Scorpene probe: Nation's credibility at stake
'Perhaps half a billion ringgit is not that serious to the foreign
minister. But the name, integrity and credibility of a nation is.'Scorpene probe not a serious matter, says foreign minister
If this involved anyone other than the PM and especially members of the opposition you can bet that the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission), police, judiciary, the media, BN politicians and Perkasa would be on it and all accused would suffer unspeakable persecution.
This is symptomatic of a corrupt government which wields too much power over our instruments of democracy. The only way forward is for Malaysians to push for a strong two-party system that will make the concept of separation of power a reality.
Hello: By what strange logic does the foreign minister come to the conclusion that the Scopene probe is not a serious matter?
This matter involves corruption to the tune of over a billion ringgit, the murder of a Mongolian woman, unexplainable discharge of a prime suspect of murder, links to the then defence minister and now sale of a top secret defence document that involves treason.
With all these concerns, he has the audacity to proclaim that it is not serious. He must have his head in cloud nine. Or he must be a pothead.
Diablo63: Only an imbecile, moronic, half and dim-witted joker of a person can make such statement about the national security of a country and corruption of the highest level.
God only knows what deems a "serious matter" in this half-baked minister's mind. Could it be RM2,400 flag case, I wonder?
Dr Jacob George: Something seems amiss here? Oh yes - intelligence! No wonder we need Talent Corp.
WT: Yes, yes, yes, I agree that sex scandal investigation is far more important than this.
Dont Equate Dogs With BN/PDRM: We spent millions of ringgit in court and police resources trying to protect the honour of some guy's butthole, but we can't spent a single cent to investigate the leak of important military documents and protect the sovereignty of our nation?
Absolom: It looks like Foreign Minister Anifah Aman hasn't got it. This is not an issue for the country to answer. The country is not on trial here.
To put it bluntly, investigations (which rightly should have been done here but not) by the French authorities involving alleged corrupt practises incriminate none other than our top leader, among others.
People around the world are waiting for a response or a denial, and are curious to know if the PM of this country is innocent.
We Malaysians, want to believe that these are wild allegations being drummed up by the opposition. At least then there is a little bit of dignity left for the nation.
We want the government and the PM to defend themselves, even if by some strange logic, these do not appear serious to them.
Perhaps half a billion ringgit is not that serious. But the name, integrity and credibility of a nation is.
Oilman: I very rarely post any comment, I am normally just a silent reader and observer. However, this idiotic, moronic, imbecilic statement by our 'honourable' foreign minister is so nauseating that I really cannot ‘tahan' (stand it).
He obviously has a different agenda and mindset than any normal guy - he is so obviously delusional and it beggars belief that we have a minister of this calibre.
What he said is so clearly wrong and rotten, and can only come from someone who is insane or corrupt to the core. My heart bleeds for my beloved country.
Telestai!: How you wish that this is a small matter. When the international warrant of arrest for the PM and defence minister is out, you can be assured it is no small matter.
Foo: If RM7.3 billion is not a serious matter, please tell what is then? Or are you saying that big-time corruption is a small matter?
Moontime: I think the only ‘serious' thing for this minister is when it involves his livelihood and political survival. Other than that, issues like corruption and transparency, credibility are all not serious.
Perhaps there's more to it than meets the eye. Anifah may be practicing doublespeak. When he mentioned not serious, it should be interpreted as absolutely critical, siren-sounding-red-alert-top priority case.
For all we know the Foreign Ministry may be working behind the scenes and pulling strings to prevent the unthinkable from happening.
Kgen: The Scorpene probe not a serious matter but PKR deputy president Azmin Ali's corruption allegation, which was investigated and dropped 17 years ago, is a serious matter.
What sort of priorities have these crooks got?
RKR: Anifah Aman is right. Malaysia should not be worried about the Scorpene scandal, but PM Najib Razak should.
Anonymous_4196: The logical way to go forward is as follows:
First, Malaysia has to do our own investigation on Najib and his former confidante, Abdul Razak Baginda.
If there are evidence of corruption against them, why should the Malaysian taxpayers fork out the money to defend them in France? In fact, we should charge them as well.
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