Anwar will remain relevant for a long time.

PETALING JAYA: Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim has landed himself an unexpected exponent in the wake of several hard-hitting interviews by self-exiled blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin.

In the interviews Raja Petra had branded Anwar “unfit” to be the next Prime Minister, alluded that Anwar was guilty of the sodomy charge and expressed certainty that Anwar was the man featured in the sex video.

But the waves created by his verbal attacks could very well change direction now that a former Umno Cabinet Minister’s endorsement of Anwar’s suitability as Malaysia’s leader.

Angkatan Amanah Merdeka’s – better known as Amanah – deputy president, Abdul Kadir Sheikh Fadzir, told FMT in an exclusive interview that Anwar has the makings of a “great Malaysian leader”.

“I know Anwar personally and I think he has great leadership qualities,” he said.

“(Former premier) Dr Mahathir (Mohamad) appointed Anwar as his deputy because he obviously wanted Anwar to be the next prime minister.

“Dr Mahathir wouldn’t have done so if he didn’t see exceptional qualities in Anwar. He even made mention of these qualities in his recent book.”

Kadir, who has held six ministerial positions between 1983 to 2005 and who is still an Umno member, however said that the current “complications” that Anwar faced would stand in his way of becoming the country’s next leader.

People are well informed

Yet the truth of those allegations, he added, would be something that the people can and would have to judge for themselves.

“Some would dismiss it as a personal matter. Others would weigh the pros and cons of having leaders who steal billions versus leaders with weaknesses in their personal life. Then they will decide on the better choice,” Kadir said.

Pakatan is hoping that 100,000 people will make their “better choice” known by turning up at the Duta Court on Monday morning when the sodomy trial verdict will be delivered. Various quarters have scoffed at this ambitious figure pointing out that the Bersih 2.0 rally was less than half that number.

Kadir withheld his wager on the potential head count but emphasised that of greater importance is the public’s perception of the judiciary overseeing Anwar’s trial.

“It is very important for our judiciary to be independent and also to be seen as being independent in order to avoid trouble,” he said.

“Times have changed and the people are very well informed.”

“They keep up-to-date on details of the trial and they can read between the lines. So if they feel that the trial has been unfair then they will go to the streets,” he said.

Anwar is not irrelevant

Seeing as a significant number of Malaysians as well as international observers have long deemed the charge and trial a farce, the likelihood of them taking to the streets is a given.

The question is whether they be gathering in support of Anwar or in protest of injustice? It is a question to which Kadir doesn’t have an answer.

“To be honest I really don’t know but I can tell you that Anwar Ibrahim will be in Malaysia’s political scenario for a long, long time.

“Raja Petra may have called him irrelevant but in my opinion, Anwar will remain relevant for a long time,” said Kadir.


Anonymous said...

Please allow me to introduce you to Dr.Jeffry Kitingan. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan is from Sabah. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan graduated from Harvard University. The Hindu Malaysians and Dr.Jeffry Kitingan have more things in common than we probably realize.

Dr.Jeffry, in the past, was detained under the infamous ISA. Many Hindu Malaysians, in the past, have also been detained under the ISA.

Dr.Jeffry Kitingan is a Christian, and thus, a non-Muslim. Hindu Malaysians are also non-Muslim Malaysians. That is, both Dr.Jeffry and Hindu Malaysians are non-Muslims.

Hindu Malaysians have tried many political parties to seek better representation. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan also has tried many political parties before bringing together his Borneo Agenda/United Borneo Front and Third Front in Malaysian politics.

Now, lets discuss the Malay Regiment. The Malay Regiment is only allowed to recruit Muslims and Malays. Why? We, the non-Muslims, need an answer. It is all about Malaysia first or Islam first. The non-Muslim Malaysians need unambiguous answers. Does the Malay Regiment serve the Muslims or Malaysia? Does the Malay Regiment fight for Malaysia or Islam? The Malay Regiment has to choose between Islam and Malaysia because they cannot have both. As a matter of fact, all Malaysian citizens should put Malaysia first. Even the King/Agung should always put Malaysia first. Even the Constitution of Malaysia should put Malaysia above everything else.

Dr.Jeffry Kitingan has often been called a frog because he has hopped from one political party to another. He most certainly is a frog. There are advantages at hopping from one political party to another. Being branded a frog is sometimes the best thing. Each time you move from one political party to another, you gain experience. Thus, he has gained a lot of experience. Through trial and error he has learned a lot.
Thomas Alva Edison said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work". Robert F. Kennedy said, " Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly".

Failure is success if we learn from it. I am sure Dr.Jeffry Kitingan has learned a lot. I hereby would like to ask all Hindu Malaysians to give their support to Dr.Jeffry Kitingan. . I hereby would like to ask all Hindu Malaysians to form an alliance with Dr.Jeffry Kitingan. May he help to create a Malaysia where Malaysian citizens will put Malaysia first. May he help to create a Third Front in Malaysian politics. May all Malaysians who believe that changing faith is an involable human right to be supportive of Dr.Jeffry Kitingan.

Please pass the word around to all Hindu Malaysians to keep an eye on Dr.Jeffry Kitingan at the political level.Please feel free to copy and remail this composition to anybody.

Anonymous said...

Hindraf & Dr.Jeffry Kitingan are working very closely