If you didn’t vote, stop complaining, just follow what the leaders say. Then, get the smack in your bloody ass, but don’t shout you got no rights!
This message goes to whose who are not keen or don’t care about nation politics. Where, they prefer to give stupid reasons like “ Politics are full of dirt or “ Not interested in knowing”. Those who like to complain in increment in the goods price, without knowing the exact condition. Those talk a lot or come to any blind conclusion after listening to one’s speech or letter or blog. I would like to address this kind of people because these are the real culprit for the nation’s downfall ( not only those politicians that you blame).
Stupid is different from weak. There are people who don’t know much but they have the willingness to learn. If you are one then you’re definitely not in the list. Political knowledge is essential in becoming a good citizen. “ Politics are full of dirt and its annoying” . If you ever said that before then you think politics is all about fighting and blaming each other. Look into the nation politics, keep track on what are the leaders doing up there.
Government is a billion dollar business. Some politicians up there are swindling in millions or the sum can come up to billions. Why? Because they know you are stupid, most of you don’t even know what is happening in the country. What will happen tomorrow? Most of you might say, I’ll wake up in the morning, go to work then comeback, later will have fun with friends and family and most probably have a good time with my partner in bed and then sleep. How many of you all know that there are possibilities for goods price or even oil to increase.
Why? If corruption continues, the government need money, so they choose stupid people like you to give some. In this case, don’t put the full blame on the politicians only, it is also because of you and your stupidity. You might say proudly “this is why I don’t like politics” so for those who telling that in your mind, realize that this is what we call stupidity and feel shame on yourself. STUPID!
Hypocrite, not only stupid. Why? If the price of goods increases, these people will pretend as if they know everything. They will be either blame the wrong side or swearing at politicians. Where was this involvement before? This means some of you have made a wrong choice before of your stupidity, SOME! Some will claim that they didn’t or never voted before with pride. Maybe these are known as “Bahlul”. Idiots will always neglect their rights given to them by constitution. If you didn’t vote, stop complaining, just follow what the leaders say. Then, get the smack in your bloody ass, but don’t shout you got no rights! It is rude, I know. At least after reading this, you people will understand the seriousness. Because of you idiots we are suffering!
Selfish, yes you are. I am not asking you all to involve in politics. Read about it. At least get a shadow image on what is happening? Who to vote? Or what decision or move need to be taken as a civilian? Will it take 24 hours to read online news? Honestly, I just spend 30-45 minutes per day to read news online. Will you? What No time? Are you too busy till you can’t watch television or hangout with friends or hanging on phone with bf/gf or watching porn? I also have a doubt whether, people are still reading this article or not, they might have gone for a tea break or a chat with their friend about movies or magazines. When time comes for polling, you idiots tend to follow people. Obviously, stupid people will do that. Make a wrong choice then complain, but you will never change.
When situation become worse, you will migrate to other country. Why the foreign country that you migrate can serve you well? Because their people is not stupid like you. They are aware of the importance of politics and they know their rights very well. I wonder what will happen to that country of idiots like you keep on migrating there. Maybe we can see another Malaysia in the planet.
Stop coming to a blind conclusion. Act now as a good citizen, don’t involve in politics, by the way it is up to you. But know something about nation’s politics. Read more, don’t become a stupid, hypocrite and selfish person.
When you understand the importance of politics, you will never find it boring as you say!
Please allow me to introduce you to Dr.Jeffry Kitingan. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan is a Christian Kadazan from Sabah. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan graduated from Harvard University. The Hindu Malaysians and Dr.Jeffry Kitingan have more things in common than we probably realize.
Dr.Jeffry, in the past, was detained under the infamous ISA. Many Hindu Malaysians and Chinese Malaysians, in the past, have also been detained under the ISA.
Dr.Jeffry Kitingan is a Christian Kadazan, and thus, a non-Muslim. Hindu Malaysians and Chinese Malaysians are also non-Muslim Malaysians. That is, both Dr.Jeffry and Hindu Malaysians and Chinese Malaysians are non-Muslims.
Hindu Malaysians and Chinese Malaysians have tried many political parties to seek better representation. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan also has tried many political parties before bringing together his Borneo Agenda/United Borneo Front and Third Front in Malaysian politics. I think, for Sabah, they must choose between Malaysia First or Sabah First. If the Sabahans cannot get the Federal government to accept Malaysia First at all levels, then the same Sabahans must go for secession by insisting on Sabah First. Sabah First means secession. In short, Malaysia first or secession for Sabah.
When Mr.Lee Kuan Yew, in the 1960's, insisted on Malaysia First at all levels, the honorable Tunku Abdul Rahman responded by expelling Singapore from the Federation. Now we have Dr.Jeffrey Kitingan from Sabah who has his Borneo Agenda/United Borneo Front. We will wait and see what happens? Will the Federal government expel Sabah from the Federation? If the Federal government expels Sabah from the Federation, then it may be good news for Sabahans. We will wait and see.
Now, let's discuss the Malay Regiment. Tha Malay regiment has nothing to do with Malaysia First. Unlike other Malaysian Regiments, the Malay Regiment is a special regiment. The Malay Regiment is the only regiment that is allowed to recruit Muslims and Malays. Yes, only Muslims and Malays can join the Malay Regiment. Why only Muslims and Malays? The Malay regiment is a segregated regiment. Why? The Malaysian armed forces must be integrated. We, the non-Muslims, need an answer. It is all about Malaysia first or Islam first. The non-Muslim Malaysians need unambiguous answers. Does the Malay Regiment serve the Muslims or Malaysia? Does the Malay Regiment fight for Malaysia or Islam? The Malay Regiment has to choose between Islam and Malaysia because they cannot have both. As a matter of fact, all Malaysian citizens should put Malaysia first. Even the King/Agung should always put Malaysia first. Even the Constitution of Malaysia should put Malaysia above everything else.
Dr.Jeffry Kitingan has often been called a frog because he has hopped from one political party to another. He most certainly is a frog. There are advantages at hopping from one political party to another. Being branded a frog is sometimes the best thing. Each time you move from one political party to another, you gain experience. Thus, he has gained a lot of experience. Through trial and error he has learned a lot. Yes, it is true that Dr.Kitingan has hopped from one political party to another, by he has always had Sabah in his heart. He has always been Sabah centric. It does not matter how many political parties he has tried, he is always Sabah centric. Over the past few decades Dr.Kitingan has seen Sabah become poorer and increasingly marginalized under UMNO rule.
Thomas Alva Edison said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work". Robert F. Kennedy said, " Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly".
Thomas Alva Edison said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work". Robert F. Kennedy said, " Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly".
Failure is success if we learn from it. I am sure Dr.Jeffry Kitingan has learned a lot. I hereby would like to ask all Hindu Malaysians to give their support to Dr.Jeffry Kitingan. . I hereby would like to ask all Hindu Malaysians to form an alliance with Dr.Jeffry Kitingan. May he help to create a Malaysia where Malaysian citizens will put Malaysia first. May he help to create a Third Front in Malaysian politics. May all Malaysians who believe that changing faith is an inviolable human right to be supportive of Dr.Jeffry Kitingan.
If the Malaysian government does not put Malaysia first, then Sabah must take the next step; the next step is to completely secede from Malaysia. So, the step by step Sabah plan should be "Malaysia first or secede from Malaysia". It is only fair that Sabah try Malaysia first. Everybody has to put Malaysia first. The Prime Minister has to put Malaysia first. The National Parliament has to put Malaysia first. The Agung/King has to put Malaysia first. The Malaysian armed forces has to put Malaysia first. Malaysia first or secede from Malaysia. I hope all Hindu Malaysians will be supportive of Dr.Jeffry Kitingan.
Now for the important part. A politician needs both local and international support. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan also needs local and international support. It will be the onus of Dr.Kitingan to get support from Sabahans and Sarawakians. That leaves behind international support. It will be the onus of Chinese and Hindu Malaysians to get him support from China and India. It will be the onus of the Christian Malaysians to get him his Western support. Therefore, it is time for the Chinese and Hindu Malaysians to get him support from China and India. Dr.Kitingan can use Chinese Malaysians and Hindu Malaysians to improve his relations with China and India, which will be for the benefit of Sabah First. Dr.Kitingan's trials and tribulations should be explained to China and India. It is time for Chinese and Hindu Malaysians to contact China and India and urge them to keep an eye on this Christian Kadazan Sabahan, Dr.Jeffry Kitingan. With every passing day both China and India are growing socially, politically, and economically; and Dr.Jeffry Kitingan, if he puts Sabah First, will be well advised to improve ties with China and India.
Please pass the word around to all Hindu Malaysians to keep an eye on Dr.Jeffry Kitingan at the political level. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan is a Christian and therefore all Christian Malaysians should be supportive of him. Either the Federal government put Malaysia first or they allow Sabah to secede. That's it. Please feel free to copy and re-mail this composition to anybody. Those who receive this composition should re-mail it to others.
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