Hasan Ali – if you want to play politics on the basis of race, don’t drag religion.

Hasan Ali indicated that he did not understand why PAS had decided to sack him as all along he has been ‘championing Islam’. This is what I want to say to Hasan Ali. With someone like you championing Islam, people, particularly non-Muslims, will not only shy away from but think very negatively of or about Islam. You are concerned only about people leaving Islam. Why are you not anxious about bringing people to embrace Islam?

It is time you take a rest and think whether what you have done has done Islam or your God any good. I believe your God wants Muslim leaders like you to spread the religion and convince as many people as possible to see the beauty and truth of your religion and to bring more and more to your God. Have you done that? Have you instead been chasing people away from Islam?

Telling people not to attend the gathering in support of Anwar and dismissing that as a waste of time does not reflect very well on you as a Muslim leader who should be compassionate to all and who abhors injustice.

The fact is (1) only God knows whether a sodomy had in fact taken place at the material time between Anwar and Saiful because there was no eye-witness at all, and (2) the evidence adduced in court on a fair and reasonable assessment is just not convincing enough to convict a man of a crime which carries 20 years imprisonment.

As the holy man you claim to be and as a Muslim leader, you should condemn any injustice but on the contrary you think to do so is a waste of time. You proclaim that you will support any platform if it is to protect Malay-Muslim interest. You seem to have forgotten that Islam does not belong only to the Malays. It is a universal religion.

Also, if you are really looking at things as a Muslim or from a true Islamic perspective, you should disregard differentiation of human beings based on race or any other markers. Why are you advancing the cause of one race at the expense of another when God is universal and has created eveyone of us, Malays and non-Malays, Muslims and non-Muslims alike?

If you want to champion and fight for the cause of just the Malay race, don’t drag God into the arena because, logically, to a fair and just and mighty God, Malays are the same as all His other human creation and therefore do not deserve special treatment.

I am not saying you cannot fight for Malay rights. I am not here questioning Malay rights although I have my own opinion about ‘special’ rights. All I am saying is that if you want to play politics on the basis of race, don’t drag religion, in particular Islam, or God into that kind of disgusting race or racialist politics which must necessarily be premised on the utterly nonsensical and outrageous assumption or belief that one race is superior to another.

So, you choose either religion or race and not both. To mix the two is rather awkward and means that you are advocating that your God discriminates between His own creation. To discriminate means to love one at the expense of or more than another and such an act would be incongruous and incompatible with a All Loving, Mighty God.

Think about it Hasan Ali now that you are free. I think PAS did absolutely the right thing to boot you out. Good riddance indeed.

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