All ministry heads involved in NFC must roll

JAN 13, 2012

The question isn’t really whether Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil takes leave from her ministerial duties.

The National Feedlot Centre (NFC) scandal is due to lax procedures in dispensing funds for a national project and a lack of oversight by the Agriculture Ministry.

The police and anti-graft busters are investigating NFC and its officials.

But is there anyone from the government being investigated for allowing public funds to be used to buy condominiums rather than cows?

The real offence is RM250 million being used as personal cash cow by a select few.

Putrajaya must nail them for that.

And all those ministers who gave the green light to NFC and the funding of it must be made to answer the whole debacle, and be made accountable for it. Anything else is not an option.

And, by the way , who was the Agriculture minister then, and the Finance minister? They must be removed. Of course the main beneficiary of the project, and the minister who is only the wife and their children, who suddenly become millionaires not due to their capability or talent, must also be removed for abusing public funds meant for raising cows.

Instead of raising cows, they had cashed the cows for their own personal and selfish gains, all at the expense and flagrant advantage of the Malaysian public.

Don't they have morals, principles or shame?

However it is more than just lag of procedures & oversights. It is really "a total lack of Proper Standard Operating Procedures and total irresponsibility, incompetence on the part of the Agricultural Ministry".

We cannot put the blame on the Private Company that is being awarded the Funds because any business entity will do what it can to obtain business projects, use the funds as best it can for itself, whether it's Cows or Submarines. The oneness is for the Ministry to ensure that only competent company is awarded the project and at a competitive price, through Open Tender and Transparent Award.

Who was the one in the Ministry who recommended and who approved the Family Company of Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil family, should be held accountable.

The 2nd issue is lack of quality control, monitoring and implementation after the award.. again the fault of the Ministry.

It is more important now to really Get our Money back, or more importantly to ensure that the same Company can now comply with all the Terms & Conditions of the Contract... if there was any in the first place. And the persons responsible for this blunder be booked or just retired gracefully.

Getting Police and MACC is just wasteful which has no value itself. Punish by all means, but what we need are COWS, so our country can be less dependent on imports, so we can all buy beef CHEAPER .. that was and is still is the Main Objective!

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