Pakatan is the Future, working and moving towards a better Malaysia while BN is still in the past and only wants Malaysian to remain the same

Nurul Izzah Anwar

In relation to your question, the party is relieved with the end of fitnah 2 and the bombardment of scurrilous attacks against our de facto leader. We have consistently advocated for political contestation based on issues and differing policies. Recall the invite issued by our de facto leader to the PM to an open debate on the economy. A reply has yet to be forthcoming.

Hence, we are more than ready to embrace policy centered debates which allows the Rakyat to make a choice between two legitimate political entities – predicated on free and fair coverage in the mainstream media to allow for informed decision making.

As a grouping, Pakatan Rakyat grew from a movement for justice into a political coalition that aims to bring changes for a better Malaysia for All Malaysians.

Pakatan Rakyat grew from a movement for justice into a political coalition that aims to bring changes for a better Malaysia for All Malaysians.

We have been tested – we have faced all possible political and moral ‘tests’ from the political conspiracy sodomy II trial against our leader Anwar Ibrahim, the takeover of Perak, the party hopping incidents and the PAS-UMNO ‘unity government’ invitation – and we have learned, matured and have become true partners bonded together by hardship and a common cause which is politics for ‘Demi Rakyat Dan Demokrasi’.

We are fit to govern – we have also gained the experience in governing 5 and later 4 states successfully. The financial performance, governance, economic development and social cohesion achievements are evidence of our ability to lead and govern effectively. We have achieved much more in 3 years than what BN has achieved in the 51 years it has governed most of the states. For example, in Selangor when Pakatan took over in 2008, there was only RM400 million in cash reserves but as of 2011 we have managed to increase this amount to RM1.2 billion which is 3 times more than BN’s 51 year in government. In Penang, we’ve managed to reduce public sector debt by nearly 95%, from over RM600 million in 2008 to just RM35 in 2011. Now just imagine what can be achieved at the Federal level when we win Putrajaya.

We are policy focused – we have formulated the Common Policy Framework, Buku Jingga, First 100-day plan and Federal Shadow 2012 Budget as policy frameworks at the coalition level, whereafter much of our policy principles have been emulated by BN. Since 2010 we have called for Political Reforms as a fundamental counterpoint to the BN’s Government and Economic Transformation programs. In the March 2011 session of Parliament I had submitted a private member’s bill calling for the Revocation of Emergency Declaration with the aim to lead to a comprehensive Democracy Rehabilitation Act – calling for removing ISA, AUKU, Free and Fair Elections, Revocation of Emergency Declarations and Free Media; said bill was summarily rejected by the federal government – and as we now know, barely 6 months later the Prime Minister tabled a similar emergency revocation bill. Of course the ISA is to be revoked, but the twin replacement legislations may in fact be far more sinister than what the ISA used to be. UUCA is only to be marginally amended. The PSC on electoral reforms are moving on a piecemeal pace whereas with sufficient political will it in fact can be accelerated like the rushed Peaceful Assemble Act. And we are still waiting for the PPPA to be removed and replaced with a more democratic Media Council.

We are Malaysia – we are the most youthful, gender balanced and diversified political grouping covering all political spectrums.

We are the Future – we are working and moving towards a better Malaysia while BN is the past and only wants us remain the same; this we must not be.

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