Can a non Malay be PM or Deputy PM?

January 6, 2012

I was first made conscious of this question in university in 1986. There was a talk and someone asked that question. The ensuing debate continued. At that point of time I thought that the question is rather academic and perhaps unnecessary.

Why did you think it was not necessary?
Well, in simple terms, anyone can be a leader as long as he can get enough supporters. So whether a Malay or a non-Malay can be PM is secondary to the question, ‘Who has the biggest support?’

What does the constitution say about it?

The constitution does not say that the Prime Minister must be Malay. What is obvious is that our king must be Malay. The constitution suggests that the king will choose the leader who can command the support of the majority of parliamentarians.
So if one day, the king considers someone to have the best possibility to lead the majority of parliamentarians, whether he or she is Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Eurasian, or from any other background, he will choose that person to become Prime Minister.

Why do you think this question about a non-Malay Prime Minister keeps coming up?
I see this as the typical Malaysian mental trap. We have a tendency to see everything too much through the racial viewpoint. Many intelligent Malaysians genuinely think that they’re talking about democracy by suggesting a non-Malay PM or DPM, these kinds of things.
But I think it is one of the mental sicknesses that we have, of the need to look at things from a racial perspective. To some politicians, they may not be so clear about how leadership works. Or maybe they’re deliberately using this topic to strike popularity.

Is it not democratic to ask such a question?
If we are seriously thinking about democracy and we look at it by representation, and for example we suggest the Deputy Prime Minister should be represented by someone from a race which makes up 30% of the population, why not think outside of race? We can suggest a female Deputy Prime Minister, as women are 50% of the population.
Another viewpoint is instead of looking at gender, we can look at age – we have a very large population of young people. Should we also argue that we should have a Deputy Prime Minister from Gen Y? There are many ways to look at it, but we still keep falling into the race trap. So, you must ask why harp on race? Are they simply playing politics?

So what do you suggest?
I suggest that we stop looking at race in this matter – it is a waste of time, it is an academic question. Whoever becomes the PM, DPM or ministers, whoever becomes a manager, managing director, a doctor, a lawyer – what is important is not racial representation. Even if we have 10 Malays running the country, or 10 Chinese or 10 Indians or 10 Ibans, what is important is that we have leaders who will think for everyone. Someone who thinks for all Malaysians, Malaysian first- not race.

How come our PM and DPM have always come from Umno?
The answer is simple. Umno leaders have always represented the Malaysian population. They have the support of a wide spectrum of Malaysians. To be Prime Minister of Malaysia, it is not enough to have the Malays supporting you. You also need the support of the Chinese, the Indians, and don’t forget the communities of Sabah and Sarawak.
You will need the support of people in urban areas and rural areas. You will need support from the old, the middle aged and the young. Umno has so far managed to breed leaders who seem to be able to get this spectrum of support.

Why not PAS or DAP or any other leader from other political parties?
Historically, Umno has always sought to represent everyone via their power sharing formula, first through the Alliance (Umno-MCA-MIC), and after May 13, through Barisan Nasional (at one point of time, even PAS was in Barisan Nasional).
DAP, from the start, seems to work with a core support base from the Chinese population. PAS, on the other hand, in the 1950s and 1960s, were fighting for a Malaysia only for the Malays and they were adamant on making this country an Islamic state.

Why then did Barisan Nasional lose a considerable amount of support in March 2008?

The leaders of Umno, over the years, have become complacent and they forgot the need to represent the wide spectrum of Malaysians which I suggested earlier. Their failure to take care of the urban Malaysians, their overzealous implementation of affirmative action plans which also benefited the rich, as well as perceived corruption has punctured a hole in the leadership of Umno and thus there’s a large segment of Malaysians who feel they are not represented by the Umno leadership.

How about PAS today?
The PAS of today is not the same as the PAS of yesteryear. In the early stage of their political movement, PAS was myopic. PAS was thinking only for the Malays. Only during the 80s did the PAS leadership realise that they needed to court the non Malays in order to gain power and lead nationally. So they went on a courting act via the Chinese Consultative Council (CCC).

While it was a first try, you can see why PAS has not yet managed to breed leaders who can lead more than just the Malays. To the Chinese, ‘CCC’ is ‘si si si’, Hokkien for ‘mati mati mati’. That shows how far behind they were in dealing with the Chinese…even the name of the group was not thought out properly. But now it is different, they are moving into a different direction via efforts like the Kelab Penyokong PAS with members who are non Malays.

Secondly, PAS overlooked that 50% of the population are female. To lead Malaysians, you must get the support from the 50% woman population. To be overly male-dominant will not get the fairer sex to like you. How many of our women would like to vote for a party who might compromise the position of women?

How about DAP? Why not a PM from DAP?
DAP’s political action for a long time, from the very beginning, does not behave as a political party who wants to wrest power and run the nation. They were a party busy trying to portray that they are champions of the Chinese. Whether true or not, that is the perception that a big part of the nation has towards DAP.

The DAP leadership and followers do not understand that to graduate and become a true national party that can breed leaders who can lead the nation as a whole, they need to reflect Malaysia. The harsh criticism that my article to YB Lim Guan Eng (suggesting a 7-point action to attract the Malays) attracted from pro-DAP supporters only shows how far they are behind in understanding the need to embrace the Malay majority population in order to become leaders of the nation. I see DAP’s new leadership led by Lim Guan Eng is slowly but surely trying to rectify this – but he may have to face a lot of resistance.

So what do you think will happen next?
The political parties in Malaysia are maturing. They are beginning to realise that representing only one group of people can get you into Parliament, but not into Putrajaya.

I see that political parties in Malaysia will slowly become more mature and representative of the country in order to lead the nation. They know that they need to breed Malaysian leaders who can lead Malaysia as a whole. Or else they will never dream of having a PM or DPM from their ranks.

In doing so, the Malays cannot be too Malay, the Chinese cannot be too Chinese, the Indians cannot be too Indian, the Sabahans cannot be too Sabahan, the Sarawakians cannot be too Sarawakian. They all have to be Malaysian first, and their respective grouping second.
Failing which, they will remain in the sidelines, having fun shouting at the government but knowing that they remain, as the Malay saying goes, ‘bagai anjing menyalak bukit’.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please allow me to introduce you to Dr.Jeffry Kitingan. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan is from Sabah. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan graduated from Harvard University. The Hindu Malaysians and Dr.Jeffry Kitingan have more things in common than we probably realize.

Dr.Jeffry, in the past, was detained under the infamous ISA. Many Hindu Malaysians, in the past, have also been detained under the ISA.

Dr.Jeffry Kitingan is a Christian, and thus, a non-Muslim. Hindu Malaysians are also non-Muslim Malaysians. That is, both Dr.Jeffry and Hindu Malaysians are non-Muslims.

Hindu Malaysians have tried many political parties to seek better representation. Dr.Jeffry Kitingan also has tried many political parties before bringing together his Borneo Agenda/United Borneo Front and Third Front in Malaysian politics.

Now, lets discuss the Malay Regiment. The Malay Regiment is only allowed to recruit Muslims and Malays. Why? We, the non-Muslims, need an answer. It is all about Malaysia first or Islam first. The non-Muslim Malaysians need unambiguous answers. Does the Malay Regiment serve the Muslims or Malaysia? Does the Malay Regiment fight for Malaysia or Islam? The Malay Regiment has to choose between Islam and Malaysia because they cannot have both. As a matter of fact, all Malaysian citizens should put Malaysia first. Even the King/Agung should always put Malaysia first. Even the Constitution of Malaysia should put Malaysia above everything else.

Dr.Jeffry Kitingan has often been called a frog because he has hopped from one political party to another. He most certainly is a frog. There are advantages at hopping from one political party to another. Being branded a frog is sometimes the best thing. Each time you move from one political party to another, you gain experience. Thus, he has gained a lot of experience. Through trial and error he has learned a lot.
Thomas Alva Edison said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work". Robert F. Kennedy said, " Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly".

Failure is success if we learn from it. I am sure Dr.Jeffry Kitingan has learned a lot. I hereby would like to ask all Hindu Malaysians to give their support to Dr.Jeffry Kitingan. . I hereby would like to ask all Hindu Malaysians to form an alliance with Dr.Jeffry Kitingan. May he help to create a Malaysia where Malaysian citizens will put Malaysia first. May he help to create a Third Front in Malaysian politics. May all Malaysians who believe that changing faith is an involable human right to be supportive of Dr.Jeffry Kitingan.

Please pass the word around to all Hindu Malaysians to keep an eye on Dr.Jeffry Kitingan at the political level.Please feel free to copy and remail this composition to anybody.