Arise the youths of Malaysia: Chase off Umno for not respecting a 2-party system

Arise the youths of Malaysia: Chase off Umno for not respecting a 2-party system

2012 may be the year of a people's uprising in Malaysia against a regime that has enslaved the country for the past 54 years. And sounding this off was the standoff between the police and the student activists demonstrating against an oppressive law at the UPSI in Tanjung Malim on New Year’s Eve.
The incident has deeply angered Malaysians, who want the police to be chastised and a public inquiry held. The main point of contention now is whether police brutality was employed when dispersing the student activists.
'Thin-skinned' police cannot be criticized
Videos have appeared and statements have been made by both sides. Bloggers have taken to writing about the incident which has prompted the police to set up a special task force to look into the postings. So defensive has the police become that bloggers can now be charged in court for defaming them. But reports by the mainstream media siding the cops are not really enlightening the public on the true nature of the incident at all.
Instead, the official police statement that the injuries sustained by the students were self-inflicted insults the intelligence of any neutral observer. Something happened that New Year's eve and the police cannot simply sweep it away as just another incident where the students went out of control.
Just looking at the available evidence has created a shouting match between the police, who are clearly protective of UMNO, and the university students, who were protesting the UUCA 1971, an oppressive law that bans students from taking part in the nation's politics, and the UPSI's decision to discipline student activist Adam Adli for removing a flag that bore the image of Prime Minister Najib Razak at earlier protest.
Despite the government machinery acting in concert to cover up or slant the truth, what really happened can be easily pieced together given the amount of verbal and video evidence.
Students behaved themselves, but not the police
Firstly, what did not happen can actually explain what happened and it is in this space that we must look and evaluate where the truth stands.
Based on the video tapes of the incident, what did not happen was that the students did not at any time turn nasty during their peaceful assembly. Not even when the police charged at them which must have been pretty terrifying. The act of charging at chanting, placard-holding students who were lying down by fully-grown and armed police officers already reeks of bad faith. So Round One of the Truth to the students.
Then the capacity to cause harm has always been on the side of the police, i.e. they hold the batons, the canes and the heavy helmets. Thus, their charge at the students will certainly be threatening and frightening to those who have no means to protect themselves. The fact that two students landed in hospital, one of whom was actually beaten into a coma, is testament of the police using brutal and excessive force against those who had no means to protect themselves. Round Two to the students.
There is no escaping it. Both visual and verbal accounts show that the police, who came out in full riot gear, deliberately moved in on the students 30 minutes into the protest. So the question stands, why move in on students who were lying down on the ground as a sign of protest? Did the mere act of lying down on the ground cause such a threat to national security that the police, riot gear and all, had to resort to excessive violence to disperse them?
Blatant double standards can no longer be tolerated
Also, why is it the police do not show the same zeal at other demonstrations by groups aligned to UMNO-BN? We do not hear of reports of police moving in to disperse demonstrations by UMNO-BN. Instead, we are fed with glowing reports, that in Malaysia, everyone is allowed to air their dissent. Why, even Najib mentioned that a little voice of dissent is needed for a progressive nation - so what happened! Was this another flip-flop or was it sheer hypocrisy?.
Action taken by the police prior to the New Year’s eve attack on the UPSI students also indicate that some form of measures would be taken against those supporting the cause of theMahasiswa movement. The IGP had specifically mentioned Adam Adli was being monitored, implying that the police were ready to act or react against the young man. The IGP was clearly biased towards anything that involved Adam Adli, so it was no surprise when Adam and his colleagues were arrested that night and remanded for 10 hours before any of their statements were recorded.
This sort of vengeful and 'preemptive nature' of the Malaysian police is evident in other incidents, time and time again. It is the police who issued statements that action will be taken against demonstrators days ahead of the actual UPSI rally. It is as if, the police were wishing for an incident to happen, so they can justify their high-handed reactions.
Not only was this evident in the UPSI rally, but also in the days leading up to the July 9 Bersih march for free and fair elections. With the police already geared and prepared for violence, should Malaysians be surprised that the police would 'move' to make their own warnings come true? The police may think they are being smart by warning the public that the students and Bersih are dangerous, but the ones who actually make the violence come true or happen is they themselves!
Low-calibre intelligence
Perhaps, the most baffling and illogical statement by the police is that the students' injury were all self-inflicted. It is just like Anwar Ibrahim inflicted his own black eye or that the 6 PSM leaders helping out in the Bersih rally were moles planted by an enemy Communist country to colonize Malaysia - this is the kind of outrageous low-level logic that the Malaysian police seem capable of and insist the people swallow hook, line and sinker.
Also, it would be interesting to know how the police came to the conclusion the injuries were self-inflicted? Did the police consult the doctors who stitched up the forehead of the bloodied student, who by the way had to checked himself into the Slim River hospital? Did the police consult the doctors of the unconscious student leader? What evidence did the police go by? This negligence of duty alone seems to show that the police are less than responsible for their actions. Charged with protecting the public, the police instead charged at the students.
Arise, the students and youths of Malaysia
And this is the real tragedy of this UPSI incident. What did not happen was a peaceful assembly of a hundred odd students protected by the police. What took place instead was a violent protest with 17 students arrested, one hit into a coma and another severely injured.
It is made additionally strange by the police being on hand to protect and supervise the UMNO-linked protest at the same venue days before without any undue incident what-so-ever. So why the difference in the latter demonstration?
Was it because one group of students were UMNO-linked and the other was not? Was it also because of Adam Adli and that he had taken down a flag bearing Najib's face to show disagreement with the government's refusal to amend the UUCA Act?
It is clear that in the incident of the UPSI demonstration, the police have failed miserably. The fact that they injured people during a peaceful assembly shows their incompetence in protecting public safety. How to have law and order when the police and the government of the day themselves turn lawless?
This is why the youths of Malaysia must arise. Arise and fight the oppressive UMNO-BN government for insisting on political hegemony, a dictatorship rather than respecting the people of the country and their rights to a two party system.
Malaysia Chronicle


Anonymous said...

Please allow me to introduce you to Dr.Jeffry Kitingan. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan is from Sabah. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan graduated from Harvard University. The Hindu Malaysians and Dr.Jeffry Kitingan have more things in common than we probably realize.

Dr.Jeffry, in the past, was detained under the infamous ISA. Many Hindu Malaysians, in the past, have also been detained under the ISA.

Dr.Jeffry Kitingan is a Christian, and thus, a non-Muslim. Hindu Malaysians are also non-Muslim Malaysians. That is, both Dr.Jeffry and Hindu Malaysians are non-Muslims.

Hindu Malaysians have tried many political parties to seek better representation. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan also has tried many political parties before bringing together his Borneo Agenda/United Borneo Front and Third Front in Malaysian politics. I think, for Sabah, they must choose between Malaysia First or Sabah First. If the Sabahans cannot get the Federal government to accept Malaysia First at all levels, then the same Sabahans must go for secession by insisting on Sabah First. Sabah First means secession. In short, Malaysia first or secession for Sabah.

When Mr.Lee Kuan Yew, in the 1960's, insisted on Malaysia First at all levels, the honorable Tunku Abdul Rahman responded by expelling Singapore from the Federation. Now we have Dr.Jeffrey Kitingan from Sabah who has his Borneo Agenda/United Borneo Front. We will wait and see what happens? Will the Federal government expel Sabah from the Federation? If the Federal government expels Sabah from the Federation, then it may be good news for Sabahans. We will wait and see.

Now, let's discuss the Malay Regiment. Unlike other Malaysian Regiments, the Malay Regiment is a special regiment. The Malay Regiment is the only regiment that is allowed to recruit Muslims and Malays. Why only Muslims and Malays? The Malay regiment is a segregated regiment. Why? The Malaysian armed forces must be integrated. We, the non-Muslims, need an answer. It is all about Malaysia first or Islam first. The non-Muslim Malaysians need unambiguous answers. Does the Malay Regiment serve the Muslims or Malaysia? Does the Malay Regiment fight for Malaysia or Islam? The Malay Regiment has to choose between Islam and Malaysia because they cannot have both. As a matter of fact, all Malaysian citizens should put Malaysia first. Even the King/Agung should always put Malaysia first. Even the Constitution of Malaysia should put Malaysia above everything else.

Dr.Jeffry Kitingan has often been called a frog because he has hopped from one political party to another. He most certainly is a frog. There are advantages at hopping from one political party to another. Being branded a frog is sometimes the best thing. Each time you move from one political party to another, you gain experience. Thus, he has gained a lot of experience. Through trial and error he has learned a lot.

Thomas Alva Edison said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work". Robert F. Kennedy said, " Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly".

Anonymous said...

Thomas Alva Edison said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work". Robert F. Kennedy said, " Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly".

Failure is success if we learn from it. I am sure Dr.Jeffry Kitingan has learned a lot. I hereby would like to ask all Hindu Malaysians to give their support to Dr.Jeffry Kitingan. . I hereby would like to ask all Hindu Malaysians to form an alliance with Dr.Jeffry Kitingan. May he help to create a Malaysia where Malaysian citizens will put Malaysia first. May he help to create a Third Front in Malaysian politics. May all Malaysians who believe that changing faith is an inviolable human right to be supportive of Dr.Jeffry Kitingan.

If the Malaysian government does not put Malaysia first, then Sabah must take the next step; the next step is to completely secede from Malaysia. So, the step by step Sabah plan should be "Malaysia first or secede from Malaysia". It is only fair that Sabah try Malaysia first. Everybody has to put Malaysia first. The Prime Minister has to put Malaysia first. The National Parliament has to put Malaysia first. The Agung/King has to put Malaysia first. The Malaysian armed forces has to put Malaysia first. Malaysia first or secede from Malaysia. I hope all Hindu Malaysians will be supportive of Dr.Jeffry Kitingan.

Please pass the word around to all Hindu Malaysians to keep an eye on Dr.Jeffry Kitingan at the political level. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan is a Christian and therefore all Christian Malaysians should be supportive of him. Either the Federal government put Malaysia first or they allow Sabah to secede. That's it. Please feel free to copy and re-mail this composition to anybody.