politically aware and committed to the party’s struggle.
“We need members who understand and uphold the points of this struggle, and not lose their compass (bearing) when they find themselves alone,” he said.
‘Utusan Malaysia not welcome’
Meanwhile Bernama reported today that that Utusan Malaysia is "not welcome" at the three-day PKR national congress in Kota Baru.
Quoting Syed Husin, it said PKR would not chase reporters from the Malay daily out of the congress hall.
"We won't stop them. They are not invited but we won't chase them away," Syed Husin told reporters when asked about a text message received by several media represe
Congress to re-ignite fire of reformasi
PETALING JAYA: The sixth national PKR congress today will be an affirmation of solidarity even as rival Barisan Nasional (BN) continues to cast its insidious shadow over the party.
The slew of BN-fingered defections have, in truth, deeply dented the 12-year-old party’s credibility, especially the betrayal of de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim’s trusted lieutenants Salehuddin Hashim (former party secretary-general), Zulkifily Nordin (Kulim Bandar Baru MP) and Zahrain Hasim ( Bayan Baru MP).
All three and more claim to have been privy to Anwar’s innermost thoughts and have had field-days revealing their insight and PKR strategies to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.
The gathering in Kota Baru, which begins today, is seen as an opportunity to come clean on several of these issues, including the electoral defeat in Hulu Selangor and the triumph in Sibu.
It will attempt to reassure disillusioned members and re-ignite the fire of “reformasi” and patriotism, which fuelled PKR’s dramatic growth following the unprecedented 2008 political wave.
The Pakatan Rakyat coalition – to which PKR is a partner – wrested five states from the ruling BN regime.
The humiliation of defeat, more so at the hands of Umno nemesis, Anwar, has since whipped BN into waging a no-holds-barred war lending credence to the adage “all's fair in love and war”.
Bearing this in mind, Kota Baru is probably the safest place for PKR to hold its national gathering.
Here, the likelihood of BN stooges in the civil service, hotel, convention centre and transport hub undermining PKR’s every move is minimalised.
This is PAS fortress, which the BN has been unable to breach for more than 20 years.
This will also be the platform to reiterate PKR’s commitment to its Pakatan partners – DAP and PAS – and its shaky alliances in Sabah and Sarawak.
Troublesome third sibling
Next to its big bold brothers, PKR is a troublesome third sibling in the Pakatan coalition.
It is constantly in trouble and a target of BN’s tireless attempt to break the filial bond within the coalition.
It is constantly in trouble and a target of BN’s tireless attempt to break the filial bond within the coalition.
But DAP and PAS are unfazed and have reiterated their commitment to PKR and the Pakatan agenda.
The three-day congress will see 1,500 delegates – from the peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak – and over 1,000 observers in attendance.
The Women and Youth conventions, to be held simultaneously today, was officiated last night by deputy PKR president Syed Husin Ali, while the national convention on Saturday will be opened by PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.
According to PKR’s youth wing chief Shamsul Iskandar Akin, they will be putting forth some constructive criticism targeted at the leadership.
It will address several defects in the Pakatan policy which was detailed during its conventions on Dec 19 in Selangor.
The Women’s wing is taking a firm stand on the immediate need for a structured action plan to consolidate the administration of the party in readiness for the 13th general election.
Women’s chief Zuraidah Kamaruddin said the wing’s thrust would be on discipline in view of the defections and sacking of errant members from the party.
The main event, the PKR national congress, on Saturday will be graced by top Pakatan leaders - Kelantan Menteri Besar Nik Aziz Nik Mat, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guang Eng and DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang.
The same night will see a series of ceramah by the same leaders
On Sunday, Anwar is scheduled to close the convention with a biting reminder that "reformasi" is very much alive!
Najib should be sincere in his statements
Najib’s qualification instead of endorsement of Idris Jala’s warning that Malaysia could become next Greece and go bankrupt unless it saves RM103 billion in next five years to reduce the nation’s huge debt proof of lack of political will to address subsidy syndrome
Four things stand out in yesterday’s Subsidy Rationalisation Lab Open Day of the 1Malaysia Government Transformation Programme (GTP) where the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department and CEO of Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu), Datuk Seri Idris Jala made his presentation on the country’s proposed five-year subsidy rationalization roadmap.
Firstly, the absence of Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon, the Minister in charge of the 1Malaysia GTP and Chairman of Pemandu. Why is he on leave in the United States on such an important event in the Government Transformation Programme or is he seriously considering, according to reports quoting Gerakan sources, relinquishing the post as Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department after the humiliation in the last meeting of Parliament where he dared not stand up to vouch for what 1Malaysia stands for – that he is Malaysian first and Chinese second?
Secondly, Idris’ failure to address the root causes of the national economic crisis instead of just dealing with its symptoms.
Idris warned that unless Malaysians bite the bullet and wean off subsidies to save the government RM103 billion in five years to reduce the nation’s deficit and huge debt, Malaysia could become another Greece and go bankrupt in nine years.
Although Idris said the government would focus on big ticket items such as fuel, electricity and toll to achieve the savings, he failed to focus on the biggest ticket items – corruption, mismanagement, extravagance and lack and accountability.
When corruption, mismanagement, extravagance and lack of accountability cost the government from RM10 billion to RM28 billion a year, what credibility has the government to talk about slashing subsidies affecting the rakyat when it has nothing to show to end the rampant and worsening state of corruption, the gross abuses of power and public funds like indiscriminate issue of APs and various forms of “piratisation” in the name of privatization?
Thirdly, the coincidence of the release of GLC conglomerate Sime Darby’s third quarter results, ending March 31, 2010, recording a net loss of RM309 million mainly due to its energy and utilities division; admission that for the nine months ended March 31, 2010, the total provision for four projects namely Qatar Petroleum project, the Maersk Oil Qatar project, the MOQ Marine project and Bakun dam amounted to RM1.3 billion; but no answer as to whether Sime Darby had incurred cost overruns for the Bakun contract amounting to RM1.7 billion and that the government has agreed to reimburse around RM700 million to Sime Darby, leaving the GLC with around RM1 billion to deal with.
With more questions than answers as to how the global conglomerate changed the meaning of “GLC” from Government-Linked Company to Government Losing-Concern with its billion-ringgit losses, raising grave questions about accountability, transparency and integrity, this is not the best backdrop to convince Malaysians that the government has the political will to set a good example to slash expenditures to save the country from the fate that befell Greece.
But the fourth item is most telling of all – in less than 12 hours of Idris’ apocalyptic speech that Malaysia can go bankrupt by 2019 if the government fails to cut its burgeoning subsidy bills, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak played down and distanced himself from Idris’ warning.
Najib said after the Umno Supreme Council meeting last night that the figures quoted by Idris were merely based on Pemandu’s studies and there is no firm decision by the government.
He said more studies were needed before subsidy cuts could be introduced.
He said: “We are still waiting for information and feedbacks from the rakyat on this.
“Idris’ remarks are just estimates… When it comes to matters which involve the well being of the people, we will consult the rakyat first.”
One can envisage that Idris would not have been discussed in very flattering terms in the Umno Supreme Council meeting.
Najib’s qualification instead of endorsement of Idris’ warning that Malaysia could become next Greece and go bankrupt unless it saves RM103 billion in next five years to reduce the nation’s huge debt is proof of the lack of political will of the Najib administration to address subsidy syndrome.
Are we back to square one before Idris’ apocalyptic warning yesterday morning?
Lim Kit Siang
Four things stand out in yesterday’s Subsidy Rationalisation Lab Open Day of the 1Malaysia Government Transformation Programme (GTP) where the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department and CEO of Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu), Datuk Seri Idris Jala made his presentation on the country’s proposed five-year subsidy rationalization roadmap.
Firstly, the absence of Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon, the Minister in charge of the 1Malaysia GTP and Chairman of Pemandu. Why is he on leave in the United States on such an important event in the Government Transformation Programme or is he seriously considering, according to reports quoting Gerakan sources, relinquishing the post as Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department after the humiliation in the last meeting of Parliament where he dared not stand up to vouch for what 1Malaysia stands for – that he is Malaysian first and Chinese second?
Secondly, Idris’ failure to address the root causes of the national economic crisis instead of just dealing with its symptoms.
Idris warned that unless Malaysians bite the bullet and wean off subsidies to save the government RM103 billion in five years to reduce the nation’s deficit and huge debt, Malaysia could become another Greece and go bankrupt in nine years.
Although Idris said the government would focus on big ticket items such as fuel, electricity and toll to achieve the savings, he failed to focus on the biggest ticket items – corruption, mismanagement, extravagance and lack and accountability.
When corruption, mismanagement, extravagance and lack of accountability cost the government from RM10 billion to RM28 billion a year, what credibility has the government to talk about slashing subsidies affecting the rakyat when it has nothing to show to end the rampant and worsening state of corruption, the gross abuses of power and public funds like indiscriminate issue of APs and various forms of “piratisation” in the name of privatization?
Thirdly, the coincidence of the release of GLC conglomerate Sime Darby’s third quarter results, ending March 31, 2010, recording a net loss of RM309 million mainly due to its energy and utilities division; admission that for the nine months ended March 31, 2010, the total provision for four projects namely Qatar Petroleum project, the Maersk Oil Qatar project, the MOQ Marine project and Bakun dam amounted to RM1.3 billion; but no answer as to whether Sime Darby had incurred cost overruns for the Bakun contract amounting to RM1.7 billion and that the government has agreed to reimburse around RM700 million to Sime Darby, leaving the GLC with around RM1 billion to deal with.
With more questions than answers as to how the global conglomerate changed the meaning of “GLC” from Government-Linked Company to Government Losing-Concern with its billion-ringgit losses, raising grave questions about accountability, transparency and integrity, this is not the best backdrop to convince Malaysians that the government has the political will to set a good example to slash expenditures to save the country from the fate that befell Greece.
But the fourth item is most telling of all – in less than 12 hours of Idris’ apocalyptic speech that Malaysia can go bankrupt by 2019 if the government fails to cut its burgeoning subsidy bills, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak played down and distanced himself from Idris’ warning.
Najib said after the Umno Supreme Council meeting last night that the figures quoted by Idris were merely based on Pemandu’s studies and there is no firm decision by the government.
He said more studies were needed before subsidy cuts could be introduced.
He said: “We are still waiting for information and feedbacks from the rakyat on this.
“Idris’ remarks are just estimates… When it comes to matters which involve the well being of the people, we will consult the rakyat first.”
One can envisage that Idris would not have been discussed in very flattering terms in the Umno Supreme Council meeting.
Najib’s qualification instead of endorsement of Idris’ warning that Malaysia could become next Greece and go bankrupt unless it saves RM103 billion in next five years to reduce the nation’s huge debt is proof of the lack of political will of the Najib administration to address subsidy syndrome.
Are we back to square one before Idris’ apocalyptic warning yesterday morning?
Lim Kit Siang
"Some cronies companies such as independent power producers enjoy gas subsidies every year. It can be as high as RM13 billion.
Malaysia risks becoming the next Greece unless voters swallow subsidy cuts that will see the price of petrol, food, electricity and other staples rise, a government minister warned today.
A government think-tank charged with producing plans to cut the country's subsidy bill presented its plans to the public in a bid to win acceptance for painful cuts, which have yet to be voted on by the government.
Idris Jala, a minister in the prime minister's department who heads the body advising the government, said that Malaysia's debt would soar to 100 percent of gross domestic product by 2019 from 54 percent of GDP at present without the cuts.
"We don't want to end up as another Greece," he told a roadshow, referring to the European Union member whose debt woes have unsettled global markets.
Malaysia spent 15.3 percent of total federal government operating expenditure on subsidies in its 2009 budget when its deficit surged to a 20-year high of 7 percent of the GDP.
The cabinet discussed the subsidy proposals on Wednesday, but any decision on cuts could be months away, a government source told Reuters.
Political analysts and economists say the failure of the government to push through previous subsidy cuts casts doubt on whether it can do it this time, especially with state elections looming in Sarawak, a government stronghold that is under threat from the opposition.
The proposals presented would see petrol prices for the benchmark RON95 blend rise by an initial 15 sen per litre from their current price at some stage this year.
RM2.60 per litre by 2015
The benchmark RON95 grade currently costs RM1.80 ringgit per litre.
Reuters reports the proposals presented by the advisory body, the price of petrol would be pushed up some time this year followed by two more totalling 20 sen per litre in 2011 and another two totalling 20 sen per litre in 2012.
In the 2013-2015 period, the price hikes would slow down and by the end of 2015, RON95 would cost RM2.60 per litre, according to the plans that have yet to be approved by the government.
The forecasts were based on a crude oil price forecast of $73.06 per barrel for 2011 and $79.41-$94.52 for 2013-2015.
'Plug leakages first'
Meanwhile, a panelist at the roadshow from opposition DAP hit out at the government for only proposing to remove subsidies for consumer staples and not corporate subsidies.
"Some big companies such as independent power producers enjoy gas subsidies every year. It can be as high as RM13 billion.
"But for the people, the food subsidy merely amounts to RM3.4 billion," said Tony Pua, who is also Petaling Jaya MP.
Pua argued that the government's priorities appear to be misguided.
"The government is burdened by all kind of subsidies, but one fo the biggest problems is corruption and leakages," he said.
He said that should these two problems not be resolved, even the austerity drive would not resolve the budget deficit.
A government think-tank charged with producing plans to cut the country's subsidy bill presented its plans to the public in a bid to win acceptance for painful cuts, which have yet to be voted on by the government.
Idris Jala, a minister in the prime minister's department who heads the body advising the government, said that Malaysia's debt would soar to 100 percent of gross domestic product by 2019 from 54 percent of GDP at present without the cuts.
"We don't want to end up as another Greece," he told a roadshow, referring to the European Union member whose debt woes have unsettled global markets.
Malaysia spent 15.3 percent of total federal government operating expenditure on subsidies in its 2009 budget when its deficit surged to a 20-year high of 7 percent of the GDP.
The cabinet discussed the subsidy proposals on Wednesday, but any decision on cuts could be months away, a government source told Reuters.
Political analysts and economists say the failure of the government to push through previous subsidy cuts casts doubt on whether it can do it this time, especially with state elections looming in Sarawak, a government stronghold that is under threat from the opposition.
The proposals presented would see petrol prices for the benchmark RON95 blend rise by an initial 15 sen per litre from their current price at some stage this year.
RM2.60 per litre by 2015
The benchmark RON95 grade currently costs RM1.80 ringgit per litre.
Reuters reports the proposals presented by the advisory body, the price of petrol would be pushed up some time this year followed by two more totalling 20 sen per litre in 2011 and another two totalling 20 sen per litre in 2012.
In the 2013-2015 period, the price hikes would slow down and by the end of 2015, RON95 would cost RM2.60 per litre, according to the plans that have yet to be approved by the government.
The forecasts were based on a crude oil price forecast of $73.06 per barrel for 2011 and $79.41-$94.52 for 2013-2015.
'Plug leakages first'
Meanwhile, a panelist at the roadshow from opposition DAP hit out at the government for only proposing to remove subsidies for consumer staples and not corporate subsidies.
"Some big companies such as independent power producers enjoy gas subsidies every year. It can be as high as RM13 billion.
"But for the people, the food subsidy merely amounts to RM3.4 billion," said Tony Pua, who is also Petaling Jaya MP.
Pua argued that the government's priorities appear to be misguided.
"The government is burdened by all kind of subsidies, but one fo the biggest problems is corruption and leakages," he said.
He said that should these two problems not be resolved, even the austerity drive would not resolve the budget deficit.
PKR gazette all 25 orang asli villages. But all 98 Tamil schools, Hindu temples & cemeteries and Indian villages are refused to be granted land
PKR gazette all 25 orang asli villages. But all 98 Tamil schools, Hindu temples & cemeteries and Indian villages are refused to be granted land and gazette by PKR Selangor.
When we state that the Bumiputera, orang asli, Kadazan, Iban and poor Malays are in effect better off than the Indian poor as they have their social safety net ie their traditional villages and ancestral land and the sky being the limit for their opening up as much land as they want to engage in agriculture and animal and poultry farming, we are in turn very conveniently labeled as racist even by PKR, DAP, PAS, NGOs, Bloggers, Indian elite, etc.
When we state that the Bumiputera, orang asli, Kadazan, Iban and poor Malays are in effect better off than the Indian poor as they have their social safety net ie their traditional villages and ancestral land and the sky being the limit for their opening up as much land as they want to engage in agriculture and animal and poultry farming, we are in turn very conveniently labeled as racist even by PKR, DAP, PAS, NGOs, Bloggers, Indian elite, etc.
Just to divert attention from the critical Indian problems, these parties do not want to be a part of this uphill Indian battle They would rather go for the more populist orang asli.
Indian elite top lawyers like Cyrus Das and Gerald Gomez with great ease take up this latest orang asli land unjustly seized. These lawyers magnanimously stood by the orang for 14 long years until victory at the Federal Court. RM6.5 million was finally recorded as settlement. (The Star 27/5/10 at page N3).
Pray tell us of one Indian village that any Indian elite lawyer or any of the Malay and Chinese lawyers or the PKR, DAP and PAS top leadership that has taken up Indian issues to this extent? This is racism by omission while UMNO’s is racism by commission. This is the pseudo-multiracialism!
And today the Selangor PKR led state government announces that 25 orang asli villages are gazetted as orang asli villages by the PKR Orang Asli Land Task Force Chairman.
To start off with why isn’t there an Indian Land Task Force to protect the villages of the Indian poor, their Hindu temples, cemeteries and their Tamil schools? Why? Instead to do an MIC style wayang kulit the Indian Selangor Exco mandore is used by Anwar Ibrahim to cheat the Indians. Not populist enough? Why has all 98 Tamil schools in Selangor similarly not granted state land and gazetted?
To us this is racial discrimination by PKR, DAP and PAS top leadership. But when we question this racism, we instead get accused of being racists.
The PKR led Selangor state government is even prepared to break the green belt which would bring about pollution by building the new PKNS H.Q at a cost of RM90 million. (See picture of green lung to be destroyed in Star metro 27/5/2010 at page M2).
PKR ruled Selangor is the richest state in Malaysia. Last week they gave 1.2 hectres of land to a Chinese school (see The Star 21/5/10 at page N38). Today for 25 orang asli villages. The Malay muslims have their hundreds of Malay villages.
In effect it is land for all other communities in Selangor except for the Indians. Why? It is plain and obvious that all what PKR, DAP and PAS wants from the Indians is their votes. PKR, DAP, PAS are not interested in the critical problems of the Indian poor.
Indian poor temples, cemeteries, 98 Tamil schools, Indian villages, will never be granted PKR state government land and gazetted accordingly. How they is PKR, DAP and PAS any different from the previous UMNO regime?
HRP Selangor letter to P.M. Future World Class Cardiologist and hundreds of top Indian students “ethnically cleansed” by UMNO.
YB Dato’ Sri Najib Tun RazakPrime Minister Of Malaysia ,
YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled bin Nordin,The Minister of Malaysian Higher Education , With all respect due, I wish to bring to your attention a matter of injustice that is causing great disappointment and deep concern to many Malaysian Indian Students including Ms.Sugentha Subramaniam for being denied her rights as citizen of this country to further her higher education in Malaysian Public Universities despite her excellent SPM results and Co-curricular participation. Please refer to the attachments for evidence.
She scored 10 As in SPM examination. These As never came rolling to her. She worked hard day and night . Her days began at 3.00am , her parents sacrificed a lot in order that she may get through the SPM exams with flying colors to achieve her ultimate dream of becoming one of the finest cardiologist in this country.
However Prime Minister sir , her dreams and hard work were shattered by the “dukacita” replies, denying her rights from entering Matriculation colleges , Malaysian Public Universities or being awarded government scholarship (JPA).
She was a top student among 197 in her school . She was the only Indian student. Almost 95% of her fellow Malay Muslim friends who scored lesser then her were given a choice to choose their option to continue their higher studies in Matriculation colleges or Public Universities whereas Sugentha Subramaniam’s applications were turned down completely.
“I am not in envy of my Malay Muslim friends continuing their studies , my heartiest congratulation to them , but I cannot accept that I am being denied my right to further my studies in this country !” Says Sugentha Subramaniam.
“I spent the last 5 year among Malay Muslim friends. They were such wonderful people, we had no problem among us, we were like sisters but, when my applications were rejected I can think nothing other than that I am different. For the first time I realize I am being discriminated for merely being an Indian” was the exact words of a young victim who was racially discriminated by your UMNO Barisan Nasional Government !
Is this the One Malaysia concept that you are propagating through out this country?
Prime Minister sir , I do not know how else a middle class child like Sugentha Subramaniam should get qualified to obtain a seat in Malaysian Public Universities. Her parents are not in anyway able to afford higher education for her in any private or overseas colleges.
Prime Minister Sir , I appeal to you to remedy this problem which I really believe you can.
With all respect and appreciation of your attention,
With all respect and appreciation of your attention,
I am yours sincerely disappointed Malaysian ,
Selangor HRP Chaiman.
Tan Sri Muhyidin Yassin
Deputy prime Minister Of Malaysia
YB Dr. Hou Kok Chong ,Deputy Minister Of Higher Education I,
YB Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah, Deputy Minister Of Higher Education II
Y.Bhg Datuk Dr Zulkefli bin A Hassan ,Secretary General Ministry Of Higher Education.
UMNO : Indian teenager detained without trial-height of UMNO, AG & police inefficiency.
The Civil High Court today allowed a father leave for a revision of his son’s detention order under the Emergency Ordinance (Public Security and Crime Prevention) 1969 for alleged involvement in robbery and motorcycle theft.
Judge Mohd Zawawi Salleh also allowed M Panir Selvam’s application for a writ to release and free his 18 year-old son from the restrictions imposed and ordered on him.
Zawawi made the decision in chambers after senior federal counsel Mohd Zin Ismail for the Deputy Home Minister, Negeri Sembilan police chief, Inspector-General of Police and the government, did not object to the application.
The applicant’s counsel Daniel Albert told reporters that all parties would have to file their affidavits before hearing begins.
He said the case had been fixed for mention before the deputy registrar on June 28. The application was filed on April 19 in the Kuala Lumpur High Court.
Panir Selvam filed for a declaration that the order under Section 4A(1) of Emergency Ordinance (Public Security and Crime Prevention) 1969 dated March 11 by first respondent (Deputy Home Minister) was invalid, illegal and unlawful.
He claimed that his son was detained on Dec 21 last year and taken to Beranang police station and to Kajang police station the next day where he was beaten up on Dec 26 while under remand.
The youth was taken to Rawang police station and on Jan 5 taken to Seremban police station before ending up at Kajang police station on Jan 12 where he was detained 60 days under the Emergency Ordinance.
He was detained at Semenyih detention centre and on March 11 was taken to Kajang police station where Panir Selvam was told that his son was slapped with a restriction order.
The applicant argued that the ordinance could not be used on non-adults based on the Child Act 2001.
“Najib wants Malaysia to become a high-income country [by 2020]. If he is sincere, then he should raise [the living standard] to a liveable state
BATANG BERJUNTAI: Introducing a minimum wage is an important matter, given the many plantation workers in the country, PKR supreme council member Zaid Ibrahim said.
“I want to ask MP Kamalanathan and Barisan Nasional: What is their plan on mininum wage?”
P Kamalanathan is the BN candidate who defeated Zaid in Hulu Selangor parliamentary by-election.
“Najib wants Malaysia to become a high-income country [by 2020]. If he is sincere, then he should raise [the living standard] to a liveable state,” Zaid told FMT staff after making a visit to the Nigel Gardner oil palm plantation earlier this afternoon.
During his visit, Zaid spoke to some households and asked them about their living conditions.
One resident, Kamala Govindasamy, said that although most workers were given basic healthcare, they do not have enough money for treatment of serious ailments.
She showed FMT her mother, Visalatchi, who had been suffering from a cataract for the past three years without proper treatment.
M Thangachiamah, 43, a field worker, said that she could take home RM21 a day after a hard day's work. However, this dependent largely on the weather. “I don't get anything if it rains,” the mother of four said.
After speaking to both families, Zaid presented them with a small cash donation.
“We have asked before for the federal government to implement a minimum wage, but we received no response,” he said, challenging the federal government to a debate on the matter.
Step-by-step approach
According to Zaid, the question of a minimum wage was also an issue in Pakatan Rakyat. “I hope that both Pakatan Rakyat and the state government can help these people. If we cannot implement a minimum wage, at the very least, we should try and relieve their burdens.”
While Zaid admitted he lacks an official posting, he nevertheless said that he will try his best to relieve the plantation workers' plight.
He also said that a step-by-step approach was needed to implement a minimum wage. “Start with the plantations, then we can go sector by sector. We can show you that we can do it,” he said.
On foreign workers, Zaid said that it was a separate issue, and that it was the responsibility of the government to take care of its own citizens first. “We can buy rockets and submarines, but why can't we help our own people?” the Pakatan coordinator asked.
Asked what should be the minimum wage, he said, “Some people say the minimum wage should be at RM900. Others say RM1,800 a month. I would say RM1,200 should be enough for a family of four to live on.”
Asked about certain groups opposing the minimum wage, Zaid said, “Well, they have to give me the facts and figures. The plantation companies have made so much money. They make huge profits, both here (Peninsular Malaysia), and in Sabah and Sarawak. They will make excuses, and employers will always abuse the system.”
Do what I say, not do what I do
Dr Mahathir whacked the Malaysian government and said that there is no democracy in Malaysia, Malaysia does not allow its citizens freedom of speech, Malaysia is a police state, the Prime Minister and his family is corrupted, Malaysia is a tool of Singapore and kowtows too much to that ‘red dot’ in the south, and whatnot.
Malaysia’s petrol prices will be increased soon.
Malaysia will become a net importer of oil by next year.
Malaysia may go bankrupt in nine years if subsidies continue.
97% of subsidies are given on a blanket basis and those not entitled to subsidies also receive them.
Anwar Ibrahim admits to fielding ‘Umno’ candidates in the 12th General Election in March 2008.
MIC accuses Umno of being behind the move to oust Samy Vellu.
PWTC cancels the booking for the anti-Samy Vellu rally to be held on its premises.
Umno Youth says the MIC Youth leader is insolent.
MIC threatens to leave BN.
Ibrahim Ali, PERKASA and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad instructed not to oppose the new football betting licence for Vincent Tan.
Yes, those, amongst others, were the headlines and main news items for today. It certainly is very depressing news indeed but I do not wish to talk about those issues. Let us instead talk about other things.
First of all, PI Balasubramaniam’s lawyers are arranging to be in London on Monday 5th July and Tuesday 6th July 2010. Bala will, of course, also be with them.
Bala’s lawyers have sent a letter via e-mail to the MACC to inform them that Bala is prepared to give his statement with regards to his two Statutory Declarations and the circumstances behind his second Statutory Declaration the following day, which contradicted his first Statutory Declaration.
The lawyers also informed the MACC that they (the lawyers) must be present during the interview and that the entire session must be video-recorded. Furthermore, they do not agree to an embargo or blackout under the Official Secrets Act on what transpires during the interview because what Bala is going to say is already public knowledge and would be no different from what he already said in the three-part video released earlier (see the video links below).
Malaysia’s Special Branch has sent some officers to check out the Holiday Villa at 37 Leinster Gardens, London W2 3AN. This is what I was told by my Deep Throats in Bukit Aman and my Deep Throats have thus far never been wrong.
The Special Branch officers took a look at the meeting room and wanted to know if they could place recording devices (also known as ‘bugs’) so that the entire session with Bala could be secretly recorded. They also want to bug the rooms so that whatever is discussed in the rooms could be recorded as well.
In case you may not be aware, the Holiday Villa is owned by Malaysians -- so rest assured they would have no choice but to cooperate with Bukit Aman.
Bala’s lawyers are not intimidated by this prospect, though. They have already asked someone to speak to Holiday Villa in London about booking a meeting room in their hotel. The Malaysian government would, of course, have to pay the cost, as well as the cost of the airfares and accommodation/food for Bala and the three lawyers -- which will be far cheaper than a two-page colour advertisement in The New York Times.
Unfortunately, the MACC is yet to respond to the e-mail from Bala’s lawyers. Maybe they are worried about the latest news regarding Malaysia going bankrupt in nine years and they are considering whether they can afford the cost of this Bala interview in London after all.
Well, if they want Bala’s statement then they would have to pay for it. There is no such thing as a free lunch -- or a free interview for that matter.
Anyway, to the next matter: Tun Dr Mahathir said that Samy Vellu should leave before the people start hating (benci) him. I remember the Tun saying the same thing about why he decided to retire as Prime Minister on 31st October 2003. The Tun related that his mother had advised him to stop eating before one is full. So he decided to ‘stop eating’ on 31 October 2003 and handed the country over to Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
I know, I know, I know…many of you here hate it when I talk about Tun Dr Mahathir, especially when I talk about the positive side of him. Look, no one is perfect, but there are good and bad sides to everyone…okay, maybe with the exception of me. Even Anwar has his bad side -- and he has admitted that he chose the wrong candidates in the 12th General Election.
While on this subject, Anwar also explained that he had great difficulty in finding the right candidates in March 2008, which resulted in him having to field less than desirable candidates. The problem was that not many wanted to contest the March 2008 General Election. So he was forced to select ‘Umno’ candidates.
We hope, however, to help Anwar solve that problem come the next general election. Even as you read this we are already identifying possible candidates for the next general election. These will be mostly civil society movement activists who may not necessarily be politicians or party members.
It is up to the three coalition members of Pakatan Rakyat (PKR, DAP and PAS) whether to accept or reject these potential candidates. But at least they can’t accuse us of merely criticising without helping to do something to improve the situation. And at least you can be guaranteed that you will not be getting ‘frogs’ like the last time.
Back to what Dr Mahathir said. I remember what my VI (Victoria Institution) teacher told me when he caught me smoking. He was espousing the evils of smoking while puffing on a cigarette and blowing smoke into my face.
When he noticed me eyeballing his cigarette with a smirk on my face, he retorted, “Do what I say, not do what I do!”
I gave him a very blank look, which was worth 1,000 words -- the sort of 'silent treatment' I normally give the Special Branch officers during my ISA detention when they ask me a question I do not wish to answer.
Realising that ‘good advice’ is wasted on me, my teacher handed me a cigarette and we both puffed away in the school canteen, much to the chagrin of the school prefect who thought I should be horsewhipped rather than offered a cigarette.
Yes, Tun Dr Mahathir is, in a way, my role model (sorry chaps). And when Malaysia Today organised that now famous (or infamous) dialogue session in Kelab Century Paradise, Dr Mahathir whacked the Malaysian government and said that there is no democracy in Malaysia, Malaysia does not allow its citizens freedom of speech, Malaysia is a police state, the Prime Minister and his family is corrupted, Malaysia is a tool of Singapore and kowtows too much to that ‘red dot’ in the south, and whatnot.
Well, I too have been saying the same things. And Tun Dr Mahathir is the one who taught me how to say all those things.
And if I am a criminal and a traitor to the country for saying what I am saying, then we have only Tun Dr Mahathir to blame for me becoming what I have become.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Malaysia’s petrol prices will be increased soon.
Malaysia will become a net importer of oil by next year.
Malaysia may go bankrupt in nine years if subsidies continue.
97% of subsidies are given on a blanket basis and those not entitled to subsidies also receive them.
Anwar Ibrahim admits to fielding ‘Umno’ candidates in the 12th General Election in March 2008.
MIC accuses Umno of being behind the move to oust Samy Vellu.
PWTC cancels the booking for the anti-Samy Vellu rally to be held on its premises.
Umno Youth says the MIC Youth leader is insolent.
MIC threatens to leave BN.
Ibrahim Ali, PERKASA and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad instructed not to oppose the new football betting licence for Vincent Tan.
Yes, those, amongst others, were the headlines and main news items for today. It certainly is very depressing news indeed but I do not wish to talk about those issues. Let us instead talk about other things.
First of all, PI Balasubramaniam’s lawyers are arranging to be in London on Monday 5th July and Tuesday 6th July 2010. Bala will, of course, also be with them.
Bala’s lawyers have sent a letter via e-mail to the MACC to inform them that Bala is prepared to give his statement with regards to his two Statutory Declarations and the circumstances behind his second Statutory Declaration the following day, which contradicted his first Statutory Declaration.
The lawyers also informed the MACC that they (the lawyers) must be present during the interview and that the entire session must be video-recorded. Furthermore, they do not agree to an embargo or blackout under the Official Secrets Act on what transpires during the interview because what Bala is going to say is already public knowledge and would be no different from what he already said in the three-part video released earlier (see the video links below).
Malaysia’s Special Branch has sent some officers to check out the Holiday Villa at 37 Leinster Gardens, London W2 3AN. This is what I was told by my Deep Throats in Bukit Aman and my Deep Throats have thus far never been wrong.
The Special Branch officers took a look at the meeting room and wanted to know if they could place recording devices (also known as ‘bugs’) so that the entire session with Bala could be secretly recorded. They also want to bug the rooms so that whatever is discussed in the rooms could be recorded as well.
In case you may not be aware, the Holiday Villa is owned by Malaysians -- so rest assured they would have no choice but to cooperate with Bukit Aman.
Bala’s lawyers are not intimidated by this prospect, though. They have already asked someone to speak to Holiday Villa in London about booking a meeting room in their hotel. The Malaysian government would, of course, have to pay the cost, as well as the cost of the airfares and accommodation/food for Bala and the three lawyers -- which will be far cheaper than a two-page colour advertisement in The New York Times.
Unfortunately, the MACC is yet to respond to the e-mail from Bala’s lawyers. Maybe they are worried about the latest news regarding Malaysia going bankrupt in nine years and they are considering whether they can afford the cost of this Bala interview in London after all.
Well, if they want Bala’s statement then they would have to pay for it. There is no such thing as a free lunch -- or a free interview for that matter.
Anyway, to the next matter: Tun Dr Mahathir said that Samy Vellu should leave before the people start hating (benci) him. I remember the Tun saying the same thing about why he decided to retire as Prime Minister on 31st October 2003. The Tun related that his mother had advised him to stop eating before one is full. So he decided to ‘stop eating’ on 31 October 2003 and handed the country over to Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
I know, I know, I know…many of you here hate it when I talk about Tun Dr Mahathir, especially when I talk about the positive side of him. Look, no one is perfect, but there are good and bad sides to everyone…okay, maybe with the exception of me. Even Anwar has his bad side -- and he has admitted that he chose the wrong candidates in the 12th General Election.
While on this subject, Anwar also explained that he had great difficulty in finding the right candidates in March 2008, which resulted in him having to field less than desirable candidates. The problem was that not many wanted to contest the March 2008 General Election. So he was forced to select ‘Umno’ candidates.
We hope, however, to help Anwar solve that problem come the next general election. Even as you read this we are already identifying possible candidates for the next general election. These will be mostly civil society movement activists who may not necessarily be politicians or party members.
It is up to the three coalition members of Pakatan Rakyat (PKR, DAP and PAS) whether to accept or reject these potential candidates. But at least they can’t accuse us of merely criticising without helping to do something to improve the situation. And at least you can be guaranteed that you will not be getting ‘frogs’ like the last time.
Back to what Dr Mahathir said. I remember what my VI (Victoria Institution) teacher told me when he caught me smoking. He was espousing the evils of smoking while puffing on a cigarette and blowing smoke into my face.
When he noticed me eyeballing his cigarette with a smirk on my face, he retorted, “Do what I say, not do what I do!”
I gave him a very blank look, which was worth 1,000 words -- the sort of 'silent treatment' I normally give the Special Branch officers during my ISA detention when they ask me a question I do not wish to answer.
Realising that ‘good advice’ is wasted on me, my teacher handed me a cigarette and we both puffed away in the school canteen, much to the chagrin of the school prefect who thought I should be horsewhipped rather than offered a cigarette.
Yes, Tun Dr Mahathir is, in a way, my role model (sorry chaps). And when Malaysia Today organised that now famous (or infamous) dialogue session in Kelab Century Paradise, Dr Mahathir whacked the Malaysian government and said that there is no democracy in Malaysia, Malaysia does not allow its citizens freedom of speech, Malaysia is a police state, the Prime Minister and his family is corrupted, Malaysia is a tool of Singapore and kowtows too much to that ‘red dot’ in the south, and whatnot.
Well, I too have been saying the same things. And Tun Dr Mahathir is the one who taught me how to say all those things.
And if I am a criminal and a traitor to the country for saying what I am saying, then we have only Tun Dr Mahathir to blame for me becoming what I have become.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
President of CigMa (Common Interest Group Malaysia)
President of Borneo Heritage Foundation (BHF)
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah 23-5-2010
KOTA KINABALU: It is neither enough to dismiss Prof Ranjit’s view as merely academic, nor to accept something that Sabahans do not agree (ie constitutional amendments).
Sabahans and Sabahan leaders irrespective of their political affiliations must unite and act in unison when it comes to common interest for Sabah, said Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan in a statement here today over Prof Ranjit views on Malaysia Agreement.
Dr Jeffrey, who had just returned from Harvest Festival in Kalimantan Barat at the invitation of its Governor, said that while he disagrees with Prof Rranjit’s view on the position of Sabah and Sarawak vis-a-vis with the other states, there were some truth in his statement about the manner how Sabah being governed, that is through proxies, and I should say “traitors” of Sabah rights as well.
The facts of history are; One, that we Sabah, Sarawak, Malaya and Singapore formed Malaysia as equal partners with equal powers and status.Two, Malaysia is formed through a MERGER and NOT A TAKE OVER OF ONE PARTY BY ANOTHER. Three, Malaysia was to be a new Federation, and not a unitary system. Four, Sabah and Sarawak shall not be equivalent in status with the existing states within Malaya because Sabah dan Sarawak were equal partners and it was Malaya who signed the Malaysia Agreement not the individual states. Five, Sabah and Sarawak would retain their individualities and would have special right and autonomy as outlined by the 20 Points / 18 Points. These are the facts of history.
Of course there were a few problems with this arrangement, a) the Federation of equal partnership has been created but there already exist the Federation of Malaya with 11 States; this means that the Malaysia was going to be a two-tier Federation. b) How the new Federation of equal partner going to relate and function with the 11 States whose status were not equivalent to that of Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak? We must remember Singapore even had its own Prime Minister, and Sabah and Sarawak has this proposal too in the original 20 Points.
The Federal Government at that time realised this complexities and took the easy way out by 1)kicking Singapore out of the Federation, and 2) changing the Federal Constitution and even unilaterally changing the concept of Malaysia of what it is today, that is a neo-federation that has become unitary rather that a true federation which what Prof Ranjit has been talking about.
It is here the true colonial intention of Malaya was subsequently revealed by the subjugation of Sabah through the federal power-play for example one, the bringing down the CM of Sarawak Stephen Kalong Ningkan, and CM of Sabah, Donald Stephens and, two, by increasing the number of MP seats by more than 70 seats in favour of Peninsular in 1973/74 and then eventually amending the Federal Constitution.
It is unfair to say that amendment of the Federal Constitution and the downgrading of Sabah and Sarawak was with our voluntary consent as suggested by Masidi Manjun.
Sabahan leaders were simply overpowered and bullied into submission because they were naïve and unprepared and subjugated by the condescending Federal leaders as shown by the example of the Ningkan and Donald, and the many-many ISA arrests within our political history.
Can we say that these amendments are really what we wanted, or what the leaders wanted or what Sabahans wanted? Are we saying that the leaders wanted to erode our own rights and special positions to our own disadvantage? Are we saying that we are stupid to do that? I don’t think so but it is because of the overwhelming power of the Federal that resulted this to happen.
Look to what Dr Mahathir did to Sabah for example when he was bringing UMNO to Sabah. The Federal Government, under Dr Mahathir, was using every means to weaken the democratically-elected Government ie the use of ACA, police, internal revenue and everything.
Dr Mahathir made it sensitive even to mention the name 20 Points, and anyone raising it is arrested. He introduced the two-year rotation system which is not in our Constitution, he recruited foreign voters and gave them MyKad through Projek Mahatir to maintain power and even changed the election boundaries in order to increase the so-called Malay seats, and then eventually took over the government.
If this is what Prof Ranjit means of a permanent solution, is this a really solution I dun think so it has brought more wrongs than good, after almost of 20 years of UMNO rule, and after 1994 when all political parties joined BN to support UMNO including PBS what have we got? We got more problems, including increase in illegal immigrants, leading to more insecurities to the state of Sabah and maybe even a potential reverse takeover.
UMNO and this Semenanjung formula has also resulted in Sabah completely being subjugated to UMNO and Malaya. There is now more poverty than before in Sabah, Sabah has the highest poverty rate and is the second poorest state in the nation.
Despite the billions of ringgits being poured into Sabah, Sabah is still the least developed state according to the Ninth Malaysia Development Composite Index. There is more land grabs and the native are increasingly marginalized because their rights are ignored and they have become poorer.
If this is what Prof Ranjt say as permanent solution than I don’t think this is what Sabahans wanted. We have right to disagree and we want to change the situation, the only permanent solution to me is to restore Sabah’s autonomy back and to leave Sabah political parties to manage Sabah politics, Sarawak politics to be managed by Sarawak and Semenanjung by Semenanjung parties , and then to form a coalition at federal level.
This can only happen if Sabahans and Sabah leader are united in making a stand and acting together to restore our rights. We cannot accept the present situation because Sabah current leaders are acting as proxies and UMNO being the dominant is the one who calls shots in Sabah for instances on deciding who should be the CM, how many seats to be contested by BN parties, how to govern, how many new seats to be created etc.
I think Sabah have realized this but they have no courage to change the situation. It is us the ordinary Sabahans who must change. We must act together from now on…
President of CigMa (Common Interest Group Malaysia)
President of Borneo Heritage Foundation (BHF)
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah 23-5-2010
KOTA KINABALU: It is neither enough to dismiss Prof Ranjit’s view as merely academic, nor to accept something that Sabahans do not agree (ie constitutional amendments).
Sabahans and Sabahan leaders irrespective of their political affiliations must unite and act in unison when it comes to common interest for Sabah, said Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan in a statement here today over Prof Ranjit views on Malaysia Agreement.
Dr Jeffrey, who had just returned from Harvest Festival in Kalimantan Barat at the invitation of its Governor, said that while he disagrees with Prof Rranjit’s view on the position of Sabah and Sarawak vis-a-vis with the other states, there were some truth in his statement about the manner how Sabah being governed, that is through proxies, and I should say “traitors” of Sabah rights as well.
The facts of history are; One, that we Sabah, Sarawak, Malaya and Singapore formed Malaysia as equal partners with equal powers and status.Two, Malaysia is formed through a MERGER and NOT A TAKE OVER OF ONE PARTY BY ANOTHER. Three, Malaysia was to be a new Federation, and not a unitary system. Four, Sabah and Sarawak shall not be equivalent in status with the existing states within Malaya because Sabah dan Sarawak were equal partners and it was Malaya who signed the Malaysia Agreement not the individual states. Five, Sabah and Sarawak would retain their individualities and would have special right and autonomy as outlined by the 20 Points / 18 Points. These are the facts of history.
Of course there were a few problems with this arrangement, a) the Federation of equal partnership has been created but there already exist the Federation of Malaya with 11 States; this means that the Malaysia was going to be a two-tier Federation. b) How the new Federation of equal partner going to relate and function with the 11 States whose status were not equivalent to that of Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak? We must remember Singapore even had its own Prime Minister, and Sabah and Sarawak has this proposal too in the original 20 Points.
The Federal Government at that time realised this complexities and took the easy way out by 1)kicking Singapore out of the Federation, and 2) changing the Federal Constitution and even unilaterally changing the concept of Malaysia of what it is today, that is a neo-federation that has become unitary rather that a true federation which what Prof Ranjit has been talking about.
It is here the true colonial intention of Malaya was subsequently revealed by the subjugation of Sabah through the federal power-play for example one, the bringing down the CM of Sarawak Stephen Kalong Ningkan, and CM of Sabah, Donald Stephens and, two, by increasing the number of MP seats by more than 70 seats in favour of Peninsular in 1973/74 and then eventually amending the Federal Constitution.
It is unfair to say that amendment of the Federal Constitution and the downgrading of Sabah and Sarawak was with our voluntary consent as suggested by Masidi Manjun.
Sabahan leaders were simply overpowered and bullied into submission because they were naïve and unprepared and subjugated by the condescending Federal leaders as shown by the example of the Ningkan and Donald, and the many-many ISA arrests within our political history.
Can we say that these amendments are really what we wanted, or what the leaders wanted or what Sabahans wanted? Are we saying that the leaders wanted to erode our own rights and special positions to our own disadvantage? Are we saying that we are stupid to do that? I don’t think so but it is because of the overwhelming power of the Federal that resulted this to happen.
Look to what Dr Mahathir did to Sabah for example when he was bringing UMNO to Sabah. The Federal Government, under Dr Mahathir, was using every means to weaken the democratically-elected Government ie the use of ACA, police, internal revenue and everything.
Dr Mahathir made it sensitive even to mention the name 20 Points, and anyone raising it is arrested. He introduced the two-year rotation system which is not in our Constitution, he recruited foreign voters and gave them MyKad through Projek Mahatir to maintain power and even changed the election boundaries in order to increase the so-called Malay seats, and then eventually took over the government.
If this is what Prof Ranjit means of a permanent solution, is this a really solution I dun think so it has brought more wrongs than good, after almost of 20 years of UMNO rule, and after 1994 when all political parties joined BN to support UMNO including PBS what have we got? We got more problems, including increase in illegal immigrants, leading to more insecurities to the state of Sabah and maybe even a potential reverse takeover.
UMNO and this Semenanjung formula has also resulted in Sabah completely being subjugated to UMNO and Malaya. There is now more poverty than before in Sabah, Sabah has the highest poverty rate and is the second poorest state in the nation.
Despite the billions of ringgits being poured into Sabah, Sabah is still the least developed state according to the Ninth Malaysia Development Composite Index. There is more land grabs and the native are increasingly marginalized because their rights are ignored and they have become poorer.
If this is what Prof Ranjt say as permanent solution than I don’t think this is what Sabahans wanted. We have right to disagree and we want to change the situation, the only permanent solution to me is to restore Sabah’s autonomy back and to leave Sabah political parties to manage Sabah politics, Sarawak politics to be managed by Sarawak and Semenanjung by Semenanjung parties , and then to form a coalition at federal level.
This can only happen if Sabahans and Sabah leader are united in making a stand and acting together to restore our rights. We cannot accept the present situation because Sabah current leaders are acting as proxies and UMNO being the dominant is the one who calls shots in Sabah for instances on deciding who should be the CM, how many seats to be contested by BN parties, how to govern, how many new seats to be created etc.
I think Sabah have realized this but they have no courage to change the situation. It is us the ordinary Sabahans who must change. We must act together from now on…
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